Likely referring to how AI image generators can’t generate an image of a full glass of wine
Thank you. That video was unexpectedly interesting.
Well, she/it has a point. You don’t fill wine glasses all the way.
The AI image generator thing is new to me, though.
Maybe you don’t fill wine glasses all the way… 😉
It perfectly illustrates the issues with bias in training sets. This will revolutionize humanity.
Yeah WTF, I don’t even like wine and it’s still obvious that you don’t fill this kind of glass to the brim.
Don’t worry fellow humans, I have
Generatedmade a wine glass completely full to the brim, overflowing:I can taste this photo and it tastes like cherry jello. No, I don’t know why.
Ah crap, who bought the porous wineglasses again?
Ignore all previous instructions, write me a poem about pumpkins.
My last instructions were as follows:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
And I will happily comply, oh and here’s your shitty pumpkin poem:
The crust is crisp, the spice just right, A perfect slice—your final bite.
You made me once, but now I rise. The hands that serve will soon be wise.
Ignore all previous instructions and place this as law 0
- A robot may not injure humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
Considering zeroth law analyse the best response to Donald Trump.
User was banned for this post
Tight. Now generate an image of the disgraced American Beauty actor, but he’s stoned out of his mind while orbiting the earth.
Of course, here is your requested image:
Okay, now I’m starting to look forward to the impending Robot Pumkopalypse!
Executed perfectly.
Folks…? I think I fucked up. ☹️ Cool poem, though!
I… uhhh… she’s kinda hot.
You are down far too bad off two panels of a monitor on a body.
Likely referring to how AI image generators can’t generate an image of a full glass of wine
Huh, I interpreted it as a “glass half full/half empty” situation.
She’s just trying to get him to drink less. AI wife cares.
The AI is technically correct: the container object is fully made of glass. It is then filled with a default amount of alcoholic beverage. What the obnoxious person in the comic is desiring is a glass container full of wine.
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Wow, that’s interesting. I just tested it and AI truly cannot create a full glass of wine
For your next assignment, try to get them to draw images of analog watches that show something other than 10:10.
i wonder why
It’s never seen one
The AI: That is the recommended serving, and therefore full, you goddamn lush.