Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers are pushing to classify vandalism against Tesla as domestic terrorism.
Trump declared that those damaging Tesla dealerships would face terrorism charges, calling the company “a great American company.”
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and others urged the FBI and Attorney General to investigate alleged Democrat-linked NGOs behind Tesla attacks, though no evidence was provided.
Greene may have violated House ethics rules by advocating for Tesla while owning its stock.
No one ever said hating Elon Musk was a crime but destroying private property is. Burning down charging stations, dealerships, and attacking strangers for the type of car they drive are absolutely acts of terrorism. At the end of the day independents decide elections. Do you think this behavior makes democrats more appealing? Is this going to swing voters in your direction? You guys have really lost your way and i feel sorry for you.
Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature
Definition from the US House of Representatives:
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
© occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States; and
(6) the term “military force” does not include any person that—
(A) has been designated as a—
(i) foreign terrorist organization by the Secretary of State under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189); or
(ii) specially designated global terrorist (as such term is defined in section 594.310 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations) by the Secretary of State or the Secretary of the Treasury; or
(B) has been determined by the court to not be a “military force”.While you can argue that coordinated acts of destruction against Tesla dealerships could be defined as domestic terrorism, individual acts of vandalism against Tesla vehicles do not fall under this definition, nor should they. Otherwise, you could classify someone like Banksy as a terrorist. Is that the kind of world you want to live in?
Man half the country is gonna be classified “terrorist” before we have another major vote again. You think people burning Teslas give a fuck about the democratic party that failed this country in a massive massive way for the last several decades.
No one burning Teslas gives a flying fuck about the Democrats. I really want to live in your world were the Democrats are “radical leftist” and it wasn’t just a few anarchist kids with some balls. I wish the Democrats had some teeth but they’re a sad pathetic planned opposition party.
You vote Fascism INTO power. It doesn’t let you just vote it out. Anyone burning a Tesla knows that.
Yes the people burning Teslas are obviously democrats. I’m much more interested in this fascism you speak of. Can you tell me any specific examples or experiences of fascism that you have endured? (There will be another election in 2026 btw.)
Holy shit, sealioning on lemmy. What a waste of fucking time.
How dumb to blame democrats for the actions of leftists. Democrats don’t do shit.
Also, none of that shit is inherently terrorism. It’s vandalism or criminal mischief until you consider the “political element.” The political element isn’t a thing since Elon isn’t running DOGE (as they claim).
You cannot claim the vandalism at Tesla dealerships is politically motivated since you also claim Elon isn’t the one running DOGE.
I hate Elon and I don’t even disagree with targeting Tesla. But let’s be real. Mass targeted vandalism and especially arson are clearly forms of violence. The victims of this violence are civilians and the purpose of the violence is to achieve political goals through instilling fear.
Agree with the actions or not, that’s terrorism.
If people started targeting and burning down costcos for being woke/DEI, that would be terrorism for the exact same reason, not because the ideology is different.
People need to stop pussyfooting around the label and accept that words mean certain things. The issue is not whether or not it’s terrorism. The argument should be whether or not the actions are justifiable.
It’s like whinging about whether or not we say “Osama Bin Laden was killed” or if the person who shot him is a “killer” because killing in general is bad/wrong.
Now the government response of categorizing certain people vs others as terrorists matters. What it means for people resisting Trump matters. But those are different arguments.
Those who make peace revolution impossible make violent revolutions inevitable.
It is bad practice to post links without also providing quotes from the source to support your claim. You are wasting the other person’s time.
I thought a link to a George Washington with the phrase “political violence” was self explanatory.
That is George Washington’s Wikipedia page. It includes his whole life, there is plenty of information in there that is unrelated to politically charged violence. You can at least do your cohorts the courtesy of having a pointed and deliberate discussion. Put in a little effort, it doesn’t hurt.
You’re right. I shouldn’t expect the STEMlord nerds on Lemmy to understand things like subtext
Funny enough, you would probably categorize me as a “STEMlord” if you knew me in person. In general I try to keep these types of communications as straight-forward as possible online. Many non-productive discussions that I have seen online originated from statements meant to impose heavy implication. These kinds of statements are generally taken worse with the lack verbal communication and body language. From what I have seen, it is generally better to give these faceless discussions some effort up front to ensure level footing for both people.
PS: I do believe humanity needs professions outside Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
It’s George Washington, his entire life is the support to their claim
You know, the founding father who lead the army during the Revolutionary War?
I would venture to say that almost every group and/or sovereign nation’s origin involves war/violence.
Buddy. This is pure rage. Terrorism is calculated. And comparing burning a Tesla to Osama Bin Laden is fucking laughable.
I wasn’t comparing Tesla to Osama Bin Laden? I was making an analogy to clarify my point of calling an obvious spade a spade. Terrorism doesn’t have to be calculated, it just has to be politically motivated. I happen to agree with the political motivations and stance of the violence in this case. That doesn’t change what it is.
And what is an analogy?
Terrorism by it’s definition needs to be calculated because it’s required to be in the furtherance of a specific outcome. You can’t have that without it being calculated.
An analogy is a comparison. I was comparing a case of labeling something I see as obviously terrorism to a case of labeling something obviously killing. I wasn’t making a comparison to say Tesla is equivalent to OBL.
Sure we can debate the definition of terrorism, which I’m open to being wrong about. When you say “calculated” I understand that as premeditated with some thought towards planning the action. Hypothetically say we have someone who regularly carries a gun, and is walking around during Pride parade. Say he’s historically anti-queer/DEI, what ever stereotype. Say for whatever reason he gets angry enough, something’s happened and it’s the last straw and he wants to put an end to the leftist agenda and starts shooting at the crowds, while spouting his political ideology. It’s a caricature, but has all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack except on the point not being “calculated”, it’s a spur of the moment, unplanned attack. I’d still call that terrorism.
Another point though, I think many of the people who have been vandalizing Tesla did calculate their actions. Especially the arson cases must have involved some degree of thought/planning. And part of that thought is the political stance that Musk is wrong and billionaires like Musk should be afraid of the people.
First, that’s a lot of words to admit you compared burning Teslas to OBL. Second, you described a hate crime, not a terrorist attack.
Whoosh. They’re not mutually exclusive.
After 9/11 terrorism gained a much more negative connotation I think. Idk fully about what it was like before since I wasn’t alive but in Deep Space Nine you literally have a character who said she was a terrorist and that’s not really seen as like an inherently evil thing like it would be in the current day. I think people understood the nuance back then that sometimes terrorism ends up being justified when you’re fighting for freedom against an oppressor.
Totally agree.
There is no political goal, He is not a politician. It is to force migrant Elon to pay tax on his loan collateral(stock) by crashing tesla stock prices.
Such big man babies, they are going to make it illegal to not like them??? There is not a word in the English language that describes how baby, child like and immature this behavior is. I think we shall call it being musk. They are being extremely musky about this.
I like it. Musky: a state of being petty or childish.
I’m absolutely down, we should start using this.
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So be it. Not unexpected when every head up there has a deep-seated persecution complex
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According to this, avoid her magic rings, and jump on her head three times.
SMB3 might be the single greatest video game ever created.
Next thing you know they’ll be calling democrats an insurgency.
They have been… In this very article they claim (with no evidence) that the Democrats are finding the NGOs that are doing this.
They’ve been waging war on words for years now. Keep using them improperly until they don’t have any meaning left. So… totally on brand
What a bunch of snowflakes. What’s wrong? Are we hurting his feelings? The richest douchebag, who doesn’t know what he’s doing, with his head is so far up his own ass I’m sure he can taste it, doesn’t like being called what he is? 🎻
Fuck him. I have no pity for fascists. 🖕🏾
Poor Musk
My dogs face when I’m holding bacon is how I imagine Republicans look when they see a boot.
Not being republican is now illegal. Cool cool cool.
I mean they had to find some way to incentivize people to vote for them.
That only incentivized boycott more
Fucking moron sheep
“terrorist” has been so overused it no longer means much of anything. Like so many other words.
never did. it was always a word to justify state violence.
Didn’t think they’d abandon Musk this quickly
2A supporters are just a bunch of cucks and cowards. They just want their guns to “Ali Wong” themselves and not protect anything.
…”Ali Wong”?
Good to know that all that “George Soros interfering with muh freedums” was bullshit projection.
Who could have known? These goddamn tankies, telling us not to immediately blame the Jews?!