“The United States has reached out to Denmark…”
You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.
America: The dumbest rocks in the sock drawer.
Oh now Trump wants allies?
Recognize the passive voice: “The US has reached out”. They don’t say Trump reached out or the Trump administration reached out.
Air delivered eggs from another continent, surely they’re going to be cheap. If only there were at least two neighboring countries that could be able to send them for cheaper…
Unfortunately they have totally unpreventable tariffs right now. I said totally unavoidable. No way to prevent it.
Very sad, very sad
Everyone’s saying it.
Trump Says “We Don’t Need Products From Canada”. Repeatedly said in recorded interviews.
Why would anyone want to help ?
For profit.
Time to educate Trump in the fine art of export tariffs.
Denmark, from who they want to steal Greenland. They are obviously terminally stupid in Washington.
Good thing we’ve got so many international allies and are known for being such a stable, reliable economic partner. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I haven’t read the news in two months and I need to catch up on current events.
Well, in those two months the USA has made new enemies by insulting and threatening with invade his own allies. Worst, the USA started an economic war against his allies for no reason.
So no, now we are not willing to help.
Guess I needed to add an /s to that one.
Denmark: Did you say “please” even once?
Americas chickens coming home to roost
They did that on 9-11. Out of a plane full of Saudis and two Iraqis, look how that is still turning out.
Maybe I’m uninformed in these things. But isn’t it super easy to get the supply of eggs increased domestically? Even in a country like India which almost has 1.5 billion people, I’ve never heard about a shortage of eggs.
I think the short supply is due to bird flu, so not really
Ah I see. Thanks for the details.
What does it mean the US has reached out? Individual store chains? State governments? Certainly not Trump.
Likely USDA which is under one of his appointees so either way very dumb.
I know right.
Hey we don’t want your crap in our country. America first. But while I have you on the phone…
Oh nooo, won’t someone think of poor America.
Hi, please don’t. Let us suffer so these fuckers can hurt more. - Californian
So Trump can’t get it under control. Got it.
Well, he solved it on day one.
On day two, eggs went unexpectedly expensive again. It’s not his fault.
We use the word eggs in German the way yankies use nuts or balls. That said, yes, you can swallow our eggs, dear US government.
How’d your most recent election go?
Iirc, they didn’t actually elect fascists.
Traitors who deserve prison can downvote me all they want, Germans whining about the US after that election are a joke.
die zeggs
Deez eggs
Lay your own eggs, turkey looking cunt.
If we did, we couldn’t import them and charge a tariff to bleed our people dry one egg at a time until they are broke and slaves on the corporate plantation.
Jive ass turkey looking cunt