Every account you ever had, every post/comment you ever posted, now has your real name, a photo of you, and your address, all just magically show up on the webpage right next to each of your posts/comments (also, no “hacking” could hide the info). All deleted posts/comments are magically restored and nothing you do (short of permanently shutting down the website and physical destruction of the servers) can delete them. (Any edits would still show every change you made.) How fucked are you?
And don’t think about changing your name, or moving, all this info updates in real time. (for “magic” reason)
(You also cannot delete any future posts.)
I would hope that all the politicians and celebrities people actually parasocially care about would get all the attention something like this would stir up and compared with how awful so many of them are in public, even the worst posts of mine would hopefully end up pretty tame in comparison to whatever they’re up to anonymously.
And the most boring life of some random person. Even if you expose all the details either it will be slightly less than cringe or complete banality.
Who would ever want to read posts of some guy who works 9 to 5 job and does nothing weekends? For some 30 years???
Internet people are weird man.
Ya’ll are gonna have to travel pretty fucking far to fight me. Welcome to the Tundra.
The only thing that would change is that people are gonna know I’m a bit less straight than I say that I am… Though I generally live life/post things, knowing it can never be deleted once it’s posted on the internet so… Not much would change really.
I wish it was true that nothing can be truly deleted on the internet. The reality is so very much has been posted and long since lost. There are some things I wish I could find traces of, but are likely lost to the vastness of the internet. Of course, you should treat everything like it cannot be deleted, but the reality is many things can, and have been, entirely deleted.
You can already find me from my username and I don’t delete things.
You’ll also find explicit pictures and a rough idea of where I live and have worked.
I’m not that interesting.
All that typing doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you’ll understand that.
Meh. Someone might learn some of my naughty preferences, but I don’t think anything would ruin me.
I’m not. My real, full name is already on certain web accounts right next to “Tattorack”, which is the online handle I use everywhere.
Im not fucked because nobody gives a shit about me. If people actually start looking me up, it’ll probably create the most traffic to my art pages I’ve ever had.
As far as I know not much but the internet has been around awhile. I mean if it happened to everyone I would be much more boring than I think most. If its literally just me I assume it would be a thing because of the novelty.
Noooo it was sooo difficult to find how to delete my Facebook account. With warnings like “people losing Facebook often loose their social life, are you really sure?”. And now my nearly empty page is back you say? Cringe.
But I’m not fucked, I try to treat people online like I treat people in real life, like I want people to treat me. I’m not scared of a heated discussion but I prefer to stay civil. So if people want to look me up, that’s fine, I make great coffee.
I only have issues with people who do not respect my boundaries so I prefer to keep them out of my life. But my mom already knows where I live, so still no harm done when my address is posted online.
Not very much. Not that I’m proud of what I posted on the internet when I was a teen but it’s nothing extreme.
Not fucked. Of course I have some cringy stuff on MySpace from when I was in my early teens. But generally speaking, over the last two decades or so I don’t post anything I wouldn’t be OK with everyone finding out about
I’m pretty good.
Worst case my family finds out I’ve been talking shit about them behind their back, but they’re all a bunch of fuckers except for my brother and even he’s kind of iffy.
Other than a couple of questionable porn likes I don’t really have anything I would be embarrassed to have publicly known about myself.
Not very, unless the nazis I’m reminding people that every day is punch one of manage to wheezingly waddle up from the basement and attempt to do something about it despite my genes being more pure norse whitey aryan than they could ever dream of so attempts of me life would just be another proof of my superior intellectual reasoning to their simplistic racism tribalism.
Depending on country. In some, the nazis are already in government.
And/or are about to be. Many of them anyways.
it’s over
Wait, I know a Chronotron.