I got a P1S as a Christmas present for me and my wife. For now, my plan is to block its internet connection and stop using the Bambu app altogether. When/if it his stops working for me, what does the community recommend as a replacement for newbies like me, or future newbs who haven’t made this mistake?
I have an order for a P1S that hasn’t shipped yet but am now considering cancelling it and buying a Creality K1C. Anyone have thoughts on that as an alternative? It seems their multi material thing is coming out soon
I’d probably cancel if it were me. Regretting not doing more research into bambu before buying my A1. I just heard they print well and not much fiddling. Bought it to replace my ender3
I ended up canceling my order and in the form let them know the reason. They refunded me my money and didn’t respond.
Now I’m trying to figure out what two actually get to replace my ender 3, currently trying to do research on the K1C and the Sovol SV08. I’m fine with tinkering, but I really want multiple color support
If you don’t care about multi-material, go off the deep end and build a Voron!
Oh, I’ve been tempted. It does seem like a little bit more than I want to take on right now, and I am really interested in multi material.
There’s no denying that the build will take you a while - especially if you have a family and/or demanding job. There also isn’t a great MMU option, which is a good reason to look elsewhere given your interest. I am vaguely interested in a MMU, but more so from a dual extruder perspective so I can print a pair like ASA and PETG for removable supports. Their printing temperature needs aren’t compatible enough for a single extruder to make much sense.
If you’re looking to do multimaterial creality just announced the kits to upgrade all the k1 machines to be compatible with their cfs. Last I checked the only viable mmu for the sv08 was coprint which is less than ideal imo.
I’ve been very happy with my Qidi printer. I havr a q1 pro but it’s not compatible with their multi material system, although one of their other models is. It does have a chamber heater if you are interested in printing more exotic filaments. I haven’t gotten into it quite yet but apparently it prints large ABS and nylon prints very easily.
TBH I’d cancel independently of what printer you get as replacement. Only way to reach these companies is by cutting into their revenue.