Are cow tools like gnu tools?
no, gnus are highly sophisticated toolmakers, they inspired early humans to make our first tools.
In some ways, yes, but actually no. While Connochaetes (gnus) are of the Bovidae family, they are clearly not cows.
from wikipedia:
intended to be an exercise in silliness
Isn’t that a bull? It doesn’t seem to have an udder and has horns.
cows have horns
Ik, but it doesn’t have an udder.
it could be below the table
Idk these pixels look like they’re in the US House
Dammit, Yamaha.
cow tools has been there for me since i was yea high
Tap for explanation
“The cartoon was intended to be an exercise in silliness. While I have never met a cow who could make tools, I felt sure that if I did, they (the tools) would lack something in sophistication and resemble the sorry specimens shown in this cartoon. I regret that my fondness for cows, combined with an overactive imagination, may have carried me beyond what is comprehensible to the average Far Side reader.” - Larson
It certainly confused me 😅
tldr: it confused everybody