Tl,dr: got a 3 day banned for pointing new joiners to [email protected] , a more active version of [email protected]
[email protected] was established to promote European products and services. It got popular recently due to the US decision of potentially dropping support to Ukraine. It had a diverse team of moderators, and was getting some activity.
A user (potentially unaware of the existence of the first community) decided to create [email protected]
They deleted their Lemmy account after, but promoted a new moderator before leaving.
This moderator created a post to vote about keeping the community, or consolidating with the one:
That vote itself is kind of debatable, as the only option to vote for the consolidation was to downvote, which is not enabled on instances like Blahaj or Reddthat. Also people tend to upvote more than downvote, so the votes expressed may not reflect the actual opinion of the community, but anyway.
Usually, I don’t really care that much about consolidation, there has been a lot of parallel communities for a while, like
- [email protected] and [email protected]
- [email protected] and [email protected]
- [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
It’s not that big of a deal usually, but this case is a big different due to the BuyFromEU movement.
BuyfromEU movement and Lemmy new joiners is getting quite large recently, even getting some press coverage. There are a few posts promoting Lemmy over there, with more or less success.
What happens then is that people join Lemmy, just look for “buyfromeu” and find the community, while the is actually much more active. Some stats:
- 1.04K users / day
- 2.34K users / week
- 3.02K users / month
- 3.02K users / 6 months
- 1.9K subscribers
- 125 Posts
- 3.79K users / day
- 8.11K users / week
- 8.86K users / month
- 8.92K users / 6 months
- 2.7K subscribers
- 354 Posts
The main issue with this is that as the usually is kind of active, they think that the community is the main community on the topic, while the is much more active. So I started to check for new joiners account, and if they hadn’t posted or commented on the community, I would point them to it, with comments like
Welcome here!
A few pointers for you:
The sidebar also lists a few complementary communities to this one, such as [email protected] or [email protected]
Apparently this seems enough to give a temporary ban. The mod team is also quite expressive about the “consolidation cannot be discussed stance”
Just to add some more context, those are the type of comments I give to every new joiners. Some recent examples
Now, a last section about why I’m personally in favor of consolidating.
Federation and decentralization is about spreading power and responsibilities, not splitting a small user base between different places
Some people argue that consolidating communities goes against the spirit of federation and decentralization. However, for people posting content, there is a consensus that our small user base can only sustain so many communities. Splintering the discussion between places is detrimental to the whole platform. Example of recent consolidations:
In the buyfromEU / buyEuropean case, we see people asking recommendations on the same topics on the two communities, while they might have seen a post from the other one is there was only one:
Note that there are cases when new communities need to emerge due to power tripping mods. But here, the mods and admins have been good, no such issue to be reported.
Also, quite a few communities are “the main ones”, without any parallel community
Choice overload and decision fatigue are a thing
Too many options hurts users’ decision-making ability. How they feel about the experience as a whole can be significantly impacted as a result.
Isn’t one for European Union and the other for the whole Europe?
The text what to expect says, that we are focusing on the EU, but if other befriended countries slip through we are not enforcing rules. We called it a soft limit, so pepole tend to limit themselves, rather than mods jumping each post.
Due to the inherited name, buyFromEU we would like to soft limit the discussion to the European Union countries. We are tempted to read this as EU + friendly countries as long as this is within reason.
Wouldn’t consolidating lose people?
An example of successful consolidation/migration:
Shouldn’t people see the other community from the sidebar?
Sidebars aren’t usually visible on a lot of apps, on Voyager for instance people have to actively look for it:[email protected]
Why is this case different from other parallel communities?
Due to the growth of the /r/BuyFromEU sub (now at 148000 subscribers), some posts promoting Lemmy are appearing every few days:
As you can see, the main comment is about community split across instances. The commenter was incorrect about the working of federation, but us being unable to provide one community for the discussions to happen isn’t putting Lemmy in a good light as a viable Reddit alternative.
this is eerily similar to my experience
PTB, banning people for sharing alternatives is shitty and comes off as you trying to gatekeep your community and prevent people from learning about alternatives.
Also since @[email protected] decided to comment, it doesn’t matter if the Rest of the team agreed with you or not, that just makes all of you PTB as well. The fact this was even considered as a good idea and implemented to suppress knowledge of alternatives makes it PTB.
If anyone is reading this, stay away from that mod’s shithole and go to [email protected] instead. It’s more active and isn’t run by PTBs.
From my perspective the wrong impression. The community was young and in the making, I asked politely to tone it down, so I can find mods, setup rules and think about what content should be expected. Jumping all users and each post in a that manner was not helping that community and did nothing to connect communities at that point. We openly communicate other places to subscribe, too. You cannot create content in a community if every second post is about leaving that community, instead of the topic that should be discussed.
Just wanted to say ty for coming on here to respond! Many don’t do that, seem like a decent enough mod IMO & I can’t say I disagree with your actions.
Looks like German cucks big mad haha
Well I mean it’s Reddit, that’s half their MO now. The other half is being thought police.
the android community moved instances and then randomly split
It’s recommended in the sidebar? And you got banned for quoting that??
With all due respect to the other mod, i’m going with PTB.
TBH: doesn’t look too respectful without knowing the other side of the story 🙂
I understand, and i’m willing to listen. Could you send me the other side of the story?
Evolving under that comment:
Yeah PTB
Yeah I’d say PTB. They’re more interested in maintaining control, than what’s good for the users and community.
Some people can’t gey away from the centralised mindset. Why not both instances? That’s the essence of the Fediverse!? It’s not a zero sum game, unless I’m missing something…
You aren’t missing anything, especially if they have different contexts.
The only issue I see is that when the same articles are posted to different communities the discussion is split. But that also happens for similar, but not identical posts even within the same community when they are posted hours apart.
especially if they have different contexts.
What is the different context between the two communities in this case?
I was speaking in general, not this exact scenario.
But if they merged, all posts on the topic are at the mercy of the instance admins and mods. So if a community for buy EU was on an instance that limited all posts to English, users wouldn’t be able to post in German like they can on not saying the UK would do that, but it would apply to an all English instance. Or the posts could be in the context of the instance location. Like a similar community on would probably be focused on buying from the EU with the context of shipping to Canada.
No, I won’t be spending my time finding the ratio of these two exact communities because I am disagreeing with the need to consolidate in general.
not saying the UK would do that
We won’t.
Well, they’re on different websites, for one. That context, despite what many here want to believe, is meaningful.
That will work itself out over time.
A lot of people get ants in their pants over the idea of people talking about the same or similar things in different places, for some reason. Decentralization’s just a buzz word, I guess.
Decentralization’s just a buzz word, I guess.
That’s why communities should be evenly split amongst instances. There’s no need to fragment the conversation unless the 2 or more communities have differing cultures.
PTB. Leaving a comment like this doesn’t hurt anyone, even if it’s on every post. The mod just doesn’t want to lose power.
Ideally the communities should be consolidated in this case. But if they aren’t (e.g. they’re geared towards different target audiences), there’s no harm on linking one from another.
Clearly consolidation is a bad idea here. community mods are idiots unfit for modding.
We need decentralization to fight these clowns
After reading from thier mod, you just seem to be acting out. Delete this post because it really makes you look bad to the informed.
Not sure what do to with someone’s modlog shows repeated insults in different communities:
Wow some real toxic behaviour there, best to ignore Breezy
He is an online tough guy
Not at all. Its nice you would speak so highly of me though. Thank you.
If im toxic then you’re just a little snowflake. You cant tell me looking at that link that im too bad. Yeah ill say some shit, but im not like offense or anything bad. People can cry all they want or be a bitch and try to showcase my bad behavior but im actually one of the best people to find online. So please tell me what I said that was so bad. Because honestly you just seem like a shill.
Oh wow i didnt know you could do that. But yup im rude as fuck, thats why im saying you’re looking bad.
It’s one click in newer versions of Lemmy
The feature gets used quite often, it helps to identify who you are dealing with
Well this post will help others not to give a shit about what you say then. No offense really.
What app do you use?
Default Lemmy web page
I dont have a pc so im stuck on mobile. Its a shame that feature seems realy cool
You can use the web page on mobile.
Finally, feddit drama! Now I feel right at home.
Can I interest you in [email protected]?
Wasn’t it [email protected] ?
On yeah, that first one needs new Mods.
It would appear that sub’s not ready yet.
You are only guessing based on the title across the top of the page.
But here, the mods and admins have been good, no such issue to be reported.
I’m a good girl. I swear!
You have the Blaze Mark of Approval - it doesn’t get better than that.
That’s a shame. I’m guessing the new sudden mod responsibilities went to somebody who isn’t ready for it.