First of all, Welcome! I’m genuinely glad you decided to join!
That said,
Swearing on Lemmy is actually mandatory and any posts found not containing any swearwords will be promptly removed and you will be permanently banned. These communities strive to reverse the damage done by algorithmically induced self censorship by requiring all participants to swear as much as possible.
Also, anyone censoring non swearwords like “dead” or “sex” that traditionally incur negative algorithmic interactions will also be sacked in addition to previously listed repercussions.
Thank you.
Lemmy? More like Lame-y. 😏😏
Hey fucker, where’s your swear?
Are you forking kidding me?
Oh shit!
Why can’t I say fork?
Because this isn’t the Bad Place
My fucking kinda place! Fuck yeah 👍
Fuck you.
No wait, fuck me.
dms open
And a merry fucking welcome to you as well!
Ah shit dicks Luigi
Don’t forget to warn people that they may be permanently banned if they don’t use the word “Luigi” in at LEAST 10% of all comments.
Does it count multiple times if I say: “Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi”?
You’re lacking swear words though.
He fucking got you.
It’s the internet
Yes you can fucking swear
Goddamn. I just joined and this is my first fucking comment on this platform.
Free Luigi!
Suck my dick!
This would be important if a mod mate this post but OP is just a rando.
There is not a single piece of profanity in this entire post, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit
Excuse me parent comment called OP a r*ndo, that’s like the worst swear word ever
I checked. He’s good. Fucker.
Fucking hell yeee bitch
Oh god. If I have to keep reading “unalive”…. fuck that dude. That starting popping up on reddit a lot out of nowhere.
Yeah, that was a bit too much. It’s good to keep it nice but colorful language is called that for a reason, life is more beautiful with color.
also, call out trolls and shills - lemmy doesn’t have inauthentic behavior detection mechanisms, and it’s really easy to evade bans by creating accounts on a dozen instances.
If they act like a troll, fair enough to call them a troll.
Also, you can view the moderation history for literally every comment and every user, yay transparency.
I don’t see any swearing in that message, will have to remove it.
Also: fuck
Fuck you I’ll see you tomorrow
Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits.
Always remember that Saint Luigi loves you.
Fuck soft language. Let’s go back to calling PTSD shell shock.
But can I say Luigi?
Lets not get too crazy bröther.
Long live luigi tho