Disorganized, but I swear I have a system.
Without my meds: disorganized
With ADHD meds: also disorganized, but with the ability to become organized if I want/need to
Im oddly both. Im generally unorganized but if I have control of my environment I will both organize as I go and do spurts of organizing. When I have enough time things will get organized but I like them organized by practicality or ease of use although sometimes that does not matter and I will do alphabetical or date or such.
Anybody on the outside would think I live in the midst of utter chaos. Yet if they ask me where something of mine is, I can unerringly go to it.
So the only answer I can have for your question is either “无” or ☯.
I can super organise something but can’t maintain organisation (without external pressure). So small pockets of my stuff would make me look anal, but the general vibe is of a messy maximalist.
I strive to be organized but I cannot bear actually being organized. My middle grounds is to take notes.
Better at work than at home.
Highly organised.
Do you have any tips to share?
Get things done asap. I do the dishes immediately after eating. I deal with all paperwork as soon as it comes to my attention. I write shopping lists before going to the stores. Every appointment or meet up with friends gets put in my calendar.
The big benefit of this approach is that I get a lot of things done and don’t become stressed out about unfinished chores.
Those are great tips thanks 😊
You’re welcome.
Disorganized chaos, spending a lot of time focusing my weak spots. Being naturally chaotic, and trained organized, I hope to achieve a complete outcome
Organized to the max at work. Disorganized mess but I know where things are at home
I have a bit of an organized mess.
Things have an exact place so I know where I can find just about anything I know I have, but that place isn’t exactly “neat.” Lol
I’m highly organized when it comes to more intangible things like planning. I need to know exactly what I’m doing, where I’m going, and when. I have a plan and I stick to it.
I’ve been accused of that, yeah.
Organized but unmotivated to organize. So I live in a hell of my own making.
Oh hi me!
A combination. Depends on the area/topic, really.
At home, it’s a disorganized collection of locally organized systems. The degree of organization depends on how much I care about each individual area.
At work it’s mostly disorganized, but that’s mostly the nature of the job itself. I thrive in this environment, as it’s pretty chaotic in nature, and my part of it is basically making sure that it works anyhow. I’m pretty nazi when it comes to IP assignments, as the routing tables are very organized. But I don’t give two shits about the cabling, as that changes every few weeks anyway.
Absolute zero organization.
Are you neurodiverse? It can be linked to it