Former vice presidential nominee Tim Walz criticized Trump for economic chaos while taking personal responsibility for the situation during an MSNBC interview.
“We wouldn’t be in this mess if we’d have won the election — and we didn’t,” Walz told Chris Hayes. He called Trump the “worst possible business executive” and praised the Wall Street Journal’s editorial criticizing Trump’s tariff war.
Walz emphasized Democrats must offer something better, not just criticize Trump. Recently, he acknowledged a leadership void in the Democratic Party and admitted spending too much time combatting Trump’s false claims about immigrants.
I don’t blame Harris or Walz. I don’t even blame Biden, the senile old fool that he so clearly is.
I blame the Americans for fucking up the most outrageously obvious binary choice in history.
Has there ever been an election so obvious? Even during Trump vs Clinton one could almost be forgiven for giving Trump the benefit of the doubt as a “political outsider”, but by 2024 we knew exactly who this fucking guy was… The fact that people today are acting surprised and outraged about all the stuff that’s been happening during Trump’s first 1.5 months is only further proof that Americans are perhaps the dumbest amnesiacs to infest the Earth.
Literally all we had to do was vote against Trump’s particular brand of fascism.
But Americans are the type of people who fail a single question true or false quiz because they forgot to write their name at the top of the page, and we deserve to suffer the consequences of our collective stupidity over and over until it is bred out of us, or until our society falls. The American people allowed this to happen–and not just Trump, but everything bad that has happened over the course of American history.
Nah it’s actually their fault. The fact that they lost when it was “the most outrageously obvious binary choice in history” shows how hard they fucked a lay-up.
The good think about the 2024 US election was that the choice was obvious to everyone who paid the littlest attention; the bad thing was that Americans chose the wrong candidate anyway.
My favourite part is how he made gains in (virtually?) all segments. It seems the economy was their number one concern too. Imagine thinking the current president was going to make the economy/their financial situation better…
Like at some point you just need to call out the stupid.
Nah, it’s the Democratic parties fault. They could have prevented this. It’s their job to do so!
Biden, the senile old fool that he so clearly is
That shit made me chuckle because of how true it is. Also, the way that you worded that is so perfect. Beautifully put.
I blame Reagan
I like picking random bad things that have happened in America an tieing it back to Regan. Usually it isn’t even hard.
How dare you!? America is a DEMOCRACY, and that means we can’t be blamed for how we vote. If I vote for Trump, I’m not at fault for what happens. In fact, it’s Harris’s fault. She should have pandered to me more. I can blame her, and only one person can be at fault for something, so I’m guilt free.
You liberals are always trying to guilt trip us leftists for letting fascists take over the government!
I’ll go ahead and blame Biden for you
finally! I hate when peope are always blaming trump or maga or republicans for this shit when its been the democrats every time. reagans deregulation and tax cuts, bush juniors war on terror, trumps total idiocy. ALL DEMOCRATS! We need to stop fighting the republicans and work with them against our common enemy.
Republicans ARE our common enemy, at this point… Democrats have been an “enemy of my enemy” scenario for decades now, but they are LITERALLY the lesser of two evils. Howsabout we get rid of this BS two-party system that’s allowed the Overton window to go so far right? Maybe start there, not "work with cuntservatives.
Democrats have been an “enemy of my enemy” scenario for decades now
True… but that rolls off the tongue better than, “The not-quite-friendly business partner of my country’s toxic monsters is my friend.”
news to me. Everything I see is lets fight the current administration by bitching about the democrats not quite doing enough in the past. Its only by rectifying the past that we can solve the future. do not be concerned about the present.
I partly agree with “It’s only by rectifying the past that we can solve the future”… but you cannot do that while being unconcerned with the present.
Well, I mean the worst Walz did personally was maybe his performance against JD, but that’s pretty small compared to a lot of other errors that can be attributed to the collective campaign decisions and DNC as a whole. And yes, Biden. And really, 2020 and 2016. Actually fuck it, compared to all the butterfly effect possibilities, Walz is such a small part of why we’re in this mess, lol. I still want the 2000 supreme court to support the Florida recount that actually says Gore won.
Still, kudos for taking responsibility.
I wouldn’t place any of it on Walz, this is all about Harris/Biden. He did well in his debate, he was obviously more progressive than Harris and was pretty much just reined in.
I think if the ticket had been reversed, they’d have won. The center wasn’t ready for a black woman to start with, and when she was just parroting the same party line re: Gaza, and cozying up to fucking Cheney’s, for crying out loud, it turned off the progressives that might have voted.
It’s so obvious the democratic party lied about Biden to get through the nomination phase and used the fact that the money already donated for the campaign was specifically to Biden or Harris and would not have easily been given over to any other new candidate. You do have to wonder, especially after how Trump was greeted by them, just what actually happened here. The fact is that the truth about Bidens condition should have been known, he should have decided not to run, and the Democratic party should’ve had a real primary for real candidates and new ideas. Tim Walz was as bad of a VP pick as Tim Kaine. The white guy as VP to shore up the right wing vote is a total myth. Biden was kind of the first one, then Tim Kaine, then Tim Walz. It just doesn’t work. Neither will Newsoms podcast attempt at finding common ground which he hopes will translate into moderate votes. Democrats really have no clue just how bad things are about to get…
the truth about Bidens condition should have been known
It was known, and lots of us were shouting from the rooftops about it, But Democrats and liberals did everything they could to shut us up, accuse us of being Russian bots, accuse us of helping to get Trump elected, when it was liberals that got Trump elected by ignoring the people that saw every single sign
It didn’t help that the New York Times and other media outlets were all in on talking shit about Biden, and that undermined their credibility on the age issue. It was only after Biden’s disastrous showing at his debate with Trump that the average voter had any credible evidence of his decline.
There was evidence. There are tons of videos of Biden speaking in the 80s and 90s. Compare any of those videos to hin speaking in 2021, 2022, or 2023 and you could very easily tell that his mind had become a pale shadow of what it once was.
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.
All we needed to do was take off their rose colored glasses. The evidence was plainly in view for everyone to see.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Newsom pulls a Tulsi Gabbard and switches sides. He had Charlie Kirk (of TPUSA) on his podcast where he “completely aligned” with him on trans rights (i.e. eradicating us), then had Steve Bannon on. That’s a bit much even for the Liz Cheney flank of the DNC.
I suspect Newsom doesn’t see any future for his party, and is bailing out instead.
I’ve been wondering if there’s a gas leak at Newsom’s house. The hell happened to him?
That’s EXACTLY what I’m expecting, when he stood up to Trump I thought he’d be alright, but the dude has basically been courting the Far Right and going all in on being as transphobic as possible.
He’ll run the sadly profitable “I was on the Left peacefully drinking Kombucha and eating Avocado Toast like the next pink pussyhat wearing hippie, but then they went too far when they tried to tell me the Holocaust actually happened! They’ve gone completely nuts!” grift.
In my experience, the higher up you go in both parties, you tend to sort of arrive at the same places with the same people… and most importantly, the same donors and the same money machine. That’s the great thing about the U.S. dollar really, corruption and selling Govt from Citizens United to today sort of drives the bipartisan nature of it because it all greases the wheels of the two party political machine.
I’ve listened to several episodes of his podcast… I’ll probably continue listening but in the first episode Newsom basically kept saying he only got into college because his scores were low and he played baseball. Then he kept backing down to Charlie Kirk, Bannon, etc, while constantly saying he doesn’t know what to do and kept asking them for ideas. In the first episode, there was a moment where he said Jesus Fucking Christ or something to Charlie Kirk, which called him out on it. It’s like, the very voters he’s trying to go after will hear that and stop at the first episode. He will gain no allies on the right as he abandons the party he is supposed to believe in, along with the core values he is supposed to defend. He thinks having a podcast with right wing guests where he gets sort of transactional on the issues. Like, do you think giving up the trans in sports debate is going to win you anything when their entire side would like to see gay marriage go away entirely? While you claim to still even support that? Do these people even think any of this through?
If Newsoms approach is the best the Democrats have to offer, then it might be game over for a very long time…
Newsom is an amazing combination of a spineless coward and a heartless monster that if he’s the Democratic Candidate, it might be the first year I don’t vote. I will NEVER willingly put a transphobe in the White House.
It’s so obvious the democratic party lied about Biden to get through the nomination phase and used the fact that the money already donated for the campaign was specifically to Biden or Harris and would not have easily been given over to any other new candidate.
the argument for this one is that the super pac was biden/harris, not any other random person, so it’s questionable whether they would’ve been able to use super pac funding at all especially at such short notice, given the technicalities of super pac funding. The majority of DNC funding, sure, but super pacs are most of the money in elections these days.
And every time you point this shit out, people will stick their fingers in their ears and say:
You had a primary and we all picked Biden!
Ignore that the 2016, 2020, and 2024 primaries were effectively just for show! Ignore that they argued in court they have no reason to follow democratic policies in their primaries!
Ignore the evidence that the media hated outsiders that threatened their bank accounts and loved the ones that increased them!
Turn off your brain and cut out your tongue, vote blue no matter who we pick for you!
Ignore that the 2016, 2020, and 2024 primaries were effectively just for show! Ignore that they argued in court they have no reason to follow democratic policies in their primaries!
the law literally says they don’t have to lmao, go take that up with the DNC or something.
Yeah, everyone keeps bringing this up like it’s some kind of dunk, but the DNC can basically run things as they please. Don’t like it? Start another party. The party’s procedure goes back a few decades by now. People act like when Biden dropped out they did this crazy double secret turbo maneuver but the fact is the DNC can put forth whomever they want.
literally, it’s how this works, go bitch at the DNC or get legislators to do something about it lmao.
Gavin’s going to run more Diet Republican than any Democrat ever before and that’s going to make even my “Blue, no matter who!” ass not vote for him. I’m already thinking about staying home in '28 because Trump can’t win a third time and Gavin’s a transphobe.
There’s no leadership void in the Democratic Party, it’s been Bernard Sanders for quite a while. Them denying this is to their (and everyone elses) detriment. Just run Bernie/AOC and let’s get this over with.
Nancy Pelosi is the leadership of the Democrats. And AOC was not allowed to become top house dem. They chose Gerry
AtrickConnely instead.AOC and Bernie will never be allowed to do anything besides sheepdogging progressives into the Democratic party. And at this point it appears they are fully on board with that.
Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries may control the official party apparatus, but when it comes to communicating and connecting with constituents and energizing the base, AOC and Bernie are clearly the only ones acting as opposition leaders.
At some point they have to fall in line and follow orders. Or fade into obscurity. It’s a truly shitty system. One long overdue for a big reset…
Sheepdogging is why Bernie’s out on the road right now.
All the democrats had to do was field a white male opponent against Trump who can be charming and give good speeches. Instead they put up a biracial woman, who the fuck amongst the democrats thought that America was ready for a biracial woman president, like did they do zero pooling to figure out what the people wanted, aren’t politicians supposed to know the pulse of the nation, it’s literally their job to serve the citizens of the country. They should have made Bernie or even Walz the presidential candidate and Kamal could have been the VP
The “she lost because she’s a woman of color” talking point is just an excuse to shut out AOC in 2028.
You think voters can’t be sexist or racist?
I think they can be both. They’re called republicans and appealing to them is why harris lost.
I don’t think they’re as prevalent as democrats are making them out to be. And I think that they’re overstating the problem as an excuse to shut out AOC.
All the democrats had to do was field a white male opponent against Trump who can be charming and give good speeches. Instead they put up a biracial woman
she was literally the previous VP, about the best pick you’re going to get, especially from a functional party, as much as people will tell you the biden admin didn’t do shit, it’s one of the more productive admins, in a long time.
I think spurning the Arab American vote in swing states, to secure the Israeli vote in a solid blue state had a lot to do with it…
The voters deserve a lot of blame here.
You can lead a horse to water…
Any ADULT can easily see that politicians are going to be imperfect, and no single candidate is going to align 100% with your stance. Demanding that they do, or else you’ll vote for literally the worst possible option, or sit out, or vote a “protest” vote, all so that someone, somewhere will “learn” something is just fucking childish and stupid. And this will be continue to be true no matter how many times the Tone Police show up to admonish people about blaming voters. Sorry, not sorry: I blame the voters.
Nobody demanded that Harris align 100% with their stance; they demanded that she not be an absolute pile of shit of a candidate. That distinction matters.
she was actually pretty ok? The one thing that was bad about her was the israel stance, which is like maybe 5% of the voter base that ACTUALLY cares about that enough.
So first a lot more than 5% of the Democrat voter base cares about Gaza. I won’t get into the weeds, but there.
The one thing that was bad about her was the israel stance,
No? She would’ve won at least two or three swing states if that was the case. Her economic policy (or lack thereof, more accurately) was horrible. She dedicated the final two months of her campaign almost exclusively to “Trump bad” rhetoric while not promising to do anything for her constituents. I mean this woman was asked what she’d do different from Biden economically and she said “nothing comes to mind”. Status quo politics just won’t cut it in this day and age.
So first a lot more than 5% of the Democrat voter base cares about Gaza. I won’t get into the weeds, but there.
i’m talking about the voter base that actually cares enough to influence their vote over it. I’m sure if you polled the public it;s like 90% or higher who care about it at all, like 40% support israel, 60% against israel, and like 5% of those is “fuck israel i hope it burns to the ground and that palestine re conglomerates into israel” type of people.
No? She would’ve won at least two or three swing states if that was the case. Her economic policy (or lack thereof, more accurately) was horrible.
“her economic policy was bad” bro, did you see ANYTHING that trump said? Literally an irrelevant argument. Especially now.
She dedicated the final two months of her campaign almost exclusively to “Trump bad” rhetoric while not promising to do anything for her constituents.
I remember her talking about a lot of things she and walz were going to do, that was like a pretty big deal. Was their entire plan, not all of it was great, but it existed, unlike trump.
I mean this woman was asked what she’d do different from Biden economically and she said “nothing comes to mind”. Status quo politics just won’t cut it in this day and age.
yeah and? Biden had pretty good economic policy? Aside from the whole covid thing, but you have no choice there, unless you want a global recession, more like a depression. Again, trumps economic policy has been an utter disaster in comparison.
i’m talking about the voter base that actually cares enough to influence their vote over it.
bro, did you see ANYTHING that trump said? Literally an irrelevant argument.
Don’t move the goalposts. Here’s what you said:
she was actually pretty ok? The one thing that was bad about her was the israel stance, which is like maybe 5% of the voter base that ACTUALLY cares about that enough.
We’re talking about Harris on her own merit, not about Trump.
I remember her talking about a lot of things she and walz were going to do, that was like a pretty big deal.
Like? Give me something specific she clearly said she would do for the working class and a link of her saying it in September or October.
yeah and? Biden had pretty good economic policy? Aside from the whole covid thing, but you have no choice there, unless you want a global recession, more like a depression.
He did well on the economic recovery front, but he or example didn’t go after price gouging. His economic policies were a step in the right direction, not an end state to campaign on.
Again, trumps economic policy has been an utter disaster in comparison.
Again, that is literally not what we’re talking about.
centrists think “second worst” means “good”.
in the context between shooting yourself in the head with a 12 gauge slug, and stubbing your toe really badly. I think most people would agree with me when i say that stubbing your toe is the best option. Comparatively, a good option.
Of course if you compare it to things like, randomly finding a billion check on the ground, nothing compares to that, but that’s an unreal comparison, you literally cannot base a reference point on them.
Sample Online sample of 604 voters fielded from December 20 to January 07, 2025. Margin of Error ±4.5%
thats uh, a really small sample size. Especially for a sample that’s supposed to consist of multiple swing states. Not to mention that organization is clearly either deeply embedded into the arabic culture, or arabic itself (didn’t look that hard) obviously that’s not an issue, we have things like AIPAC here in the US, it’s just, probably very biased. Which is why they exist in the first place. That’s kind of the whole point.
Don’t move the goalposts. Here’s what you said:
What’s the other available option? Voting for jill fucking stein? Who cares what i said, the facts are plainly evident, you have one really bad choice, and one decent choice.
We’re talking about Harris on her own merit, not about Trump.
and if we’re talking about her own merit specifically, i’d say she’s still a pretty competitive candidate, the voting numbers seem to agree with me on that one.
Like? Give me something specific she clearly said she would do for the working class and a link of her saying it in September or October.
she ran for a bunch of shit, notably the child tax credit, the housing crisis, the food crisis, corporate taxes, capital gains tax, there are a number of other things, those are the ones i can remember off the top of my head.
He did well on the economic recovery front, but he or example didn’t go after price gouging. His economic policies were a step in the right direction, not an end state to campaign on.
the price gouging one im not sure on, there was only really significant price gouging of medical equipment and consumables in the early pandemic months, which was quickly shut down, as it was deemed illegal, beyond that you’re talking about things like food, which struggle with inflation, and are also affected by things other than the economy, notably the avian flu for eggs. Consume electronics have gotten more expensive in some capacities, the GPU market specifically, but that’s obviously due to AI. That’s about it, everything else is probably going to be related to inflation.
Again, that is literally not what we’re talking about.
Who else are we comparing it to? Fucking god? IS the heavenly father himself going to come down and run our government for us? What’s the frame of reference we’re holding here?
thats uh, a really small sample size.
Short answer: Learn statistics. Slightly longer answer: 604 people is more than enough for a normal distribution to appear, so if the sample size was “really small” it’d be reflected in the margin of error.
Not to mention that organization is clearly either deeply embedded into the arabic culture, or arabic itself (didn’t look that hard) obviously that’s not an issue, we have things like AIPAC here in the US, it’s just, probably very biased.
Biased towards… Palestinians’ rights? The fuck are you talking about?
What’s the other available option? Voting for jill fucking stein? Who cares what i said, the facts are plainly evident, you have one really bad choice, and one decent choice.
Uh… If you don’t care to have a conversation then you should say so from the start. If you do care to have a conversation, then what you said quite obviously fucking matters. Also you ignored everything I said to claim Harris is a “decent” choice.
and if we’re talking about her own merit specifically, i’d say she’s still a pretty competitive candidate, the voting numbers seem to agree with me on that one.
What voting numbers? The ones where she lost all seven swing states? Also I quite distinctly remember a whole lot of “hold your nose and vote for her”, which isn’t what you say about a “pretty competitive” candidate.
she ran for a bunch of shit, notably the child tax credit, the housing crisis, the food crisis, corporate taxes, capital gains tax, there are a number of other things, those are the ones i can remember off the top of my head.
Quotes for those things from September or October?
the price gouging one im not sure on,
Again, the fuck are you talking about? Grocery price gouging during recessions is a widespread and documented phenomenon, and if you don’t understand that then you really are in no position to discuss the November election, because you don’t understand the people’s grievances that Harris failed to address.
What’s the frame of reference we’re holding here?
“Good” doesn’t need a frame of reference; it’s an absolute judgement. “Better” is a relative judgement that does require a frame if reference. Most people can judge whether something is good without being offered a specific frame of reference, and to most people a candidate that doesn’t even acknowledge a problem exists (again, “nothing comes to mind”) is not good.
Any ADULT can easily see that politicians are going to be imperfect
The best I can do is fall for blatant Russian propaganda and then get mad when someone calls me out on it.
It sure is convenient how all criticism comers from russians so you can ignore it.
You’ll have to try better than that comrade.
Kind of like anyone that finds faults with other leftists is a “centrist”, right?
Don’t you have voters to blame for your party’s decades of complete incompetence?
this is satire, hi hello, im doing political satire
You’re being mean to me! I hate you mean liberals! You’re always picking on leftists who just want to let fascists become president
I blame the voters.
It means you never have to listen or change in any way, so of course you do.
LOL, I am a voter. Are you under the impression that I have any direct influence over the Democratic Party? 🤣
LOL, I am a voter. Are you under the impression that I have any direct influence over the Democratic Party?
According to your comment, voters are to blame, not the infallible holy party. So good work electing trump. It’s all your fault.
says the guy, responding to the guy who literally voted for that fucking party.
Tim Walz explained it the other day at SXSW.
Politicians are like teachers. If it’s Tim Walz’s job to teach kids about geography, and then test them to check if he taught well, if the outcomes of that test show that half the class passes and half fails, then the blame for that is on the teacher. The teacher could have taught differently, teaching in different styles to adequately reach out to students where they’re at in life and according to their specific learning styles. He might teach the same topic 5-6 different ways to capture as many people as possible.
The Harris-Walz campaign didn’t do that. They had terrible messaging as soon as the DNC hit. When Harris brought Walz on, there was actual progressive momentum. But then Harris bent the knee to establishment Democrats, and they lost the election.
I will not believe that it’s the voters’ fault for the election outcome. If Democrats were sober enough to realize Trump’s threat and wanted to really fire people up, they would have may the necessary changes to do so.
I agree, I’m also happy that people like Walz seem to want to give people a better option, making a protest vote even less appealing.
based and true, thank you.
Harris could have aligned with 99% of what I wanted, but that 1% was OK with genocide, and that should have been a red line for anyone.
So, the alternative was little d, because that’s so much better?
The alternative in every instance is always no Democrats. We already have a right wing party, we don’t need two.
There were two viable options only.
When your two options are both right wing reactionaries, there are not two options.
Defeated Democratic candidate: accepts responsibility in the lightest possible way
Liberal fanboy: Noooo, it’s not your fault, it’s the children who were wrong!
I didn’t say Walz, Kamala, Biden or the Democratic Party in general have no blame.
Yeah, us voters are children, and we need politicians to baby us
Not you walz but the Democratic party. Send out 19 billion to Israel while our kids were hungry in school.
Tim signed the bill that guaranteed free breakfast and lunch for every K-12 student in Minnesota public schools. No needs-testing, no “lunch debt”…just free healthy food for children.
So true. The republicans are clearly better.
Thank God Trump won, because now we get… checks notes… Mar-a-Gaza!?
DNCs fault for blocking Bernie
i cant imagine its likely he would’ve even won in the first place, literally just schizophrenia politics.
Sure as opposed to the totally stable and sane politics of today🙄. The establishment neoliberals aren’t popular . It’s just a fact
but people keep voting for them???
Why does every dumbass on this site keep saying “BUT THEY AREN’T POPULAR” only to see them get literally 40-50% of the votes. If they truly weren’t popular, they would get like 30% of the vote.
But i guess your entire counter argument is probably “WELL BUT HOW DID TRUMP WIN THEN?” anti-incumbency. Plain and simple.
deleted by creator
i want walz and aoc in 2028
we don’t blame you tim we love you ❤️
honestly, if walz had been managed competently, I think he’d have been a pretty good folksy VP candidate. especially if he’d kept up on the ‘weeeeird’ stuff.
harris was just a terrible idea, and she didn’t even push her strengths. it’s like she, and the people who put her there, were all trying to lose.
The “Weeeeird” stuff would have knocked Trump right out of the park.
without the genocide and harris’ being simultaneously a woman of color (alienating fascists), a cop (alienating anyone with a conscience), and an arrogant symbol of the establishment that let it get so bad? yeah, fine red mist. it was a really good strategy. and they just stopped it, probably because a wealthy donor said it made them uncomfortable.
The correct answer to that is “It bothers Trump and Trump makes Americans uncomfortable.”
I just want a candidate to call Republicans out on their racist, fascist shit and to help the middle class. Why is that so hard to come by?
Well, how much money do you have?
3 money
I have 2, maybe if we can get a few more peeps together we can buy a politician or three
I disagree Mr. Walz. Had Biden not sat on his hands after being given the power of god by the supreme court - we wouldn’t be in this mess today.
Meanwhile Democrats are lining up Rham Emanuel and Gavin Newsom to run. Lol
And Gavin Newsom started a podcast and is cozying up to crazy right wingers.
It’s gonna be newsom, and they’ve already chosen for us.
I hope I’m wrong.
deleted by creator
No one lines up anyone. Stop spreading agitprop.
I imagine it’ll be a pretty large primary cohort this season. If you want to run, feel free to run, too. There is no cabal.
It is prohibitively expensive to run for president. It’s only for the super rich now because for some reason we conflate money with skill even though they are unrelated.
It’s because of the Citizens United ruling.
This has been demonstrably untrue for the past two Democratic primaries, and the people in charge of the DNC largely haven’t changed, but keep huffing that copium.
If you want to run, feel free to run,
Peak lib delusion. This disconnect from reality is a big part of why y’all lose.
Dear fucking God not Newsom. That dude is a bigger turd than Hillary.
I will not vote for him. I held my nose and voted for kamala but Newsome has the makings of all the people who “left the left”.
Clearly he’s a Russian plant. Everyone knows we should only blame voters and never the politicians who lost.