I didn’t mean for this post to cause a bunch of arguing in the comments =(
I thought this was just some gallows humor (e.g. “Everything’s lovely except that I have to fear for my safety all the time”) type of shitpost that sounded similar to comments I’ve heard from women irl a lot.
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A healthy take that will surely result in good faith discussion.
If you see something like this and get angry at women, you have a problem.
At best it’s a problem with reading comprehension. At worst, you’re worried that things like this could get in the way of your murdering-women hobby.
Wow these comments are a trash fire.
Ah, misandry, my old friend.
ah yes misandry is when women don’t just shut up and accept disproportionate violence from men
Misandry is where you see men as the problem - nothing more or less. It’s easy to quote stats, it’s much harder to address the real issues underneath.
Misandry is where you see men as the problem - nothing more or less.
Right, so literally nothing about the post you’re replying to. Cool.
i don’t see men as the problem, i see patriarchy as the problem. patriarchy causes disproportionate violence from men. observing the consequences that stem from larger social issues and how they affect you personally doesn’t mean you deny the existence of the said issues. calling it misandry only serves to downplay the effects of those consequences and ultimately downplay the existence of their source.
Where is the mention of the victim’s gender in this meme? If there was a man in a picture, not a woman, do you think the text would be less true? Do you feel comfortable walking somewhere at night when some strange man starts walking up to you? I sure as hell don’t despite my possession of a penis.
I mean, if I were to throw out lines such as “if only women didn’t demand so much”, I’d be guilty of misogyny regardless of who I implied the demand was levied against.
The misandry here is “men love to commit murder”, not the implication of who is murdered.
Yes, if you divorce part of a sentence from the context in which it was placed, it does become bigoted.
I assume you don’t think this person means every time they have ever walked anywhere at night in their entire life when they talk about night walks, but you assume this person means every single man. It shouldn’t be necessary to have that explained to you.
Also, you don’t seem to understand the difference between punching up and punching down.
On 196 they love pictures of women punching men. But post the opposite and instaban.
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Violence is bad no matter what gender is doing what to whom. Is there a problem?
Edit: nevermind
It’s a shame that women molest 13 year old boys.
At night on walks!? We are talking about the dangers of walking alone at night. Are 13 year old boys afriad to walk in the park because they will get jumped by pedophiles of the opposite gender?
It’s not a contest bro
You got a snort laugh out of me in an otherwise stressful thread. Thanks.
There has to be something seriously wrong with them because they chose to reply like that, scary deflection
Get your misogynist ass outta here.
Hilarious reaction to a factual article.
Wow, a single article being used in a feeble attempt to overstate a trend that’s almost a magnitude smaller than its counterpart, and that doesn’t compare very well to the topic of the thread?
Gee, I wonder why people aren’t convinced with you spewing facts.
Where is the attempt to overstate a trend? You make things up that don’t exist.
Your point is “look at what this one woman did” as a counterpoint to “women can’t go out at night because violence is so prevalent”. How am I making that up? That’s literally what you’re doing. Lol
Yes, don’t go outside at night because Boogeyman everywhere. Whatever.
Yes, basically. Except there’s no boogey but a man. Welcome to womanhood. 😉
it’s a statistic fact that men commit an absurdly high amount of sexual violence against women. the best you could come up with is ONE article of ONE case demonstrating the opposite. go fuck yourself.
you literally said “women molest 13-year-old boys” as if it’s a common occurrence the way men raping women is. the best you could do was cite one article about one case. you know exacly what it is you’re doing. stop playing dumb.
Yup, still a misandrist piece of rotten garbage.
I’m a misandrist? How is it not misogynist that every single fucking time violence against women gets mentioned on Lemmy, a million ex-reddittors crawl out of the woodwork to change the subject? Nobody is saying that women can’t be murderers or molesters, but the thing is: a woman is way more likely to be, say, murdered by a man than another woman or the reverse. Because we have spent thousands of years building a culture where men are taught to see women as lesser beings.
No one is saying that violence against men doesn’t exist or that it is acceptable, let alone for a few ter’f’s, but the fact that people like you feel the need to bring up violence against men really makes me question your motives and honestly, it just feels like some lemmings simply want to silence us every single time misogyny and violence against us is brought up. There is time and place to talk about both sexual and physical violence that men and boys face, and it absolutely is a topic that should be discussed, but that time and place shouldn’t be every time misogyny is being talked about.
Wtf level of misogyny are you on that this is your response
You’re part of the problem. You hear that violence from men is too high, and rather than think what you might help do about it or how to avoid adding to that statistic yourself, you feel threatened by it and try to defend yourself with whataboutism.
Ironically, it’s probably this kind of emotion immaturity that leads men to violence more. Please, critically engage with these ideas and learn some emotional maturity.
You first bitch
Why do you males always get so emotional when the adults bring up facts and logic??? 🤣🤣🤣
That’s ironic considering I post a link to a factual article about a current case and am met with hostility and hysterical responses.
I mean… you’re the one being hostile and hysterical now too telling people to go fuck themselves instead of defending or elaborating your point.
Decorum isn’t called for when attacked for posting an opposing circumstance article.
Oh I’m not criticizing your lack of decorum. I’m criticizing your hypocrisy.
hysterical responses
Alrighty there little guy, did you think a single data point is representative of a broader societal trend or something? Damn, boys are total arse at statistics.
The shitpost contains the over generalization.
It’s really not that deep. Why can’t men just take a joke?
Use your words.
Two things can be true at the same time.
except the implication kikutwo’s trying to get across here isn’t true at all. stop entertaining this garbage. one instance of something happen is not equivalent to an immense amount of something else happening.
And you wonder why women feel uncomfortable around you.
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Testosterone is a hell of a drug.
You mean women are also capable of committing crimes? I’m gonna need some more sources for an outlandish take like that.
OP’s take is outlandish. This is just keeping the same energy.
When a female teacher sleeps with a male student it is international news because those are very popular stories that get a lot of clicks (you know why).
When a male teacher does it, it’s local news for maybe a week.
This can lead stupid people into thinking there is a endemic problem with female teachers abusing male students, but that’s like thinking it’s easy to won the lottery because there’s always lottery winners in the news.
Bitch wouldn’t be so scared if she had mad bo staff skills… Napoleon tried to show ya’ll, but everyone just laughed… Tina you fat lard come and get some dinner!
Get your pet bear to walk you!
Random woman: I like late night walks, but I’m scared for my safety.
This thread for some reason: YOU DON’T THINK MEN GET SCARED? MURDERED!?
Like, chill. Yes, men can absolutely be murdered/hurt walking alone. But are we really going to sit here and act like women are making up their concerns/grievances out of spite? For some reason, if anyone mentions a general concern/issue related to women’s experiences with men, some people trip over themselves to say how it’s actually not an issue and how it’s actually so much worse for men. If I’m listening to a male DV victim and I go, “well, actually, women are more likely to be victims of DV. You know, it’s actually not even an issue for you. Here, look at these numbers that prove that women are the victims. Do you not mention it because you hate women? Why are you trying to ruin our spotless reputation as delicate flowers that can do no wrong with your lies”, you would think I was nuts, and for good reason.
damnn these comments are why i don’t recommend this platform to anyone i know.
i think i’m going to change instances after this.
Yikes. Someone makes a gender based overgeneralization when overwhelming evidence (look at crime stats) proves it incorrect, and those that dare to defend that group get attacked.
Bigotry is bigotry. If you hate a group purely based on their superficial membership, then you are bigoted.
The strongest argument you have is when you compare violence perpetrated by gender. But even then, that doesn’t support your argument that all men are evil in some way. And at such low numbers, it’s disingenuous deflection b/c even the two summed up don’t account for even 1% of the population. Sad that so many of you have brain rot.
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does the post say “all men are murderers”? no, it doesn’t. it is however true that a disproportionate amount of men are murderers, especially compared to women, the number of whom that are murderers of men or other women are so statistically low compared to men that it isn’t even worthy of consideration.
men, generally, are far more likely to commit acts of violence than women. and the number of men who do, while not the majority, is high enough for women to be afraid of men in general.
under our existing patriarchal social conditions, men are murderers. they’re more inclined to violence and present a higher risk than women. saying “men are murderers” doesn’t mean “all men including you are murderers” it simply means that the threat is near entirely comprised of men. you should also be aware that we also don’t think that this is inherent to being a man but a manifestation of social conditioning under patriarchy that encourages such behavior in men.
lol, i literally point out how your retort is flawed, and you bull head through it anyways.
What’s funny but somehow escapes the terminal basement dwellers is that the majority of productive women do not worry about this b/c they understand how stats work. But bigots are never smart enough to even understand basic stats.
you didn’t cite any actual statistics, meanwhile throughout this thread people have been citing stats that prove you wrong. violent crime between men and women is not equal, and women are disproportionately victimized by it and men disproportionately cause it.
and yes, i’m fully aware these statistics compare violence by gender. no one is saying that because the majority of violent crime is committed by men, that the majority of men are violent criminals. you’re being obtuse and missing the point on purpose.
with that said, the number of women in total affected by violence, sexual violence especially is indeed high anyway. even if it isn’t all men, it happens enough that all women have to live in fear.
It’s not hard to find how low the crime stats are. FBI posts them yearly. It’s called google.
Obv you don’t get how to make a statistical argument if you bull headedly stuck with it. In the end, while you’re busy preoccupied by the gender distraction, a good amount of us are furthering the real divide, class. And well, while you’re still repeating your tired, pointless arguments, productive people (men and women) are leaving you behind…happily.
Simply put, you can’t say “too bad men are murderers tho” or any other derivative when you use a stat that doesn’t actually support that argument. But again, bigots aren’t the smartest lot.
Have a nice night.
i actually posted the FBI statistics in my reply. you didn’t. you didn’t even fucking read them i bet.
you can’t liberate the proles without the liberation of marginalized groups among them. stop pretending to be a comrade in class struggle when you’re just a misogynist and opposed to what we stand for.
Yea, but the stat doesn’t support your argument lol
Also, your assumption of my misogyny is completely unfounded. However, your misandry/bigotry is an full display. It’s all good though. Your bigotry will hold you back for as long as you hold onto it. I, on the other hand, will continue to work with my colleagues, men and women. We work well together b/c we actually understand how to dissect an argument and how racists/misandrists/misogynists/bigots lie with stats…like you’re doing now.
it literally does. you don’t even understand my argument.
good luck having women work with you though, i’m sure they’ll love how you downplay their experiences with sexual violence because “not all men are bad”
Woman: “I and every woman I know have had some really bad experiences with men”
This dude: “Actually, you’ve had bad experiences with a small minority of men. Why do you hate all men?”
Lol pretty much. Bigotry is bigotry. You’ve got no moral high ground here.
That’s like saying that “the majority of crimes in Sweden are committed by white people” is bigotry. It’s not bigotry, it’s fucking statistics.
Pretty damn sure you would argue that quoting certain statistics would be racist.
Such as?
Obvious bait.
Even citing certain statistics is likely to earn a ban. It isn’t hard to imagine what, given that they are notoriously thrown around by actual racists.
That mod deleted my comment earlier saying that if someone needs to abuse their moderator powers by threatening an instaban b/c they were called out for a poor use of stats in the name of bigotry, then maybe they’re the baddie lol
No, the argument is that the overall number of crimes is so low you can’t make any population inferences lmao
You bigots demonstrating they don’t understand sound argumentation.
So you feel totally safe walking alone at night and a strange man starts approaching you, right?
Because my penis sure doesn’t make me feel safe in those situations.
Where is the victim’s gender even mentioned in the meme?
Also, I would suggest calling a mod a bigot on a community where the very first rule is “be respectful” might not be the smartest thing for you to be doing.
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And of course your common sense take is getting downvoted. (Edit was -2 when I posted). They should get the bears to protect them.
Come to Finland, safe to walk at night
This also depends on what kind of roads you have to walk on - highways suck for nighttime walks, because not only are you constantly on edge to try not to get run over, you also need to walk for miles to get anywhere.
Suburbs are nicer, but the best is to walk in a park, but that raises your chances of getting murdered by a lot so idk
I don’t know where I was going with this. I lost my train of thought.
In the US walking outside is generally terrible even in the suburbs.
My suburb neighborhood is filled with walkers and it is super unsafe at night. They decided when they built it that they didn’t want to to create and maintain sidewalks and street lamps, so people always walk in the road and the only lights are the lamp posts at the end of people’s driveways. And almost nobody wears reflectives, or carries lights or anything on their person. Particularly when you’re blinded by an oncoming car’s lights, it’s nearly impossible to see people until you’re right up on them.
It’s so stupid and shortsighted. Living environments are not just the inside of our homes - it includes the outside, the neighbourhood, and the options you have to travel in and out of there. All of this together decide your quality of life inside your home.
Don’t for a second think it’s by accident. This was done to make areas less accessible to ‘undesirables’. After builders and realtors were told to stop forcing PoC into specific areas, they just went ahead and built suburbs that you basically had to have a car to access, ensuring poorer people were kept out.
but the best is to walk in a park, but that raises your chances of getting murdered by a lot so idk
Is this a vibes-based take of do you actually have any stats on the matter?
Fwiw, the best is hands down a walk in a still kind of crowded city center. Few things bring as much security as eyes on the street
You’ll be fine if you just keep away from Assault Av., Murder Blvd., Rape roundabout and Stabbing St.
Easy solution: bring a bear. Much less chance of being murdered, and the bear gets to shit in the woods. Well, park, but close enough.
Until your bear meets RFK jr in the park
Instructions unclear, hid roadkill bear in Central Park
Easy solution: live in a safe country! We have no fears of night walks in Canada.
Unless you’re indigenous, then there’s a risk…
In all of Canada? Every city? All of Toronto and Vancouver? Wow I’m impressed that rape, murder and assault never happen there.
Are you 12 fucking years old?
No, just old enough to realize speaking in platitudes makes people look like ignorant idiots
Compared to the US, yes it is much much safer here. I would be scared to walk late night downtown ANYWHERE in US cities. Here, that’s never been a problem.
Where do you get your reference points from? Social media? Movies? Shows? Or personal experience from walking in lots of downtowns? These statements just reek of not first-hand knowledge to me and just “oooh crime ridden OTHER places” Sure crime exists, but it’s the broad strokes that make me disregard statements like that. I’ve been to plenty of very safe downtowns in various corners of America, to say ANY US city is insane.
I’m going out on a limb and saying you’re not a woman. There’s no place on earth I could say I’d never feel unsafe walking alone at night. Although I’m less nervous in my own neighborhood in Los Angeles, just because it’s familiar.
I did delve into your history to check before I spoke. I now know a lot more about Myanmar, (which was fascinating and took me so far back into your posts as to get creepy, my apologies ) and the NFL, and btw you’re doing great at adding content to Lemmy, but the only posts about women’s issues were the Toronto Tempo and one about abortion pill access that’s consistent with your sound views on the present shithole US administration, and you didn’t add any personal comments to.
That’s kinda creepy. I don’t have to go out on a limb to say you’ve never been to Canada while I’ve been to the biggest cities in the US. I live in Toronto. While I am a man I know a lot of women in my life who walk at night DOWNTOWN. And nobody would tell them they are insane to do that. It’s not an issue here. It behooves me that you all assume the world is like the US. It isn’t. Yes there are bad places to not walk at night - certain ghettos for instance, or a certain small city in the prairies with a reputation. The large ones - Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal in most parts are safe for both genders. Come and visit us sometime. Summer is better.
I have been to Canada twice, Quebec and Toronto, and I wouldn’t walk alone at night in either.
Edit: I guess I would if I absolutely HAD to, but I’d be uncomfortable as fuck about it. And I wonder if your female friends are as casual about it as you believe.
Nah you’re just sheltered.
Are you saying living in a safe country is bad? o.0
No I’m saying people get murdered in Canada, your experience isn’t everyones.
I haven’t been murdered in the U.S., that doesn’t mean people don’t get murdered.
Cops even take you on starlight tours. So safe.
The 184 murdered Canadian women of 2024 might disagree with you. Especially Indigenous women, 24% of the total. Of course some were murdered by their husbands/partners, probably not out walking, but the majority were killed by strangers or mere acquaintances.
This comment isn’t about violence against women comment. This is about safety of walking at night in cities. So just because I say it’s much safer to walk at night in Canada DOES NOT MEAN I AM DENYING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN DOESN’T EXIST. Sheesh the logic of some.
That’s your problem. You’re supposed to be walking, not riding a train…
Men really can’t do anything fun anymore 😔
If I said cops are racist, would y’all really think I’m being biased against cops? After all, it’s not all cops. 🙄