So some of you might have seen a trend as the Vatican announces their plans to bring god and anime on their side in real life.
The mascot is called Luce, cute anime girl with religious aspects to it.
But mama mia why did they do this for their event next year? It just seems totally unreal and I feel like I’m living in a simulation.
Never have i thought these zealous buggers would use anime influences in a bajillion years
To fetch dweeb lords.
Release the buddy Christ you papist cowards
It’s a marketing strategy. They have a product and they’re trying to expand into an un/under-exploited market. What the product is just so happened to be religion, which is increasingly unpopular, archaic, restrictive, controlling, and fictional. They have fairly stringent rules and since the anime mascot doesn’t violate them, they’ll try it out and see if there’s any returns.
It’s a pretty low investment, and it’s not even close to the first cartoon character made specifically to try and hook kids to a religion. It’s only noteworthy because the format is slightly different than past efforts.
Cuz like every major religion they’re hemorrhaging believers and thus, money. Time to shake up the recruitment protocols.
Come to think of it, I’ve heard that all my life but never questioned it. Is it really true for all of them?
That religions are hemorrhaging believers? I think that depends a lot on region and general population wealth. Prosperity gospel shit (the more you donate, the more god will reward you) keeps attracting new believers thanks to their scammy tactics and promises, especially as anyone that “fails” to succeed just lacked faith (didn’t donate enough) - this is especially true in poorer places.
The mascot was specifically made to represent the Holy See at a Japanese expo. It’s essentially the Vatican’s government. Merchandise like this has always been a thing, it’s just this is an official endorsement.
He didn’t announce them. They came to us from God. They are here to help us attain a heavenly life.
“Yo big G, can you help us? Our planet is dying!” “Best I can do is official Catholic anime girl.” “Understandable have a nice day.”
A couple years ago they introduced Buddy Christ to try and drum up some interest but it didn’t go anywhere.
Also, why would a religious institution with a modern problem with child abuse is a child as an icon, seems pretty unaware.
Yeah, but that Cardinal Glick though. They should have made that guy pope.
So that when they find his hard drives, he can say the person is actually 3,032 years old.
The Pope learn that he were no match for the power of fumo so he brought about a fumo of his own creation to gain the power of fumo for the great fumo war
The rule34 will bring in the gooner demographic for them
Common marketing strategy.
What an insane thing to read with no context
It’s giving Onward Christian toddlers
They would if they could.
These look basic
And the angel said onto thee “uwu”
Reminds me of the aesthetics on toys/candy from other countries, but much more polished.
Can confirm. Out of the loop. Am confused.
It’s pretty simple really.
Had to zoom in. Looked like it said “I have the boner of god and anime on my side”
Didn’t know the pope liked hentai.
I didn’t even realize it didn’t say “boner” until you pointed it out.
The Pope practically invented hentai
this is bonkers (hadnt heard of it before) and honestly pretty funny considering that every time “god” in the western sense is used in anime the entity or entities are more often than not villainous monsters.
Maybe they’ve only seen the dubbed version of Ghost Stories and liked the Christian girl character.
The catholic church has been bleeding members for a while now. This is probably a “fellow kids” attempt to try to get younger people interested again.
Im getting dorra the explorer vibes. But maybe since they see how well shows like Bluey captivate a young audience, it make sense they would want in.
Animated characters allow for the bright flashy lights that keep attention of kids while also allowing you to not use a person who is fallible. You never have to worry about a person doing something nafarious in their personal life and it staining their organization. (Subway, Papa Johns, Sham Wow).
They are a company that basis their decisions on profits after all.
Because we need merchandising uwu
He fights all the bad guys or something like that
You mean John Evangelion?
I love how he fights and doesnt afraid of anything
The Pope released an anime mascot