In order is Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, German, Netherlands, UK, Canada, Belgium, France, US, Japan, Australia, with Norway so far ahead they have a different font color.
In order is Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, German, Netherlands, UK, Canada, Belgium, France, US, Japan, Australia, with Norway so far ahead they have a different font color.
US government spends more per capital on healthcare than all those nations with fancy universal healthcare.
Oh but you need to consider the overall spending on healthcare, not per-capita. That would be around 100-10000 times more than any other cointry. /s
Also I hope that its clear that spending money on healthcare while not providing healthcare does not make it any better.
A shame all that money goes into the pockets of millionaires.
twice as much, per capita, in fact. and the u.s. fails to cover everyone or everything that should be (like it is elsewhere at half the cost).
That’s the feature of the system kinda like the homeless… Plebs need to fear the consequences of non compliance with the jail house rules.
The US some how manages to spend more on public healthcare per person than countries with universal coverage, then spends even more than that on private healthcare on top.
A lot of which goes towards research. Turns out developing vaccines costs money.
Yes, it’s a shame all those pharmaceutical companies end up destitute cause they make no money from them.
300 bucks insulin and they can’t turn a proper profit, so unfair