Everyone, we need to spruce the place up, so we wanted to reach out to you all for submissions for the icon and banner. Here’s the idea: submit icons and banners (SFW please). I’ll leave this stickied for 72 hours, then we’ll pick the most popular of each by upvotes.
I couldn’t find specs on icon dimensions, but it appears icons are square and tend to look best at least 256 x 256. Banners tend to be…rectangularish. Here are three banner examples: ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )
As always, let me know if you have questions.
Surfacing this to the top for visibility, the old banner but as a Niko Oneshot textbox:
new banner added! :3 also it was the only other than the old one X3
Niko ftw!!
I think if we’re gonna tell any extremists to fuck off, it should be nazis. Obviously tankies are shit and not welcome, but as a left leaning person I’ve been called a tankie for vanilla anticapitalism, and seeing it on the banner always put a bad taste in my mouth
Part of the problem is that tankies might actually think they’re welcome, not just here, but most places on this instance. Nazis know they aren’t welcome in a queer instance by its very nature.
That said, I get what you mean. It’d be best to have protecting queers & other minoritized groups in a banner as well, as Nazis are who we usually need protecting from