Donald Trump signed an executive order expanding presidential control over independent agencies, including the FTC, FCC, and SEC.
The order enforces the “unitary executive theory,” which argues the president has sole authority over the executive branch. It grants Trump’s budget chief, Russell Vought, oversight of these agencies’ performance and budgets.
The move is expected to face legal challenges, as past presidents have largely respected agency independence.
Trump defended the order, stating, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”
Most of the people who are so in favor of the 2nd amendment are actively supporting this.
And people ask why we aren’t doing anything about it as if people can just pick up a gun willy nilly and go join a violent revolution as easily as joining your local church group. What are people supposed to do? Walk up to the Capitol with an AK-47 and start firing while shouting “DOWN WITH TRUMP?”. That’s a great way to end up dead, in a psych ward, or in ADX-Florence. Trying to organize armed resistance of any size that matters in an era where everybody is carrying around a tracking device in their pockets is a great way to have the whole group rounded up and sent to Gitmo on treason charges.
This isn’t the movies.
I also feel like a lot of people have a lot of barriers to plotting an assassination, besides the obvious “it’s illegal” and “they’ll kill you for trying” and “who has the time and money to plan an assassination.” To give people some ideas of these barriers, I personally:
In conclusion, the most convenient person to plot a political assassination is a 25-35 yo straight white man well trained in firearms with tons of money, mentally healthy enough to get a firearm yet crazy enough to throw their life away, ideally recently unemployed so they have nothing to lose.
So… a security guard affected by the mass government downsizing?
On top of this. It isn’t just Dump. It’s the entire GOP. Plus the douche crew and his nazi youth that have been ransacking shit that they don’t understand. Yeah, going in armedmay get you 1 person. It won’t do any good. You’re cutting a small scale off of a large shit snake.
The best we can do is arm ourselves (and I fucking hate that I have to resort to this option) and prep for when shit goes south. I suspect that will be mid terms. We’ll see armed yokels “guarding” vote drop off locations and polling locations. If there is any sign of a dem win anywhere, all hell will break loose with diaperdon claiming fraud. He’ll probably pull some shit like his attempted coup and we’ll see the polling station yokels going nuts.
I think you’re right, but the chance is very high they will cancel midterms shortly before the date.
Probably spouting some excuse. Either in the line of it undermining “democracy” because Trump was already chosen, or they’ll go the way of it being a plan to block the current path for the USA so it will be postponed until the plan is on more solid grounds, “for the good of the country”.
If they do let the midterms proceed, Trump will dismiss the results whatever they are, citing that by then he only has governing power.
He already has made an executive order that only he and a sole AG decide what the law is…
A promise was made that when he was chosen he’d make it so that there would be no need to vote again…
Everybody seems to hold on to the midterms as the slot where things will turn around again, but the project 2025 camp has plans to close this window for sure. And frankly, it feels by then fear will rule all and the slippery slope has shifted to a freefall.
American Democracy is dead. Thanks to a corrupt GOP and their lackeys in the SCOTUS
They don’t need to cancel the mid-terms, they already fired everyone at CISA who is responsible for securing state elections. The elections will absolutely happen and miraculously the republicans will win across the board with a higher vote percentage than they’ve ever won by before, and they’ll claim that this means the US population is 100% in support of the fascist policies of the GOP and accelerate the descent.
You’re right in that, I just did not want to put that in words yet :-]
I wonder how much another overwhelming fraudulous win for MAGA would be ignored, because it definitely is a clear sign bridges were burned.
Elections just for show. To keep the masses thinking they live in a democracy.
We’ll be no better than Russia or any other shithole nation that runs elections just for show. This country is cooked. And it wasn’t taken from us. We gave it all away. Utterly shameful. Our entire generation will be viewed as pathetic in the context of world history.
To be honest, this fascist autocracy was inevitable once the loathsome Newt Gingrich got the GOP to sign on to the idea that anyone who opposed the GOP’s plans was an enemy to be destroyed, not a loyal opposition to persuade or with whom to compromise.
Everyone’s quality of life would have to drastically decline and a significant number of citizens would have to start openly expressing the desire for rebellion, then leaders would materialize, and it would go from there.
But we aren’t even close to having enough people’s quality of life declining enough for that to happen. If our oligarchs are smart, they’ll keep us near that red line, without allowing us to go over it. But I’m starting to think their greed outweighs their intelligence.
We’re too complacent with our TV and Doritos. We need to start losing some material things before we wake up. Here’s hoping it happens.
That didn’t wasn’t effective in Hitler’s Germany, and it won’t be in Trump’s US. Not with Putin, the GOP, and Xi helping Trump keep power.
I’d describe this as the strategy since the Great Depression. The New Deal was a bandaid for capitalism to make it palatable enough for enough people to prevent revolution.
But our oligarchs aren’t smart, or at least they think they’re smarter than their predecessors. They’re dismantling the things that keep the masses mollified and more people are realizing it.
Our oligarchs aren’t as smart as they are greedy.
Personally I’d resort to sabotage. It’s incredibly easy to fabricate explosives in today’s world compared to the rest of history.
Hell, in America I’d imagine you could just buy explosives outright.
Start with the CIA’s Simple Sabotage Field Manual. Less likely to land you in prison or dead. Should be utilized before more extreme measures are taken.
Explosives aren’t necessary. There are all sorts of ways to wreck things without the risks to innocents posed by explosives.