Trump’s border czar, Tom Homan, admitted that finding undocumented immigrants with criminal records has been difficult, requiring full ICE teams for field raids.
Arrest numbers, around 14,000 in Trump’s first month, are below the administration’s 1,500-per-day goal.
Homan blamed sanctuary cities for not cooperating with federal immigration enforcement. He vowed to increase enforcement teams and denied mass school or church raids, though ICE may target specific criminals.
The administration has stopped publishing daily arrest figures, despite a drop in immigration arrests since November.
I hate the use of the word czar in this context, my pedantic historian brain knows it means “Caesar” and the meaning makes no sense
Best thing is the UK and US anti drug commissioner being called the “drug czar”
So basically it means asshole
And it being the Russian version doesn’t make it better.
They keep finding brown citizens instead.
Which is the point.
Which was implied
The fucking cry baby should raid the farms in the rural red run welfare counties. I do not give a shit if the ICE agent is not vaccinated for the measles, send their asses.
Maybe he should give up and quit this farce completely. Instead of what you suggested.
Because what you suggested just hurts more innocent people so that you can feel smug and point and say “i told you so”.
We get it. some dumbasses voted against their communities and their own self interests. Im fighting this battle every day with so many people. But why on earth would you advocate that more people get caught up and hurt by these policies? Because they “deserve it”?
We are supposed to be better than that. We are supposed to make the world better. Not be vindictive assholes about it.
-sincerely, a farmer from a rural red run welfare county.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. The red voters had their chance, failed to learn and the USA is being torn apart by a bunch of lunatics.
Weaponizing immigrant lives to hurt others is literally the signature move of the trump supporters you despise.
And you advocate for exactly that. Disgusting.
You are the same sort of person as them. You just wear a different colored hat.
They problem is they’re looking to enforce these policies and only hurt the blue states. Notably NYC where they just wiped their asses with the constitution so they can have the federally indicted mayor under their control. Case was dismissed without prejudice so the if the Mayor doesn’t destroy people’s lives, they can bring back the case. All so they can have video (probably hosted be “doctor” Phil) of people’s lives being destroyed to satiate their hateful audiences.
If the red states don’t feel any consequences, this won’t end. They won’t have any empathy for people elsewhere.
My point is, if you are suffering, and watching your neighbors and friends suffer, do not wish that suffering on the people who arent your neighbors and friends just because of the consequence of proximity.
Its very human to make the easy assessment of “the other” and what they think, feel, and deserve. They are faceless and far away. Who cares? But… The OP was literally wishing ill on immigrant families to hurt their own opponent. Using immigrants as pawns to justify their opinion and position. Using people to hurt other people. Sound familiar yet?
Fuck that opinion. I will not abide.
ICE: Fixed number of people.
Biden: “Focus on the places that want to work with you, like Texas.”
Trump: “Focus on sanctuary cities and places that will resist deportation at all costs.”
Deportation numbers: Goes down.
Trump: “I don’t understand what went wrong?”
ICE: “If we stop publishing numbers, COVID is over! Er, I mean, all the immigrants are gone!”
Daily arrest is a KPI to be gamed soon, rich MAGA people, who profits on this narrative, can just pay Mexico gangs to send some people in to get arrested.
“Well, we’ll just have to scoop up random brown people, I guess. Gotta keep those numbers up.”
“Papers please.”
I wonder how long before that actually happens - weeks or months?
It’s been happening for years
And recently in some communities, ICE agents are going door to door and molesting people at schools and churches.
Not sure about molesting, but once in Arizona I was jogging and took a turn through a hilly golf area and someone called the cops. Was not carrying an ID and had to wait for someone from Davis Monthan AFB to vouch for me before I could be released.
I’m definitely using the term broadly, it doesn’t always mean to sexually assault, basically they’re just being fucked with for simply existing or going to church or school. That being said, I wouldn’t put it past them if given the opportunity, ICE is at least that morally bankrupt.
Sorry to hear that you got fucked with for daring to go near “the white land”, they’re pieces of shit like that.
Gotta ask, it sounds like you are a veteran or family of one. Did they even change their attitude towards you once they knew? Or did they get mad because you ruined their fun?
Well no, there attitude did not change on the grounds that you can serve, but that doesn’t make you a citizen, so they did not know what to do - Stop and Frisk was used to stop “non citizens”… but they also didn’t know that South Korea wasn’t part of South America so I’m not dealing with the most cultured people here.
Not surprised, unfortunately - saw the news headlines about the restrictions on schools and churches being removed.
ICE have been brownshirts-in-reserve from the very beginning.
It has been happening. My Eastern European friends don’t go anywhere without their passports right now and my Latin American friends have shifted all their behaviors. You don’t need to wonder if it will be weeks or months, you need to be wondering how long ago it started
Ugh, I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t live in the US, so I have not seen this.
Well for the Latin American friends it started in the Bush W admin, and for the Eastern European friends it’s a new wrinkle that started when we put a kremlin puppet in the oval office. One of those friends is even a US Citizen who worries about being made stateless if ICE decides to deport her while she’s out and about. With any crisis anywhere else, always assume the crisis is worse than you can see because the people it’s happening to aren’t able to speak on it because they’re desperately trying to survive
Thats how most police departments in white countries prop up their numbers. You are short on your quota? just go to the train / long distance bus station and frisk everyone who looks like his ancestors were born south of the alps.
Maybe cause the “crisis” was over inflated to begin with? Also cause people generally don’t like this idea in practice.
I remember seeing recently that they found 3 of the names who got sent to Guantanamo. 2 of the families they found and asked and both said they presented papers from their embassy showing their family members weren’t criminals.
The number of people who are going to be sent to fill quotas over actually having ever done something horrible is going to be staggering
Sooooo just like the regular US Prison system.
Don’t you love it for your lunch break in the local quick serving restaurant to be interrupted by armed men yelling at everyone and then you get to go back to work distressed and hungry?
What a colossal waste of resources.
The Final Solution too in Germany was a colossal waste of resources, in fact made them lose the war way faster. It completely undermined the entire German war effort.
Logistically speaking, yes.
Imagine conscripting 12M people and then getting your professional army to just kill them instead. Why didn’t they go for some kind of service ensures citizenship, send them to the worst areas like Stalingrad. Still awful but then might have helped the war going on.
You know what, I don’t need to give Hitler tips.
It’s because of their ideology. To Hitler’s government, the extermination of the Jews as well as the mentally/physically challenged, the Roma, and all kinds of LGBTQ was seen as being as important as knocking France out of commission, bombing Britain to capitulation, or destroying the Soviet Union. The Holocaust wasn’t seen as some side project, it was an actual war goal and taken as seriously as anything else in the war.
Don’t look for it to make sense, little of Nazi ideology makes sense.
Keep resisting. Protect your neighbors.
A quick google suggests that there are over 400k non-citizens with criminal convictions in the US. Even with such a large number it seems like it would be really hard to locate and apprehend 1,500 of them each day. It’s not like ICE wasn’t trying before! It’s just more ridiculous theatrics. I feel bad for all the normal immigrant families that are living in fear because of this nonsense.
I mean, theoretically the change would be that they would just grab people that were undocumented from the courthouse, right? It’s not like ice is full real government agency. It’s only been around for like 15 years
It’s almost like a non-issue.
This reflects one of the many flaws with the logic of people who thought Trump was only going to go after the criminals.
The thing about criminals is, they don’t follow the law. It’s in their interest to not be easy to find.
So, ICE, whose job it is to make Trump look good to his base by deporting brown people, don’t go after murderers or rapists, because that is hard and they’re barely qualified to begin with. They go after the people who are abiding by the law, whose exact legal status is unclear because our whole fucking system works against its own interests. They go against the people who are legal who Trump has stripped some status from. Because it’s easy to find them and they’re less likely to put up a fight.
Wow, they are so close to figuring it out!
Maybe immigration, outside of the Faux Cinematic Universe, was not some major concern?
The GOP spent so many decades carefully manufacturing their lines of bullshit and now Trump is coming along trying to fix their fake problems lmao
This read like the bomber gap that JFK went to win the election on, turns out there was a big bomber gap, but in the reverse…
You know, normal, thoughtful, people would take that as a cue to re-evaluate their position… Maybe it’s difficult to find them because they don’t fucking exist?
We’ve all seen this movie before.
The next line starts with “then they came for”
That’s never been an issue for the MAGA people. See also: trans people being any kind of problem to anyone.
They are a scape goat. It doesn’t matter if they exist or not if they can sell the narrative.
Crime could be at record lows but they’ll say “Crime is so high, we need to send in police until crime comes down.”
They know full well it’s a lie, but they know enough people won’t double check them and take them at their word. In their minds crime is at an all time high instead.
I commented the gun numbers the other day. Its fairly obvious that red states have much more violent crime when it comes to guns. Surely their propoganda doesn’t have anything to do with it.
Edit: Deaths per 100,000 people by gunshots
Mississippi 29.4 Louisiana 28.1 Alabama 25.7 New Mexico 25.3 Alaska 23.6 Tennessee 22.2 Arkansas 22 Montana 21.7 Wyoming 21.6 Missouri 21.4 Oklahoma 20.1 South Carolina 19.3 Georgia 18.8 Arizona 18.7 Nevada 18.5 Indiana 18.4 Kentucky 18.4 Idaho 18.2 West Virginia 16.8 Colorado 16.7 North Carolina 16.7 Kansas 16.3 Texas 15.1 Ohio 15 Utah 15 Maine 14.1 Oregon 14.1 Florida 13.9 Virginia 13.9 Michigan 13.8 Pennsylvania 13.6 Illinois 13.5 Washington 13.1 North Dakota 12.9 Wisconsin 12.7 South Dakota 12.5 Maryland 12.3 Vermont 12.1 Delaware 12.1 Nebraska 10.7 Iowa 10.6 New Hampshire 9.7 Minnesota 9 California 8 Connecticut 6.2 Hawaii 4.9 Rhode Island 4.8 New York 4.7 New Jersey 4.6 Massachusetts 3.7
I still feel that the lower violent crime rates in neolib states has more to do with them having a semblance of public support services.
Not much, but high amount by US standards.
Everyday crime (not hate crimes etc) has much to do with addiction and poverty.
Agreed, which is why social programs are very important. Cutting snap benefits will only increase crime and hurt farmers.
I’ve complained about gun culture being the biggest issue leading to gun deaths before. I’m not a huge fan of gun control as a lot of the left discuss it and my issue with labeling gun laws “common sense” causes a dissidence in people heads where anyone disagreeing not having common sense.
But the rhetoric of “fuck around and find out” and “come and try that here” underpins a thought process that guns are an acceptable solution to problems. And not just acceptable, but on equal footing with other solutions such as running away, defusing or de-escalating the situation, discussions, and compromises. It’s where you see things like Kyle Rittenhouse or “You’re Fucked” being inscribed on the AR used in the murder of Daniel Shaver in Mesa, AZ by the police.
Whereas I believe guns are the final solution to a problem. And imo, one that we all should be reticent to use but ultimately have available to us. They are to be used as a last resort to threats against life and liberty.
The gun culture, mixed with the propaganda of everyone everywhere being a potential threat to you is a leading cause of gun violence.
Yeah, throw in people blaming entire groups of people and blaming much of the world’s problems on them and next thing you know you hear comments like “we should hang every one of those people.”. “Run! ICE is coming.”
Those are comments I hear coworkers saying while on the clock, the second one yelled out the window of a work truck at a group of Hispanics working construction. The first because he thinks listening to conservative radio at work is a good idea. And they make the biggest reaches, and brought up a possible trans person in India that may have been planning a school shooting. And that was what warranted them saying we should hang all the trans people. It’s like they don’t understand at all that these people are born every day, and the only reason he hates them is because that conservative media is trying to find examples all across the globe and shove it down their throat daily.
It will only get worse too. As you opress migrants and groups like trans people, eventually you back them into corners so small that they will have to last out more, and the media will spin those actions as the reason they were backed into the corner in the first place.
Oh yea. I’m angry and upset that any acts of defiance will be used as justification for the indiscriminate persecution of entire sections of society.
The systemic marginalization and abuse of vulnerable groups will lead to acts of violence. Which will lead to more marginalization and abuse.
The only way to prevent this is to break the system and embrace these groups.
As a gross oversimplification analogy, but one that any parent should be able to understand. The more you try and control a teenager and suppress who they are the more they will act out and rebel.
And it’s so fucking weird to me to see all this hate. I grew up around migrants, I’ve worked closely with trans individuals and non binary folk. I have never seen the violence or hate or any of the problems the conservative hate propaganda speech about these people.
Because they truly are just people who want to live their lives and be who they are. They all have dreams and aspirations. They want to provide for their families. They want to love each other and be loved in return. They want the same for you and me. They don’t have any agenda to do harm.
Is everyone perfect, no. Do some people cause issues? Sure. But that has nothing to do with race or sexual or gender identity. People in general can be shitty, and you’ll find them in all walks of life.
As an parallel, I was watching PBS’s American Experience about the American Coup in Wilmington, NC in 1898. They shared articles from white supremacists which sounded so eerily familiar to the rhetoric spewed on Fox News and other right wing media outlets. It’s such a tired playbook, but it’s so frustrating how effective it is.
Isn’t that just a list of states by poverty.