Lab-grown meat killed my mom…true story, lab-grown meat broke into her house and stabbed her 957 times with a fork.
Lab grown meat turned me into a newt
You’re lucky, this is the 8th time lab-grown meat has killed my mother. I hope you got better.
It got better.
I only want my meat to be raised by a cow on a feedlot while covered in manure and constantly smelling so awful, I would gag if I ever went. Then I want that cow’s greatest mental stimulation to be the one time he climbed on top of the 1 meter pile of manure and could see further than any other cow, and then proceed to stick his head back into the giant trough of corn that’s been pre-mixed with antibiotics because corn is not a natural food source for cows. That’s what meat is supposed to be, as god intended.
Let’s drink swill milk [Wikipedia] to that.
The swill milk scandal was a major adulterated food scandal in the state of New York in the 1850s. The New York Times reported an estimate that in one year, 8,000 infants died from swill milk.
Swill milk referred to milk from cows fed swill which was residual mash from nearby distilleries. The milk was whitened with plaster of Paris, thickened with starch and eggs, and hued with molasses.
Swill milk dairies were noted for their filthy conditions and overpowering stench both caused by the close confinement of hundreds (sometimes thousands) of cows in narrow stalls where, once farmers tied them, they would stay for the rest of their lives, often standing in their own manure, covered with flies and sores, and suffering from a range of virulent diseases. These cows were fed boiling distillery waste, often leaving the cows with rotting teeth and other maladies. The milk drawn from the cows was routinely adulterated with water, rotten eggs, flour, burnt sugar, and other adulterants with the finished product then marketed falsely as “pure country milk” or “Orange County Milk”.
What the absolute fuck.
Thank goodness we’re firing all those wasteful government bureaucrats, who were adding red tape and keeping businesses from innovating. Soon things will be great again, like in the 1850…
sounds like the people owning these ‘farms’ actively try their hardest with all their might to be as evil as possible
Aaahhh the good ol’ 1850 to which the Republican party surely will return us by next year where rich assholes can destroy the world for an extra dollar
Just an FYI: In Florida (at least) a similar bill was passed not because of any concerns about lab-grown meat but because loads and loads of rich people keep small amounts of cattle on their property which gives them massive property tax breaks (money that most of these counties desperately need). There’s literally over a million cows living like cow kings in Florida.
I get what you’re saying about factory farms but I just wanted to point out the truth: While those conditions are common for other farm animals I’m not aware of it being that common for cows (in the US) 🤷
As far as I know the factory farms that are like that are all related to poultry and swine (the people that run them).
While cows are not factory farmed at the same rate as other farm animals, over 70% are raised in factory farms (in the US).
Source (they used USDA data):
“free market” republicans strike again
Freedom is when the government tells you what you’re allowed to buy (assuming it passes safety standards, anyway)
No if you don’t want to take vaccinations or safe your guns that is up to you, security be damned
What safety standards? Those are getting the ax, too
I think Desantis did this in Florida and since no one stopped it now it will traverse every red state slowly
Just like Measles.
Looks like anything that would be an improvement for people and humanity in general is severely frowned upon in some places.
well, if rich people loose money it’s bad for everyone… right? /s
Highly processed food is bad for you I’ve heard. Some people even want to ban most breakfast cereal.
Ban 75% of the grocery store, leave only meat, produce, and spices
How did they define lab because that could result in a hilarious ban of commercial farms.
Probably from its original birth certificate.
Opposition to lab grown meat is surprisingly popular. Normies get really creeped out about it unfortunately.
Fuck the normies. I would never, say, hide milk in a vegan’s food. But I would 100% serve these idiots lab meat and tell them about it later.
Yeah I’m all about consent for what you consume but I would love to feed some people an impossible burger or a vegan “chicken” sandwich and see if they could really tell the difference.
Meat industry lobbyists: 🤑🤑🤑
… Big Meat?
You called?
“How can we throttle evolution?”
“Hold my beer”
Hold my bear. 🧸
Mississippi always has toilet paper stuck to its shoe.
Why are Republicans always wrong about literally everything? Oh, that’s right. Faith-based belief system instead of a reality-based belief system.
Protecting their ridiculous regressive views of how the west was
wonexploited via cattle and oil. They all want to protect their landowners that control huge chunks of farm and grazing land, and a significant chunk of that land is used to feed cattle. Get rid of the need to feed and raise cattle and Big Donors might be upset.
How unnecessary. Lab grown meat will fail to sell and be dropped from stores all on its own merits.
Cheap guilt free meat built to whatever fat percentage you want will fail to sell?
Well you enjoy your $50/lbs wagu, and I’ll enjoy exactly the same quality at $3/lbs.
I mean there’s a difference between normal steak and wagu too.
Like at my Walmart steak is selling for ~$10/lbs, and ground beef is like $6 or $7 per pound. Right now beyond ground beef is selling for ~$11/lbs.
And it doesn’t taste the same. So you will actually have to hit that $3/lbs mark your talking about before it becomes a good option. Because pork chops are already only $4/lbs
But it inevitably will become that cheap, as your steak and pork become infinitely, exponentially more expensive over time.
We’re already massively subsidizing meat production and we’re entirely ignoring the majority of meats costs in calculating prices.
Those costs are going to keep getting higher, however, and those subsidies won’t be able to last even in a wealthy monetary issues country like the US. Unless you completely abandon capitalism, real beef isnt going to be a thing for middle class or poor people within 20 years, and it won’t be a thing period within a hundred.
However the tech to print meat will get smaller and cheaper over time and the seed ingredients are already cheaper than the land maintenance and feed for real livestock. Hell it’s cheaper than most inputs for anything except corn and wheat. There will be a time in the next few decades where middle class people in smart countries will have a meat printer at home to make whatever they want for dinner and shopping for meat will be too prohibitively expensive for anyone but the rich.
Climate change is already causing crop failures and water distribution fights, and quite frankly the meat industry doesn’t have enough money to fight the climate on this issue.
lab-grown meat is a dead end grift and you should have known better. unless you think that prices in range of $10k/kg are sustainable and affordable, that is, or maybe you live in world of sfba announcements. this article is from 2021
I’m not so sure; I seem to remember lots of things that were dismissed as not worthy of thinking about, won’t have any effect on culture, etc.
I’m not saying the claims of “techbros” are to be taken without evidence, I’m saying going maximalist “it will never happen” is quite a take. I’ve heard that about self-driving cars and AI. These things are also not all the way there yet (certainly not AGI), but to dismiss them out of hand? I would never bet on that, and the fact is both are already seeing their impacts.
First, that article literally says the process engineering analysis that paints a very dire picture of the scalability of cultured meat is difficult to find, so maybe cool it on “you should have known better.” However, it also is clear that there are A LOT of technical hurdles to overcome for lab meat, but it’s no more dead end than fusion research. It’s an important, arguably vital, area of study and research that needs to be seriously invested in so that we can one day introduce it to the toolkit of sustainable support for human society and life. While your sources have convinced me that lab meat is currently nowhere near scalable and likely will take significant developments in the culture process and even meat cells, I think your aggressive and extremely skeptical take on its value at all is more than a bit silly.
fusion at least doesn’t require breaking laws of thermodynamics to work and has stable funding from militaries of nations that field nuclear weapons. funding for synthetic meat depends on what bad scifi current oligarchs were fans of 30 years ago
Any data to support that? I’ve noticed that the animal free meat options at the grocery stores near me are growing.
Are you talking about Animal free “meat”, like impossible burgers, or are you talking about actual lab grown meat? I’m not aware of lab grown meat being on the shelves yet, and animal free meat options isn’t the same thing as lab grown meat.
From what I’ve read in a few places, and this really does make sense, it’s one thing to grow a vat of animal derived proteins, but all you have at that point is basically goo. That has to be processed into “muscles”, which is a process of creating long chains of these proteins and bundling them. Then there’s the question of fat: what is that process? You can’t just add some oil and think it’s going to actually be analogous to fatty layers, and lipid cells have to be arranged into, I dunno, rinds? Blobs for “ground beef”, I guess, but you see what I mean.
I think this is as neat an idea as anyone does. And I can ask you the same question: any data to support the idea that I’m wrong? Everything I’ve read about this that goes into any amount of detail talks about the difficulties of actually processing this into something that resembles meat as we know it. I have seen absolutely nothing, and I’ve looked, to suggest that there’s been any kind of meaningful success in making these protein slurries into anything we’d call meat. I’d imagine that ground meats would be the obvious first thing to come to market, that’s gonna be the easiest thing to do. But a steak? Boy, color me skeptical. The other thing that I would imagine would be a difficult thing to replicate is going to be flavor. The animals we eat get their flavors in large part from how they’re fed and raised. Chickens in the US haven’t got the flavor of chickens in Europe, for example. Or a domesticated turkey vs a wild one. There are high grade steaks that you can get and when you see the fat caps, you can see a difference in color due to the cow’s diet. How do they control for that? How do they create these proteins and make them flavorful? Will simple nutrient baths do that? Is there more to it than that? What will the B vitamin content be, and where will that come from? Will it be more bioavailable to the eater? Will it be premethylated, or will people with methylation problems in their livers not be able to effectively get those B vitamins from these meats? How will all of that effect cost?
Everything I understand about this is that while they can grow the proteins, the food engineering that it takes to make a piece of meat that will be able to compete with meat from the hoof is a way off, and that we’re a long way from this being cheap.
I’d bet that the first lab meats we see coming to market are going to be gooey and bland. I’m imagining ground turkey but worse. And I’d be happy to be wrong, but I don’t expect that making meats that are actually analogous to “real” meat is going to be a process of fast iteration. I was around for the beginning of the meat substitutes that came along in the 80s and they were DIRE. And there’s nothing to suggest that the processes they’ve discovered for texturing plant based mock meats can be applied to this lab grown meat goo. Everything I’ve read, and it all makes logical sense to me, suggests that this is going to take a long time to become actually appealing to the masses just because of the pretty substantial food engineering problems that it presents.
My guess is that it’s going to end up being its own thing, more like the “mock duck” and things you can get in cans. Bite sized pieces. I’ll be happily surprised if they can grow a steak in a lab within my lifetime.
Impossible burgers and similar. Sorry the rest of this post is too long.
Leave it to one of the lowest education scoring states, that most folks actively flee, to do some dumb shit.
Agriculture [in Mississippi] is a major industry.
Mmmhmm. Looks like Mississippi has a cattle rancher industry association. One would imagine that that group isn’t too keen on competition from meat from a lab.
We Represent Mississippi’s Cattlemen
Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association is focused on addressing local, state and federal issues that impact the long-term viability of cattle farming in Mississippi.
From the article:
Mississippi’s agriculture commissioner, Andy Gipson, has criticized the cultivated meat industry, and he supported a 2019 bill that prevented cultivated meat products being labeled as meat in the state. In 2024 he published a post on his website that commended the cultivated meat bans in Florida and Alabama. “I want my steak to come from farm-raised beef, not a petri-dish from a lab,” he wrote.
Sounds like Mr. Gipson isn’t too keen on that lab-grown meat either. First is was just labeling, and now it’s outright banning.
Let’s look into Andy Gipson’s biography!
Andy Gipson serves as Mississippi’s eighth Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce.
Uh huh.
Gipson has owned and managed a cattle operation in Simpson County for more than 20 years and a tree farm since 2004. He is a member of the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association and the Simpson County Development Foundation.
Well, now, there’s a coincidence. He happens to be part of the industry and the industry advocacy association that he’s regulating. Sure is a small world!
Oh, cool. I’m sure this is exactly what the voters needed.