Night in the Woods
Pony Island
Don’t Starve looks cutesy but is completely unforgiving.
Ecco the dolphin.
I never owned a Sega but my dad had one and this game. I wasn’t there often enough to get good at it but I loved it. Great game.
UFO50! Most of those games are very cutesy, upbeat, and warm in their art + sound design. At least a dozen games will cater to your taste and are bound to turn into favorites.
Eternal Sonata
Cuphead? Idk if it’s quite “cutesy” but with all the old-timey graphics it doesn’t strike me as something that should’ve been so tough
100%-ing that shit during lockdown was one of the hardest gaming feats I’ve ever accomplished. Next lockdown is going to be the DLC.
The entire Parodius series.
It Takes Two
Doki Doki Literature Club comes to mind
Another Crab’s Treasure looks like a cute game about a crab trying to get his stolen shell back but is actually about how capitalism crushes everything in its infinite lust for power and how it cannot be reasoned with, only destroyed.
I guess I’ll start us off with Undertale… In my view the defining game of this genre
Yeah. When I read the headline, this was the first game that popped into my head.