Yes, that was very precisely chosen eight uninterrupted minutes of absolute cringe by the American leadership I saw. I’m sure the rest more than made up for the uncut embarrassing clown act the legacy media had chosen to air.
Righteous indignation aside, you’re outraged about something that shouldn’t have happened and could have been prevented. Manufactured for profit and power. While people die, we sit and watch it on television. It is Society of the Spectaclemanifested..
America and Ukraine broke up on live TV, that was good content.
It was like watching a abusive couple.
This was just drama manufactured by the legacy media because they hate Trump.
The uncut conversation was pretty civil.
[Citation Needed]
Yes, that was very precisely chosen eight uninterrupted minutes of absolute cringe by the American leadership I saw. I’m sure the rest more than made up for the uncut embarrassing clown act the legacy media had chosen to air.
Content? Content?! People are dying. Get a grip
Righteous indignation aside, you’re outraged about something that shouldn’t have happened and could have been prevented. Manufactured for profit and power. While people die, we sit and watch it on television. It is Society of the Spectacle manifested..