This is always a contentious topic. I am Always met with resistance to my main arguments. So without further adieu let us delve into why this is aweful and will only get worse. I see gold hitting $3500-4000 by the end of this cunt’s second term. His first term saw the largest growth of gold price / decrease in usd value of any sitting POTUS from $1200 to just over $2000 which is a 66% fluctuation whereas with biden it went from $2000 to $2700 which is 35% increase.

Anyway lets get into this. For the first 172 years of the history of the USD as a standardized currency the price of gold held strong only increasing ≈85% from $19 to $35. But since 1971 when nixon ended the gold standard the price has ballooned ≈8000% from $35 to $2800 today.

Gold has always been considered an inflation proof asset. It retains its value better than any other commodity subject to the rules of supply and demand markets. Gold was the first currency used outside of traditional barter and trade economics and its value is still intrinsically tied to the value of every circulating currency in existence. If you calculate the exchange rate between any two currencies you’ll quickly see that they all add up to good perfectly. But that’s basic and should go without saying.

Ever wonder why at the time of American history portrayed as the era of American working class prosperity (the mid forties till the mid seventies) one working adult making minimum wage could afford to raise a family of four with enough surplus to send their two children to college, save for retirement (if they weren’t part of the 50% of workers that had a pension around this time) and go on a modest yearly family vacation? Meanwhile today even a family with only one kid is struggling to make it by on two salaries totaling $100,000 after taxes?

Now this may just be conjecture on my part but I believe the reason for this massive flip in working class power dynamics over the lasy 54 years was intentional. Sometime after Kennedy was assassinated wall street corporate interest had for all intents and purposes captured our political process and instructed their employees (our alleged representatives) to enact legislation that would effectively eradicate all the progress made by the labor and civil rights movements of the 40’s 50’s and 60’s as well as FDR’s new deal policies which stood as a foundation for the progress that came after. They were successful meanwhile the corporate executive class adequately adjusted their compensation to counteract the intended results of these policies.

In 1938 after conservative policies had been doubled down on which led to the gilded age and left us with the great depression. FDR finally began to repair the damage with common sense fixes that the robber barrons had fought at every opportunity available. 1938 is when the fair labor standards act was passed. This legislated many common sense socialist protections for workers protecting them from ruthless exploitation by profits at all cost models of capitalism. Such as; child labor laws, federal holidays, weekends, the 40 hour 5 day work week and most importantly, minimum wage.

Minimum wage on a federal level in the 87 years since its introduction has been adjusted 22 times with most adjustments occurring within a year of the previous one. Today the last adjustment of federal minimum wage was 16 years ago. And for the 30 year period of 1938 to 1968 7 adjustments were passed after first being set at 25¢ per hour or 14.9 ounces of gold per year at a full time schedule($41,000 today or about $19.50/hour) The 3 most impactful adjustments were in 1950, 1956 and 1968 where minimum wage was respectively raised to 75¢, $1 and finally $1.60 per hour. St the time that ranged from 45 ,60 and 95 ounces of gold annually.

Today the highest minimum wage in the country of $20/hour for some California fast food workers barely produces more than 15 ounces of gold for a full time year of work. And federal minimum wage is approximately 5.5 ounces. So thats a loss in value of 94-85%

And here many people will try to convince you that “the price of gold isn’t an accurate measurement for inflation statistics” but this is incorrect. But go ahead and believe the world bank, international monetary fund and Wall Street’s cooked books. These institutions have no issue committing fraud and them footing the bill to the rest of the world but sure lets pretend they are telling us the truth about something so important as how badly the socio political and socioeconomic policies they’ve supported the last 5-6 decades have brought the rest of the world as well as america into a state of austerity for the working class while they put around in their new yachts supercars and private jets that burn anywhere from $7,000 to $40,000 worth of fuel per trip. They definitely seem credible 🥴

But anyway lets look at the basis of their inflation models. The inflation models peddled by these fine and proper institutions snd definitely not rotting fraud filled pus buckets of society. They are based almost entirely upon a metric known as “consumer price index” or CPI. And cpi is flawed for several reasons but the biggest of those is that CPI does not account for the devaluation of a currency due to the increase in circulating currency supply. Such as what happens when a governing body prints money out of thin air and increases the national debt over 50 times in the last 6 decades. Now if we contrast cpi to the price of gold we will see where cpi fails is where gold excells. The main driving point in gold’s price increase is economic worry caused by poor policy the most common of which being irresponsible and unrestrained Fiat currency printing. Now lets look at currency printing in the last 54 years. There are plotted graphs that solidify my point and you’re free to look them up. Now by the end of 1979 the price of gold had alrrady increased by 2000% to just over $700 and in less than 2 years by 1981 the US had finished printing the first one trillion dollars into circulation adding to the national debt substantially. Fast forward today and the last i checked the us debt was somewhere around 36 trillion dollars and we currently print one trillion dollars every 3 to 4 months which is driving the price of gold through the roof due to decreasing USD value and market worry about the stability of the US dollar in modern times.

So why could someone working a minimum wage job from 1945 up until the mid 70’s support a family of four? Because money was worth far more and leftist organizing held the feet of the wealthy legacy families in wall street to the flames (these fsmilies all had supported Hitler so blatantly in the 1930’s they held a rally for him at madison square garden and made him person of the year on Times magazine’s cover in 1938) lets do some math here. To earn equal value to 1950’s minimum wage you would need to make the equivalent of 45 ounces of gold which today is worth $126,000 or $60.57 per hour. In 1956 it was 60 ounces or $168,000/ $80.76 then for 3 years before nixon shock was put in motion by withdrawing from the bretton woods agreement, arguably the worst financial policy the us has ever made, us minimum wage peaked at $1.60 which produced 95 ounces of gold or $266,000 or $127.88/hour.

To come anywhere near this both adults need to work 80 hours a week with overtime at a base pay of $20 just to reach $208,000 before taxes. And yes you can live better than a majority of people on thst wage and even $120,000/yr is decent but with 4 kids good luck saving anything meaningful and living anywhere but highly undesirable urban areas in super red states.

So these are facts that i know at least several will comment to debunk on this post. But the facts I’ve mentioned remain. None more so telling than the reality that the rich who are well versed in the markets of investment banking, have always considered gold to be an inflation proof asset that is not just a status symbol or a usefull material for technological applications but also a store of wealth in chaotic economic times.

anyone saying or asking why would they lie to us about this? I mean, are you not paying attention? If they told us the truth, that someone making quadruple federal minimum wage today is making 20% of minimum wage just 54 years ago then people would see the root of their economic frustrations in life and be much closer to starting the class warfare our society so desperately needs.i and others before me who have done the math have also figured out that the minimum wage workers of today are payed less than it cost to purchase and maintain enslaved people under chattel slavery. But since we have this illusory sense of choice, that we could just quit at anytime we are delusional to believe in our freedom under democracy (which is in reality class dictatorship) so from 1950 till today the share of wealth has gone from the top 20% having 10% of the wealth to the top ten percent having 66% and the top 20 having 74% while the bottom 60% have less than the 3 wealthiest men who collectively control $1,000,000,000,000 in assets.

The American working class have been robbed before their very eyes to the point where we are just glorified slaves. Many millennials snd gen z will have to work till we are to sick to do so or have to clock in on the day we expire. Many will never own a home snd have to hope that social security isn’t completely gutted in the next 25-50 years but i am not hopeful.

Have a good weekend regardless. Plan a boycott and some strikes and lets at least try and make things better than they are as dauntingly impossible as it may seem

    1 month ago

    Typically more people will buy into your point, or at least give you the time to consider, if you don’t have a typo in the title…

    I’m going to leave this up for now, but please keep discussion to Antiwork relevant impact on wage value and potential impacts to the working class.

    • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
      1 month ago

      It was late and i was pretty much passing out when I wrapped this up. Thanks for the proof reading comrade.

      Also this is relevant. Knowing how severely our currency has been intentionally devalued is an important thing to understand. If people knew that minimum wage has decreased in value from 84-94% i have a hunch that more people would be far less willing to participate in wage slavery than the current number of those who continue to participate despite the decreasing returns.

        1 month ago

        That’s bravely hopeful of a gen pop that resembles Wall-E’s bait-fed leftovers more and more every year.

        • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
          1 month ago

          I think thats also a result of nixon shock policies. Namely the cutting of education funding and standards that was doubled down by Reagan under the influence of advisor Roger A Freeman who is quoted as saying that an educated proletariat was a real threat to the society they were working to create. Leftism was far more popular in the 60’s and 70’s as a result of the higher education standards we had after the end of the second world war. Then leftism was smothered in the 80’s and 90’s and now what many people consider “left” is just right leaning centrist neo liberalism. True leftism has pretty much been wiped from the chat since then.

          Today education centers are just there to condition workers to be smart enough to run the machines that generate profit for those with capital but not smart enough to understand how ruthlessly exploited they are. After Reagan the working class in the US were turned into low paid service industry wage slaves almost overnight after Reagan’s cafta turned to nafta under clinton and all the high paying manufacturing jobs that gave many Americans an unprecedented amount of prosperity/ quality of life were sent to the third world so corporations could reduce labor costs by 90-95%+ all while our currency was being intentionally devalued to reduce labor costs to all the jobs that couldn’t be outsourced to the third world

    1 month ago

    I saw this coming in 2019 with the advent of Corona.

    I promptly cleaned out my meagre savings and bought gold.

    “But muh bitcoins”. Well, we’ll talk again in a year or 5, see how that went ;)

        1 month ago

        End of 2019, start of 2020 when it was starting to look likely we would get lockdowns. There is no greater indicator for instability.

        And now with Trump, the instability just keeps coming, which will drive more and more people away from fiat currency to both crypto and physical wealth. Both are educated guesses at best but the pattern is quite obvious by now.

        1 month ago

        Advent means: the act of coming upon a scene

        So pretty sure it’s just “the coming upon of the scene of COVID-19”
        just with slang as the name for the virus as basically every group hated calling it the same thing to some of our annoyance.

    • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
      1 month ago

      Bitcoin definitely was the better buy. Gold really is not a good investment. Its value doesn’t exponentially increase. Its not a speculative asset. Gold only maintains its value. So you ensured you didnt loose value, you just protected your wealth. But if you bought bitcoin you would have multiplied your wealth by 3500% i told my family to buy bitcoin at the outset of the pandemic when it was around $3000 or so. I told my mother to empty her 401k/IRA take the tax hit and buy bitcoin. i was pretty much laughed at. But now i bring it up all the time and I laugh about it. I didn’t have the money to do it myself since i live in abject poverty but i still saw what was coming a mile away. Bitcoin is ultimately the future of money. Banks already digitized currency decades ago and the numbers on the screen that represent your bank account have no concrete backing. It’s just as funny as funny money can get. Whereas bitcoin and legitimate cryptocurrencies have blackchain/ distributed ledger technology(it was designed to be a peer to peer distributed decentralized currency/ banking system. And people like Jamie Dimon (one of the biggest fraudsters in modern times and someone who’s hands were covered in some of the most blood after the 08 collapse of MBS bonds/ the housing market) tell us that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme and is valueless meanwhile behind the scenes all these big banks are investing billions in developing their own blockchain technology which shows they are full of shit and just saying whatever they can in order to perpetuate ideas that serve to protect the financial interests of western capitalist hegemony.

        1 month ago

        Yup. I made 3k off bitcoin in 2018 and sold off then, thinking it would crash soon. I didn’t buy the gold with the intent to “get rich quick”, just as a store of value. Added reasons are that I don’t trust banks. I graduated in 2008. I haven’t forgotten how, for example, the people of Cyprus were literally robbed from part of their savings by their government to pay for the crisis. For the record, at this point the only way to get rich off bitcoin is to create shitcoins and rugpull or be a whale, both are forms of degenerate gambling the likes of which should stay limited to wallstreetbets.

        1 month ago

        I told my mother to empty her 401k/IRA take the tax hit and buy bitcoin. i was pretty much laughed at. But now i bring it up all the time and I laugh about it.

        Of fucking course they wouldn’t risk their future on an extremely speculative investment. That could go up and up, or suddenly crash at any time. That would be an incredibly stupid investment.

        It’s honestly pretty damn rude to taunt your mother because of your own poor financial advice.

        • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
          1 month ago

          Lmao, would have had fuck you money unlike the results she has had giving 3 decades to employers who treat her like shit. But sure, whatever you say. Bitcoin is where it is because its the future of money. Jamie dimon and all the other fraudsters on wall street say its a ponzi scheeme and other illegitimate smears against stablecoins while they pour billions Of dollars into the development of their own block chain tech behind the scenes.

            1 month ago

            That’s very easy to say in hindsight.

            They could also have lost all of their money.

    • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
      1 month ago

      Not true. It is a metal with extremely specific properties. It is resistant to tarnishing and oxidation and it is incredibly malleable. Gold can be rolled and thinned out to a layer that is translucent which is what they do to cover the glass on astronauts helmets and provide more protection to UV radiation. Gold has now and for the last 70 years had numerous applications within technology. There is a reason gold is expensive and it isn’t just because its shiny and yellow and a status symbol. It is because it is a very unique and useful element.

        1 month ago

        Those are all useful properties. It’s still no more important than any other commodity. There is no reason whatsoever to say it’s the “true measure of inflation”. That’s goldbug nonsense.

        • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
          1 month ago

          Gold is considered “inflation proof” because its limited supply, unlike paper currency, tends to maintain its value even when the value of a currency decreases due to inflation, making it a popular hedge against economic instability and a declining currency; when the purchasing power of a currency drops, the price of gold rises in response to increased demand from investors seeking a stable store of value.

          Key points about gold as an inflation hedge:

          Scarcity Gold is a finite resource, meaning its supply cannot be easily increased, which helps maintain its value during inflationary periods when the money supply expands.

          Safe Haven Asset Investors often turn to gold during times of economic uncertainty, driving up its price when other assets are losing value.

          Negative Correlation with Currency Historically, gold prices tend to move inversely to the value of a currency, meaning when the dollar weakens due to inflation, gold prices typically rise.

          generally, the price of gold tends to increase when the circulating currency supply increases, as a larger money supply can lead to inflation, making gold, with its limited supply, a more attractive store of value and thus driving its price higher; essentially acting as a hedge against inflation.

          Key points about this relationship

          Inflationary pressure When more money is circulating, it can devalue the existing currency, causing prices of goods and services to rise (inflation), which incentivizes investors to seek assets like gold that can maintain value during such periods.  Fixed supply of gold

          Unlike fiat currencies which can be printed by central banks, the supply of gold is limited, making it a valuable asset in times of economic uncertainty.

          Market psychology Investor perception plays a role, as many view gold as a safe haven asset, leading to increased demand when the broader market experiences instability.

          Here are some more tidbits that paint a more full picture

            1 month ago

            Scarcity Gold is a finite resource, meaning its supply cannot be easily increased,

            Wrong. You get more of it by mining it, just like any other metal. During the 19th century, there were several monetary panics set off because the price of gold fluctuated. Not because a pandemic brought supply chains to a halt. Not because bird flu killed a lot of chickens and sent the price of eggs skyrocketing. Not because a boat got stuck in the Suez Canal and stopped up global shipping. Not because of any more fundamental reason than someone found a new mine full of gold.

            gold prices tend to move inversely to the value of a currency

            You can just as easily buy treasury bonds.

            • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
              1 month ago

              You can only mine so much gold, money can be printed infinitely. And there will be a point, albiet far in the future, where we will have depleted natural gold reserves to the point where mining costs will far exceed the profitability. Even right now to start an industrialized gold extraction project costs over a million dollar once you figure in equipment costs and claim agreements (usually anywhere from 10-20% of total gold mined is the price to mine a claim) The fluctuation of gold price in the 1800’s was nowhere near the 8000% fluctuation we have seen in the last 54 years, from 1799 till 1971 gold price only fluctuated from $18/19 to $35 when in the 19th century did the price of gold ever increase beyond $20-22? And this was enough to cause panic back then but the ignorant masses today just keep working while rent prices mirroring the price of gold hit all time highs every subsequent month.

              And treasury bonds are merely Fiat currency on steroids. Just more printed rubber money.

                1 month ago

                You can only mine so much gold, money can be printed infinitely

                Good. When there’s more economic activity, there should be more money in circulation.

                And there will be a point, albiet far in the future, where we will have depleted natural gold reserves to the point where mining costs will far exceed the profitability

                Asteroid mining. Making that viable will cause the price of gold to plummet. If our economy is based on that, it’ll cause a depression.

                And treasury bonds are merely Fiat currency on steroids


                • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
                  1 month ago

                  Any day now elon musk will take us to mars too…… any day now….

                  At the point where gold becomes an infinitely abundant resource is the point where money will loose its value and those in power will be forced to restructure society so that poverty is impossible and class does not exist. Or they will undertake this monumental effort in complete secrecy to hide the fact. This will not happen in our lifetime. Unless et/ed contact and advanced hidden tech is disclosed that is.

                  If you think printing money out of thin air with nothing to back its value besides petro chemicals is a good economic model you’ve been sleeping for the last 3+ decades.

    • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
      1 month ago

      Because it’s price increases in tandem with the increase in circulating currency. The rich look at us like we are disposable and not intelligent enough to understand things like this. But the rich all consider gold to be a safe haven investment that is virtually inflation proof. It retains its value. Gold is the one commodity who’s price increases in direct relation to the amount of currency printed into circulation

        1 month ago

        But the rich all consider gold to be a safe haven investment that is virtually inflation proof.


        Last I checked the rich invested money in stocks, funds and similar things and not gold.

          • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
            1 month ago

            You’re just made the <= $50/hour wage you earn is garbage compared to some kid straight out of high school at any time from $1950-1971.

            Also this is fact, do the research yourself. Rich people also teach their kids that labor is far beneath them and the only jobs worth having are high paying corporate lawyer jobs and c suite executives but they aren’t going to say these quiet parts out loud. Hell even their owned media outlets are all attempting to convince us that gold is not inflation proof but it is. The numbers dont lie and you dont have to have a degree in advanced trig to figure it out.

            But believe what you want, its bullshit, but go ahead and believe it. The sooner everyone understands that what i am saying here is true the sooner people who keep working dead end jobs because theyve been conditioned to believe that “everyone needs to work” and have bought into the idea of individual value being tied to the labor they produce, can refuse to produce labor in a system where the effort they input far exceeds the return value they are compensated with.

            All the people trying to say I am talking out of my ass sound to me like people who are supportive of capitalism and wage slavery and want people to keep on devoting their lives to earn peanuts and scraps while those who do jack squat spend more on weekend vacations than you or i could earn in a dozen consecutive lifetimes

        1 month ago

        The price of gold is inflated by being sold to doomsday prepper idiots. It’s not worth a fraction of what people pay for it.

        • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
          1 month ago

          This is a room temp iq take. But whayever helps you sleep at night.

          Basically you are saying the valuable metal that makes the glowing screen in your hand function and has limitless technological and industrial applications isn’t worth the arbitrarily valued pieces of cotton paper we print faster than an army of rabbits shit and breed and are only deemed valuable because wealthy people who treat laborers like disposable cattle and engorge themselves on industries literally propped upon fraud tell us that those paper notes are valuable….

          Sure buddy what ever you say. If i had to choose to follow “the doomsday prepper idiots” who have amassed arsenals, and stockpiles of ammunition valuable currencies that will outlive any paper fiat currency and all the other commodities needed to live or the group of people laughing at them when shit hits the fan, im definitely going to be following the former while you all shit your pants and beg the “idiot preppers” to let you followed them while you have nothing to offer of any value.

          Keep trusting billionaires considering it has gone so well For us this far……

            1 month ago

            Humans have extracted absurd amounts of gold from the earth. It is not remotely scarce. Its value is artificially inflated just like diamonds. Platinum and palladium are more rare and just as useful, but cost less than half as much.

            The value of currency is not based on the value of paper, but the value of the country issuing it. It has worth because the country has the labor force and economic stability to ensure it will be redeemed for value.

            • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
              1 month ago

              That is 100% incorrect. Compared to paper and cotton gold is scarce also the diamond market is manipulated by debeers and some other players and the gold market is not the only thing limiting how much gold is available is how fast it can be mined and processed. And that is not easy tk do otherwise we would all be panning rivers for as much as possible instead of working garbage wage slave jobs

              Gold was the first currency, paper currency is a replacement, up till nixon withdrew from the bretton woods agreement and then subsequent administrations made a shady dealmwith the saudis and opec to make the USD be the only currency accepted to buy crude oil which solidified in 1979 right before we printed the first trillion in 1981. But if it werent for that one strategic move which changed the playing field of currency as we know it then the us dollar would have tanked harder than the titanic and worse than it has in the last 54 years

              Platinum and paladium arent gold though. You cant hammer either into paper thin layers or mold it and separate it with minimal tooling like gold. These are different metals with different properties.

              But without the whole fabrication of the concept of a petro dollar then the us dollar would not be the global reserve currency today and that would have 100% been due to the fact that we ended the convertibility of paper money to gold in 1971 which was brought on by the us acquiring a massive debt before 1971 due to awful conservative policies and the countries who held this debt began trading it in for gold so the us governemnt did what they could to not loose what little they had left at the time.

              If the value represented by paper currency isnt representative of golf then what does it represent besides thin air and the promise of those who regularly commit fraud with impunity?

                1 month ago

                Once again, the value of paper money isn’t the paper itself, but the worth of the country issuing it. They know that if a country like the US suddenly became unable to support it’s currency, people would only be trading ammunition.

                Gold backed currency is a bad idea and that is why it was abandoned globally. It puts a country at the mercy of supply and demand. This makes inflation and deflation uncontrollable. When the California gold rush happened, the supply of gold increased causing rapid inflation. Between 1848 and 1855 inflation increased 30% nationally, while California itself experienced inflation as high as 1000%. The other big problem with a gold standard is what happens when a country must make large expenditures, for example when they are defending against invasion. This causes massive deflation of gold backed currency and was a major cause for the global economic downturn following WW1 and the subsequent abandonment of the global gold standard.

                Gold was the first currency

                No it wasn’t. Silver was the dominant currency for centuries before gold. Before that probably the most widely used currency was cowrie shells.

                • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
                  1 month ago

                  Silver was used but gold was more valuable and sought after so this is the equivalent of saying that $5 bills were the main form of currency because a majority of people were too poor to have larger bills. The first record of Gold coins was in egypt circa 1200 bc and 600 years before silver coins became more common.

                  Gold backed currency was abandoned globally because of central banking dominance and since we’ve transferred to elastic currency weve seen hyper inflation in the usa that we are being lied about in regards to. Rent for a 2 bedroom apartment has gone from between $30-50 a month to $2200-2500 a month in just 54 years so please tell me how its a good thing to just print valueless trust me bro money out of thin air with nothing but the trade of a commodity that is burned for energy backing it. Also the petro dollar was a last ditch effort imposed by the isa with help from saudi royals and OPEC To ensure thst the us dollar wouldn’t tank even harder than it has due to ending the gold standard so we didnt have to make good on our promise to convert all us bank notes to gold upon the demand of any country or person who had the us reserve currency.

                  If gold backed currency was so bad then why was inflation before we abandoned the gold standard and started printing money faster than nudie magazines

                  Here is a quote on the gold rush inflation you speak of that says youre point is pretty much bullshit. This inflation was limited to gold mining towns and close by areas where some miners became huper wealthy and those loving around them sought to profit off of their newfound wealth by arbitrarily increasing prices. Wages went from $3-5 a day to upwards of $12-16

                  “Although the short-term impact of the Gold Rush included inflation and a reduction in the dollar’s purchasing power, the long-term benefits were significant. The wealth generated by gold mining helped stimulate investments in businesses and infrastructure, laying the groundwork for the industrial growth of the late 19th century. The broader U.S. economy eventually absorbed the increased money supply, and as production expanded, inflationary pressures eased.

                  By the late 1850s, the dollar’s value had begun to stabilize. The rush’s economic growth, particularly in the western states, helped balance the inflationary pressures of prior years. Wealth generated during the Gold Rush further contributed to the westward expansion and development of the economy, providing the financial foundation for future growth.

                  As gold reserves increased, the U.S. Mint had more flexibility to mint coins and issue currency. However, the increase in gold posed challenges in maintaining stable prices as inflation rose along with the expanded monetary base.

                  Despite this, the increased gold reserves eventually paved the way for greater stability. Gold became a cornerstone of U.S. monetary policy as the economy grew, providing the stability needed for continued economic expansion.”

                  The gold standard was a far superior economic model for currency than the current system which sees regular increased inflation that is intentionally downplayed by leading financial institutions in an effort to prevent fomenting societal unrest/ discontent and resulting socio-economic / political violence from the working class.

    1 month ago

    So I agree with a lot of what you say about the dismantling of the US state and unravelling of labour protections, and failures around minimum wage.

    However i think you’re overestimating the accuracy of gold as a measure or inflation or as a currency. The price of gold was effectively heavily regulated up until 1971 due to the gold standard / bretton woods system.

    After the gold standard was dropped, gold no longer reflects the value of money and instead reflects the supply and demand of gold.

    Gold is invested in because its seen as a safe harbour investment, and also paradoxically because its value keeps going up (so to an extent it is also a speculative investment). There are also many more people investing in gold now while the supply hasn’t changed as much.

    A large part of the value of gold reflects the supply and demand of gold itself, rather than a pure measure of inflation. Inflation is definitely a factor in the relative price of gold to the dollar, but its not the only factor in its price and value.

    So I think a lot of what you said has merit but I think youre over relying on the value of gold as a metric of inflation - there are lots of other factors impacting its value and it’s not an accurate surrogate measure for inflation.

    Minimum wage has not kept up with inflation, although measuring it against the price of gold is inaccurate as the price of gold has diverged more in value than just inflation; its actual value has gone up due to supply and demand, including ephemeral demand like people seeing it as a good investment in its own right.

    • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
      1 month ago

      I do not believe it is true that once the gold standard ended that severed the relationship between the value of gold and the value of currency. Printed paper money is valueless. The only thing that gives it value is our faith in markets and those who control them. It is merely fiat currency and its value only exists because of fiat or by decree of those in power. Since we live in a class dictatorship it is difficult for many to see this because so many are blind and continue to trust the social institutions that are actively defrauding and undermining them.

      As i said above Gold was the first currency ever used. At any time in history an ounce of gold can purchase the buyer a fine set of garments (a 3 piece suit with undergarments, a button down shirt and leather shoes or a nice evening dress suitable to wear at a fancy restaurant or an upper scale wedding) one months rent for a 2 bedroom apartment in a decent area. And those who have examined the value of money back in biblical times specifically by examining the Sumerian cuneiform tablets in ancient Babylon have seem that although the weights used back then, ie; shekels and talents were widely varying that one could buy between 300-400 loaves of bread for what would be an ounce of good in today’s weights, and today if you are buying bread from a bakery it is going to be around $8 for a one pound loaf. So that means an ounce purchases 350 quality loaves of bread. But if youre ok with super low quality preservative laden dish sponge bread then you can buy over a thousand loaves but they didnt have access to industrial machinery and all the chemical additives we have today so bread made in small bakeries is the best comparison since the labor and resources required to produce are still similar some 5000+ years later bread making and the oven havent changed all that much in this time.

      But ultimately gold’s value doesnt change. The value of money used to replace/ represent gold is what changes. We are currently experiencing unprecedented hyperinflation and subsequent austerity caused by 5+ decades of right wing economic policy the intentions of which are to turn the American working class into new age slaves or get conditions of the labor market as close to chattel slavery ad possible which would be the most beneficial outcome for those with capital.

        1 month ago

        I’m not sure everything you’re saying here is right. I live in France, and we face the same economic problems, but still, bread for example is not chemical garbage, and its price is reasonable. But that is also because its price is controlled.

        The relative value of different things moved over time. And the relative value of things is also relative to the minimum wage.

        What you’re doing here is to convert to another reference currency in order to make comparisons over time. But over time the price of different things moved.

        Relative to the minimum wage, household increased immensely. Much more than absolutely anything else. Food increased recently only. Relatively, consumer electronic is now extremely cheap for example.

        That is a weird evolution in fact: most things went up in price, but new things went very cheap. It’s like the whole society turned its effort in producing electronics for cheap at the expense of everything else.

        And of course the rich got much richer. A good part of the increase in consumer goods went indeed in increasing the wealth of the wealthiest.

        Productivity is also a factor, lying in the middle of this. But productivity didn’t apply to everything equally. Productivity in consumer electronics rose incredibly. Productivity in food production also. But the production of consumable food went down in quality, and not much in price. Because companies extracted all the increase in productivity and then more.

        Household construction went down dramatically. My hypothesis is that it became a middle class investment at some point, so the wealthy abandonned it. Without investment, construction didn’t increase enough to follow the trend of the society. Rarity also bred profits, which could solidify the strategy of rarefying housing so it becomes more profitable.

        To sum up, the work you did with gold could be done with other goods and better reflect the reality people are living. Housing, food, transports, healthcare. Those are much more important and much more accurate to reflect the impoverishment of the population.

        • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
          1 month ago

          Fiat currency and even a home built with a number of different commodities and or textiles will all burn to the ground whereas gold will stand the test of time and it never tarnishes. You can fill 2 safes with $100 bills or even 500 euro bills and you can fill 2 equal safes with gold and toss two into the ocean and the other two into a home in the path of a wild fire. The home and the safe filled with money will ve worthless and after a short anmount of time the safe filled with money that sank to the depths of the ocean will be worthless as well but the two safes with golf will both withstand the extreme fire and the pressure of the ocean’s depths

            1 month ago

            That is irrelevant and wrong. In history art has been used much more than gold to save money. It’s still very much used btw. Gold was used for exchanges, not for savings. And yet painting burn and are stolen. But I’m sure you’ll tell me how dumb all those kings and nobles were.

            • exploitedamerican@lemm.eeOP
              1 month ago

              Its not wrong or irrelevant. Gold will survive a house fire or vandalism. Wheras the nazis intentionally destroted countless works of art around the end of the second world war. Yes art is another rich person commodity but economies were never built on art besides the bank notes they printed which were backed by gold untill the us started to increase its spending snd international debt due to the Vietnam war and then a large number of countries starting with france called the USA’s bluff by trading in their reserves for gold which saw Nixon ending the gold standard then the us had to make a deal with the Saudi royals and opec to ensure the us dollar remained the global reserve currency by making the us dollar the only currency accepted to purchase crude oil which was solidified in 1979 just as gold increased in value 2000% to $700 less than 2 years before we printed the first trillion. If the us hadn’t manipulated the global economy in this way inflation would be even worse than it is now. But mark my words gold will hit $3200 an ounce by the end of this year and will close trumps presidency at $3600 at least if not $4200 or more. America is cooked. Monthly rent for 2 bedroom apartments not in deep red southern states will be increasing in tandem with the price of gold as it always does.

    1 month ago

    Interesting. I always know that CPI is a bad model and is worse yet at viewing the purchase power change of our currency. Especially since it leaves out some very important items like you know: Real estate, energy costs, insurance, etc and the fact that there are new standards of living which includes additional utilities and commodity items.

    I’m not entirely sure gold is the best way to measure it but it’s not exactly an unhelpful tool in observing the loss of purchase power of the dollar. As we have absolutely lost our ability to do more than purchase the decorations for our cages.

    As an aside, my father works with a guy who does weekly trips down to his favorite fishing hole in Texas from the northeast Atlantic area, he flies via private chartered plane each time. This means he spends about $2 million dollars a year just to travel to go fishing not including other expenses or trips. He complains he isn’t making as much as he wants.
    The wealth gap is horrendous.

      1 month ago

      Especially since it leaves out some very important items like you know: Real estate, energy costs, insurance, et

      CPI includes all those things.

      . . . there are new standards of living which includes additional utilities and commodity items.

      Which is why CPI is tweaked regularly to match what people actually buy.

      There have been various other ways to measure inflation that have popped up over the years, such as the MIT Billion Prices Project. Nothing ever matches perfectly, but they show the same overall trends that CPI does.

        1 month ago

        Not the core number that is often quoted.

        And it still only contains a small amount of items that I understand are selected to try and provide a random blind representation of inflation of costs of purchased goods.

        Sure. It tracks retail item prices. But it’s not amazing it’s mostly a scatter plot with a general trend so it feels impartial but isn’t. And as I specifically said it’s really bad as a representation for purchasing power or the effectiveness of wages.

        They even swapped home prices to rent because it “better represents the average American” it removes anything considered investments, which is major component of what made the American middle class and society.

        It’s fine on a technicality of what it measures it measures, but it’s not a useful tool.

          1 month ago

          Not the core number that is often quoted

          Yes, it does. This is a persistent myth that gets passed around the Internet.

            1 month ago

            CPI does not include real estate. That is not a myth. Or are my points about the core number that is used by analysts.

            You are being rather blunt because there are models that include energy making sweeping statements that are at best ignoring my points and at worst you are just straight up not reading or comprehending them because you have a point to make that is wrong to this conversation.

            The BLS publishes thousands of CPI indexes each month, including the headline All Items CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) and the CPI-U for All Items Less Food and Energy. The latter series, widely referred to as the “core” CPI, is closely watched by many economic analysts and policymakers under the belief that food and energy prices are volatile and are subject to price shocks that cannot be damped through monetary policy.

            From the BLS itself