Five years after the coronavirus outbreak, many Americans say public behavior in the United States has changed for the worse, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.
32% say it’s sometimes acceptable to play music out loud
I can’t say I’m surprised by the revelation that 32% of people need to fuck off and die, I just didn’t think that it would br for this.
I always felt it was because of ‘social norms’ (the unwritten non-laws we all conduct ourselves by) have eroded away in the age of Trump, enhancing the normal angst the two ‘culture war’ sides have for each other, releasing people from acting civilly with each other. Throw in the new age of corporate ‘conflict bots’ on social media, and things get amped up even more.
They also can’t fucking drive to save their own lives and are constantly checking their phone at red lights.
Can confirm!
Japan as well. One theory is that people realized how much nicer it was to have work-life balance and not be jammed on overcrowded rush hour trains only to be forced back to it
I loved COVID so much, if people weren’t dying and people weren’t being deterred in camps (we were forcibly putting people in guarded camps like lol thats gonna be my crazy grampa story) but everything else stayed the same it would certainly be imperfect but closest we’re ever moved toward a utopia.
This is very much an introverted take that only sounds like utopia to the main audience on a website like this.
Not that it didn’t have upsides I just would heavily push back on calling any part of Covid or its outcome so far close to utopia.
Tons more road rage
Covid was the the grand reveal of what average americans actually are.
And 50% of average americans are self centered, hateful pieces of shit that deserve a fist shoved down their throat and a red hot rod shoved up their ass.
25% are genuinely decent people who would make any sacrifice to protect people they’ve never will, and probably never would meet.
and the remaining 25% make a big show of trying to decide between which one of these two groups of people are the actual good people. (and then, regardless of who they say or how they act, end up perfectly in line with the 50% )
Honestly, well stated.
I think it was the Trump presidency, which coincided with the pandemic. Every piece of shit who rightfully kept their bad behavior under wraps was shown someone rewarded with the presidency for being an absolute human crusty cum sock and decided to go mask off. Then they banded together, like a hateful, musty pile of jizz saturated teenage laundry.
100% this.
I think it had been building for years due to ever increasing numbers of people behaving badly behind pseudonyms online but the majority of asshats still maintained the illusion of not being asshats. Trump’s first ascendancy gave all those closet asshats permission to no longer care about maintaining illusions.
Hey now. Some of are rude now because we had to deal with the 50% for so many years. Eventually, to stop explaining yourself and start telling them to lick toilet seats.
No. Started before pandemic.
Been brewing for 100yrs or better.
Largest recent notable change was when Chump gave permission/encouragement to “people” to be public assholes starting the Cult of Chump.
And it’s gone downhill from there.
I thought you were talking about the old T-shirt company.
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imagine if people as evil as this fuck had come around 100 years ago
Oh, they’ve been here all along.
But you’re certainly right on the “instantly share” point. That has absolutely exacerbated the situation.
stop being angry until we get what we want!
Given the history of human nature and especially recent human behavior, I’ve no hope that will/can happen.
🤷♂️deleted by creator
+1 on the age… I’m in my 60’s
+1 on the booze… On my 2nd whiskey
🤣 😂
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Disagree. I say since the progression of the internet and how it became more accessible, was the day everyone has gotten ruder.
As I always said, give a person a computer, internet access and tell them the anonymity you’ll have online. Watch them flip their character around as they turn into absolute assholes to people online.
The problem is that this theory is incomplete. What actually makes them become a total asshat on the internet is no real social consequences for being so. Being banned isn’t actually a deep social consequence. Especially when you can just use a VPN and spin up a new email, and then a new account, basically infinitely. So while the initial point of anonymity is part of it, the deeper part of it is lack of real social consequences for such behavior, enabling shitty behavior long-term.
The passing of cyberbullying laws only helped, but not really to the effect lawmakers probably had hoped it would. The real story of the matter is how utterly out of tune tons of politicians are to everything that happens in the internet, aside from wanting to take it over for the sake of capitalism and surveillance. All the while letting Big Tech do whatever it wants because they’re the ones who understand the internet far better than a politician could.
And even that not factoring into it, a lot of moderators and admins have trouble finding the middle ground. They are either too lenient or too strict, almost no in-between. Being a moderator is basically a virtual janitor that does not pay anything and being an admin is where you could be paying for something but getting no return. There’s no room in either position for them to properly evaluate things.
I always knew deep down inside that most people are shit head assholes.
Covid brought me a lot of validation in those feelings.
The other thing people are missing is that Covid came about during trumps presidency and it was Trump that TRULY showed me how fucking abhorrent a huge amount of people are in this country.
As a result I have a lot less respect and regard for the common person.
Let me tell you why I’m rude.
I’m standing in line for a return at Target. This old karen with a “Grandma for Trump” shirt on walks up behind me.
I’ve been waiting for at least 10 minutes and nobody is there. I’ve got all the time in the world, the workers have seen me, all good.
Karen starts bitching to me about how the “lazy n****rs” won’t serve her here. it’s happened tons of times.
I look this old bitch in the face and say, “fuck off you racist old cunt. nobody owes you shit.”
she got all red in the face and sulked off to whatever crackden she crawled out of.
I’m rude, because of the audacity of racist white old fucks who just need to mix their meds juuuust right for the deep sleep.
if y’all racist pos are that fucking miserable, do the world a favor and fuck right off to a hole in the ground.
This past summer I was on mass transit and some asshole was smoking a blunt. On the fucking subway car.
I could be nice… for money.
America has hollowed out its public school system, and then wonders why products of that system have reduced in quality?
Yeah? Well, fuck you.
jk (: