We picked up Journey and Star Traders Frontier. I’ve wanted to play Journey since it came out but I didn’t have the proper console. Well, I forgot I put it on the wishlist, and that’s a real good price so.
I’ve (sung? musically yelled at?) another person already.
Mass Effect legendary edition (all 3 games + all DLCs) is on for 6 Euro.
That’s a great deal IMO
On the third game myself, I can’t believe I didn’t play these sooner. I understand the hype this series generated now.
They may not have lived up to the hype when initially released, which was understandable as there were a lot of promises that weren’t keeps, but they are undoubtedly still absolutely amazing games.
No Man’s Sky is down to $23.99. I remember the launch was poor but they kept working on it and improving it. I picked it up a couple years ago on Xbox and have enjoyed it
NMS was such a mixed bag for me. I spent over a hundred hours on it yet still walked away wondering what there was to do in the game.
It is way more of an enjoyable experience now than it was on launch. I just still find it sort of flawed on a core level. The exploration is clearly supposed to be a primary focus of the game, but I just find it incredibly bland after a bit. After I finished with that, I don’t really know what to do with the game aside from… keep flying around trying to find something worth finding.
I put 40hrs into it. I don’t regret that, but I also have zero interest in continuing to play it past that.
Can someone explain videogames sales to me? How can a game be 12$ and 8.99$ the day after?
Can you elaborate where your confusion lies? It’s a digital good, there is no marginal cost. So they can pretty much price a game however they want. So pricing is mostly about maximising revenue, i.e. get as many sales as you can at the highest possible price.
A sale is a relatively straightforward strategy where you first sell the game at a high price to all the people who are fine with paying a lot, then you lower the price to sell more copies to the people who weren’t willing to pay the higher price. The result is more total profit. There is a time limit too to create a sense of urgency (“I better buy now so I don’t miss the opportunity”).
Can you elaborate where your confusion lies?
Real goods have a limited lifespan, they usually go on sales when they are about to reach the end of their life or when you physically have to get rid of them. Software doesn’t expire.
A price is usually set to cover the initial costs and to make a reasonable profit not to squeeze how much money you can from people.
Games on Steam are not usually recurring purchases, one person won’t buy the same product over and over like they need to for food. This means the market of people willing to pay the full price gets saturated over time.
Sales are a way to increase the market size by lowering the “barrier to entry” (price). Sometimes a price will be permanently lowered, however usually not because a temporary sale encourages people to buy now instead of later.
The same way your grocery can be selling something for $10 one day and put it on sale for $6 the day after.
Grocery deteriorates, when it’s about to expire it goes on sales and if nobody buys they throw it away. Software doesn’t rotten.
Ah, I see you’re one of those basement dwellers who’ve never done your own grocery shopping in your life.
Its for the people that only buy when its a “good deal”. Its usually for old games that are well liked or for newer games that are maybe a year old now. The non sale price is for people who can’t wait for the discount. Sorta like waiting for a movie to go to video/streaming rather than go to the theater.
So what you are saying is that it is only a marketing move to appeal to poorer people?
I’m not rich but I’m definitely not poor. I only buy video games when they’re like $30 CAD or less. Only time I went against this rule was for Baldurs Gate.
You can also view it as a strategy to extract more money from richer people, without sacrificing all the poorer customers.
Frugality does not imply a lack of wealth.
I would think it usually implies the opposite
Noita is currently 60% off and is hands down the best game I have ever played (kind of). It is ridiculously brutal and you will die very often but you have the potential to get ludicrously powerful as well. The game will cheese you so don’t be afraid to cheese it back. In has so much content that beating the final boss for the first time is considered beating the tutorial.
Also if the some aspects are too bullshit for you there is a variety of mods to fix these, and there is absolutely no shame in using them.
I got myself and can recommend:
Returnal (29.99€) (Rogue-like shooter),
Wisper (6.99€) (Open world exploration) and Crossroads OS (3.74€) (Puzzle game).
I can further recommend:Studio System (8.84€) (Horror),
With My Past (6.59€) (Puzzle),
Signalis (13.99€) (Horror).Rain World and its DLC Downpour are 50% off (just above 11 bucks)
I went to check it out and it’s already in my library. Must have snagged it in the last sale.
This is my son’s favorite game. Seems to have decent replay value.
Going to vouch for this game. I’ve been really enjoying it.
Best experienced without spoilers. Don’t even look up the creatures if you can resist.
You are not a hero, you’re are a small animal in a living ecosystem.
Love this game conceptually but I’m going to have to try again when I have mental bandwidth to get absorbed into it
Rain World is very, very niche in its appeal, but it’s perhaps the best argument for games as art that I’ve ever come across. I’ve never had to rethink what a game even is in order to engage with something before.
Elite Is a space flight economics simulator.
Fly around buy here sell there look at stuff for fun and get into battles
Great game but you will want a hotas set up if you really get into it
“Hands On Throttle And Stick;” i.e. flight sim gear
Like el_psd said flight sim gear.
Ideally one with rotation in the stick too.
I have the A10 Warthog set up but have to screw around for side thrusters because they’re replicas of the A10 warthog controls which obviously doesn’t have side thrusters.
You can play without it all but it does make flying more fun and imersive and afterall thats what it’s all about
I keep trying to get into Elite but it never clicks for me. I was flying around earlier trying to dock into a station but everyone was refusing me so I closed the game. I’ll probably look up a new players guide before giving it another attempt later.
Was it Elite Dangerous? Stations grant docking clearance if you’re within range when you request it; I think it’s about 7500 meters. Check out the in-game the tutorials. One of them teaches this.
Unfortunately it was due to being “friends only.” Player fleet I guess? I just couldn’t figure out how to filter them out before I got there and kept coming across them.
That range one caught me out once but I figured that one out since it tells you to come closer. I’m going to take that tutorial suggestion though. Cheers!
Ah… Yes, it was most likely a fleet carrier, then. Those are owned by players, and not always open to the public.
There’s a truly great indie beat-em-up RPG with Brian David Gilbert that just released called: INK INSIDE and it’s on sale for $15.
He’s from Pink Floyd, right?
Undertale is at a new all time love at $0.99. It’s not really my jam but it’s the time to pick it up if you always wanted to play it but never did.
The inability to resize the Undertale window without using a third-party program like Sizer continues to be INFURIATING to me.
Undertale is a good game, but it just makes me so goddamn angry every time I open it to not have control over the sizing on my own goddamn monitor that I haven’t been able to finish it.
Sounds like they should have called it Underscale
I’ll see myself out
I think I missed the window on Undertale. Who knows, if I played it when I was 17 I might have a different opinion but the whole “I’m so quirky and random” schtick doesn’t really land with me.
It’s not really my jam
I watched someone’s entire playthrough of it on YouTube, which I find to be a decent middle ground. In fact, someone else I know doesn’t even game any more and just watches playthroughs; better to see an expert do it with insightful or fun commentary than to get frustrated from not knowing what to do, etc. when we have such limited time in our lives anyway. Maybe that’s why I generally prioritize roguelites nowadays; if I’m gonna play something, I wanna ensure it’s a unique challenge that possibly not even the devs have ever exactly seen, and not simply be treated like a rat in a fixed maze to figure out precisely or struggle otherwise when other people have done it.
Anyway, I digress; Infested Planet is $1.94 USD for another recommendation, and it’s awesome. The trailer undersells it if anything.
Never heard of it and I can swing $1.94 – thanks.
Solasta Crown of the Magister for $8.99.
For me it’s the best game ever to capture the D&D feeling. The custom Warlock subclass, Timekeeper, is ridiculously fun.
I don’t see it mentioned elsewhere - but if we’re going down the CRPG route and enjoying it I’d recommend to others Divinity Original Sin 1&2.
I’d also recommend Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. But it’s age might scare some people away – so I typically don’t lead with that.
I added Cyberpunk to the cart. We’ll see if I actually purchase it.
I was thinking about this one too. Not sure if I’ll buy it, but it’s the only one I’m considering at the moment.
Do it!
deleted by creator
I’m in the same boat. Got it in the cart, unsure if I’ll hit buy
I bought it a couple of months ago and oh boy this game is amazing. The story is really well written. I am not much of a first person shooter guy but this game is definitely worth it. The story is great, the atmosphere is amazing, it is a really well made game and especially now with the overall international state of affairs and the rise of AI, its depressively dystopian story feels even more relatable and even the fighting is fun and versatile.
Good to know. I played a little bit of it at launch and thought it was pretty cool (I didn’t notice many bugs when I played), but never bought it. I know it’s supposed to be much better now and I’ve heard good things about the DLC too. Maybe I will hit that buy button
Outer Wilds is on sale. Great game if you like space, puzzles or platforming!
I’ve still never beaten it. I’m near the end I’m pretty sure. Great game.
You’re always near the end.
My personal greatest game of all time. Do go on blind tho.
Absolutely, what i would give to play again with no knowledge
I’ve heard great things about steam world heist 2 and just picked it up.
If it’s your thing btd6 is on sale for $3
Bang the donkey 6? Didn’t know they continued after 3
They expanded to include alpacas
I believe it’s “Bloons Tower Defense 6”.