Gulf of Gulfey McGulfface is my favorite.
That’ll never get old. That may have been the pinnacle.of humanity. Kinda been all downhill since then now that I think about it
Finally, something we can all agree on:
GulfOf :
Gulf map generator : MapQuest
Explore and customize your own golf region map …Fantastic!
Didn’t hit a word filter on my first couple either.
TIL: MapQuest still exists.
I used it recently actually. It was the one site I could plug in a bunch of addresses and have it automatically route me from furthest to closest.
I think that was the point. This is a brilliant marketing move.
Now I’m going to have to use them to print out directions for my next big drive. So nostalgic.
Is that the guy from falling skies
You would have to read the book to find out. I wouldn’t want to spoil a Chuck Tingle novel.
Also, Chuck has a message for you doubters:
You had your chance, it’s ours now und damit basta!