Dems are the establishment, both parties are full of old pieces of shit I think Bernie is the only decent one and he’s promoting stuff that we have in Europe and is basic for a rich western democracy.
Nothing is gonna change unless people start rioting and protesting in the streets like the fucking French do, go set a few precints on fire and the ruling noble class will notice you once you kick a few of their loyal uniformed dogs
We in Europe won’t have that stuff for long if people keep voting these fascists adjacent parties into power.
Fascism might not be the inevitable outcome of decades of ‘the west’s’ brand of neo-liberalism on top of the historical circumstances to which it was applied, but, all things considered, it is hard to imagine an alternative.
Damn, if only someone could have seen this all coming 200 years ago as industrialization started to take off
I have read capital volume one maybe two and a half times. I wonder how close to Pikkety’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century Marx might have written today. I haven’t read Capital in the Twenty-First Century but think it is worth the time and effort it would take to study. I will find the time at some point.
Yeah, who was that guy again? Groucho Marx or something?
It’s easy if you try.
It is easy to post a response containing no information whatsoever.
It isn’t hard to do.
Bernie is kinda as bad as your run off the mill democrat candidate. He’s just more palatable to capture young and progressive vote, but he refused to call the genocide by what it is, and has been a defender of Zionism in the past.
They should make a new party, call it the greens or something
That name is already taken by an organization funded primarily by Republican donors.
Thats so weird, I know in the UK there is a greens party who is the progressive party
There’s probably a greens party in every country and in most, it’s probably the least green thing there is
It is the progressive party. But they can’t win a local council seat let alone any valuable position. But they run for President every year and normally run one of their established candidates. The right gains more by supporting them.
That said funding is questionable. They normally have their primary debate around a rental folding table. Im shocked they can even afford chairs.
And it’s an open secret that they’re kinda Russian assets.
Tomato tomato.
Too bad the rest of the Democrats can’t hear them with all that money stuffed in their ears.
They can’t. But that just means we demand they go.
I’m sure they’ll all just step down on demand /s
Can’t insider trade if you aren’t inside her…wait what?
That will never be the democratic party. We need a new party, not a new democrat to save us.
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The people need to save this country. Yes that means you and me actually going outside. We need to stop expecting systemic change to come from politicians within a two-party system.
But what if it inconveniences me even slightly?
But I’m le tired.
Well have a nap…THEN FIRE THE MISSILES!!!
Shit, forgot about that. We had a good run, fellas. Crash it up, and let’s pick a different seed for next run.
Exactly, the country is what we make it, that’s what a democracy is. If we do nothing, evil will do something.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
The Dems need to do a lot of things. I don’t really believe it’s possible.
For one, if they continue to be owned by corporations, then no change will happen.
If We The People don’t actually have a say in party nominees, no change will happen.
If they keep bending over to “cross the aisle”, no change will happen. Stop trying to be the “good guy” and fucking fight for the party platform.
And that platform needs to shift away from the wants of rich liberals. Progressives need a voice.
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Burn every company. Copy.
REI gets a pass
We need a democratic party that fights … just that … that will do something besides just expose their belly.
Too little, too late.
I’ll vote for a Bernie AOC ticket if it ever materializes but I won’t hold my breath. You people keep expecting politicians to save you when we need to be taking a note from the French. Grassroots organization: labor strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience. It’s the only thing these leeches understand.
New Democrat motto
Great to see from these two.
So many comments about them starting a new political party and I don’t want to disagree but if democrats already have less votes than republicans now, wouldn’t that make it even harder to win an election?
The democrats have less votes because their policies are platitudes and austerity at the expense of the working people and in service to party donors. It’s not for a lack of leftist sentiment, as Bernie himself still has quite a bit of a following in spite being independent
If democrats are worried about splitting the vote, they don’t have to field a candidate.
Huge numbers of people eligible to vote, do not vote. I think the hope behind these calls for new parties is that the shy voters would like a change and would vote for a radical alternative in enough numbers to elect the Left into government. I am less convinced that shy voters are just waiting to give their votes to a better party. I think many have given up on representative democracy. The way all democracy, but especially USA democracy, has been privatised means you would still have to get massive funding to run a campaign just for the new party to be noticed by the media, let alone win votes from people not motivated to even bother to register to vote before. Thus your new party has to pander to donors more than its members or potential voters and the old, old story repeats on a loop where the party is just a puppet to wealthy puppet-masters. Old Dems are dead, welcome the New Dems, same as the old Dems.
Thinking things over, I am pretty old, nearly 70, I have recently decided that political parties and representative democracy are not able to deliver good government. Maybe last century they did, sometimes, but there’s no way to go back in time. I now believe in direct democracy and some kind of anarchy - my model is life in a small community, everyone knows and trusts each other, agrees the rules on how to run their lives, the focus is on just living each day and being as happy as possible. This society meets human need, in humane ways. We humans need that kind of nurturing. Modern nation states are too big, too complex, admin is too ‘one size must fit all’ impersonal not to be inefficient and tyranical. Better to live in smaller communities and have more autonomy. Manage larger problems through a wider network of those who share your values, a federation of new city states maybe. Can it be done? Only way to know is to try it.
The Far-Right have smashed the old reality. Their ideas about new cities-states imagine them as kingdoms with absolute monarchs, elites admin, and slaves with no rights, only allowed to live if they generate profits. It is up to each of us to use this cursed opportunity to make a new future different from the dystopia imagined by Curtis Yarvin and his ilk. We have to dare to be free. As things get worse, it will not be a choice but a necessity. Be your own rescuer or be another’s slave. Political parties have almost never been our friend, no matter what they say just to get our votes. More of the same is just slow death.
The Democrats need to dump their old shitty politicians. I would vote for AOC if she decided to run for president.
Their average age is just under 60. I’d vote for it, if I we’re still allowing that kind of thing
Bernie is pushing the 2028 presidential candidates.
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Now there’s a ticket.