You know, DOGE, fascist president and corporations dictating what people can do, institutions being ruined, laws being ignored. Is there any way out of that or is it over? Is the USA done?
You know, DOGE, fascist president and corporations dictating what people can do, institutions being ruined, laws being ignored. Is there any way out of that or is it over? Is the USA done?
Federal abortion ban
Gay marriage ban
Derecognizing trans people, oh wait that happened
Reviving the war on drugs by forcing states to criminalize weed
Ending the ACA
Ending any and every environmental protection entity
Ending the two term limit for the president
Banning protests and strikes
Criminalize being homeless, oh wait that happened
From this (my sad, sad, crystal ball)
Protests erupt, at first peaceful until live ammunition is used as a suppressant. From this radical groups will likely work with established gangs to create an insurgency. Governors will be forced to either comply with the federal government, or may choose to unite with other governors to defy the federal forces as they see the writing on the wall. It will be a legal battle at first, but then there will likely be an inciting event that will create an interstate crisis. This crisis will either divide state governments, force them under trump, or they will collapse altogether. The battle lines won’t be drawn on state lines, but rather between rural and urban territories. It will be more ethereal much like what happened in Syria.
From an international perspective, the new Bloc of resistance (Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea) will use this chance to advance their agendas. Russia will absolutely support the Trump government, while China will invade Taiwan easily, and then try to keep America slightly stable but still as weak as possible. North Korea and Iran will likely send aid to the other members but not engage directly.
Canada and the EU will have likely close their borders long before this as our alliance deteriorated due to Trump’s intense isolationism.
If you thought Brexit was a shot in the foot, we just straight up pulled a pin on a grenade and put it in our pocket.
imprisoning dissidents will be a big step. That will mean its time to stop posting on reddit and lemmy.
Give me Lemmy or give me gitmo
Oh 100%.
Fuck I’m so addicted to social media though. Damn I feel so check mate’d.
Thank you.
no. we shoved it up our ass.
Are you my neighbor? She always looks for any excuse to say “shoved it up my ass”