fake: anon lives with a woman
and gay: anon makes up stories of stealing sister’s dates to have fun with them
Games before dames
Twitch ‘fo dat bitch
Isn’t there more to this one? Why is it cut off
Found the rest
I don’t know what to do next
next greentext will be about him trying to fuck his sister.
I thought that’s what was going to happen in this one.
It’s only considerate.
Anon has learning disabilities, can’t even write basic sentences without fucking up both grammar and spelling. Anon is dumb as fuck.
this guy just hasn’t figured out he’s jesus
“Sister does the usual whore talk of taking a shower and going to bed.”
Apparently, I too am a whore. 😂
Probably the only context where anon hears about showering.
Can we stop sex shaming people?
“usual whore talk”
Sounds fine 2 me
Anon has a special stepbrother.
Invite the guy round, obv.
Factual and homosexual?
You know, I actually believe this one.
Totally gay though.
Anon has a boy friend.
Maybe he is willing to share him. Maybe not.
Sharing a boyfriend with your sister is incest by proxy
What if he showers in between?
No, not his boyfriend. His boy friend.
And it’s only RDR2, if there’s any sloppy stuff that’s a whole other game.
Horse anus bringing bros together
Nah. You can’t feed people to alligators in RDR2 they only attack you. Definitely fake.
You’ve been missing out, homie .
I watched a vid where someone tried to feed someone to a gator for a while and it just wouldn’t eat them?! I wonder if this was patched in? Cuz that’s awesome!
Fake: anon doesn’t have a sister
Gay: getting drunk with a dude and getting his number
Came here to say fake and gay but damn, that last line changes everything
I used to torture my sister’s boyfriends for a laugh but one day I befriended one and realised that this was the greatest troll of all time.
OP lost me at that “whore talk” bullshit
It’s 4chan; the fuck did you expect?
There is a vast and complex story sbout how we got to where we are today with social and political events, especially in the US.
This comment sums them up so swiftly it’s almost art.
Man I want what you’re smoking
It’s always amazing seeing people react to the 4channiest of 4chan shit with outrage like it’s new, why are you even reading greentexts then?
“whore talk” fucking cringe you’re the one at home not getting laid
Lol stfu theyre siblings. If you aren’t embarrassing or shaming your siblings you aren’t doing it right.
you regularly call the women in your family whores, then?
It’s not nice to speak that way about your brother and his new friend, you know?
Next? Uh, fuck him, obviously.