Sad to see that once again the nuances of the eastern perspective gets drowned out in the sea of tears western toddlers make.
Japan has every right to be upset about this game. Ubisoft has shown blatant disrespect towards the Japanese culture, history, and people.
But western eyes can’t see culture; only color and gender.
And yet, famous Japanese creators don’t understand the hate, and see it as a vocal minority.
It gets better.
Japanese creators do not speak for the Japanese people. I could use your Asmongolds or Hasans to straw man any single argument about the West.
“Japan” isn’t a monolith. And how would we feel if Americans got upset at spaghetti westerns?
Just about everyone wants to see themselves in the main player character of an RPG. It’s one reason character creators exist. Why we can choose between male and female Shepard and then toggle their appearances. But why is it white men yell the loudest when they don’t see themselves in a fixed main character?
It’s a valid question. Sure there was an ask for female assassin play, but it wasn’t anything like this crude, angry, and off the rails epidemic we see far too often. Why is this population so loud and rage filled?
I happily play Witcher, and enjoy Geralt for who he is, including those tired sighs and the long hair that blows in a wind that’s not there. Geralt looks like he’s been torn off the cover of an old bodice ripper novel, which is a bit of an eye roll but adds to the humor. Even so. As a woman I had no problems with it or the game. I’ve played W3 through twice.
Enter Ciri as the main for the next game. Suddenly there’s a huge problem even though she’s the logical next Witcher. I’d like to know how she plays as a character outside the premade with gimped UI. The preview to 4 was nicely nuanced as well, a lot of detail packed into that clip apart from just simple spooky monster fighting. She clearly has a chip on her shoulder about life choices, and fair enough given her history.
Again, no raging outcry regarding Geralt or the way he looked for 3 installments. Now there’s outcry.
I’m not Japanese or Black and yet I’ll happily play this latest AC (but only after its old and goes on sale).
I always wanted to see anything else. I’m a human male every day. Give me a female and/or an alien or some other strange thing. Let’s be different!
I never understand this need for people to mimic themselves.
Same, non-cis white guy but I usually pick the not-me main character when given a choice. In Pokemon I’m a chick, in Stardew valley I’m a black chick, in Orcs Must Die 2 I’m the sorceress.
What kind of egotistical fuck chooses the “me” character every time
I typically play female characters in games too. Always have. They’re something outside my world experience, I can experience the story through a lense I may not have seen otherwise.
It’s nice to see yourself represented but like… Shiiiiiiit dude. I’m reading a book or playing a game to be immersed in the story. Why people put so much stock into who or what a character is; it’s beyond me.
I just want some good stories with good characters. I can’t fucking wait to kick ass as Cirilla in the Witcher. I loved being Girlboss V in Cyberpunk, Senua was stellar.
Open world RPG? Bet your ass I wanna be goth mommy in plate armour ripping out a dragon’s throat.
Also sometimes games had smaller hitboxes for women and little me fucked with that more than anything.
I play men characters a lot of the time because the boobs armor trend annoys me. I always try to make them look very distinct from me irl though. I really like this new trend of making all armors gender neutral (e.g BG3 and especially MH wilds, since the series had a long standing tradition of making some of the female armors really… Let’s say “not realistically functional as an armor”. In the new one they still have these versions but you are free to choose any of the 2 looks regardless of your character’s gender).
See I’m able to find comedy in the boob armor, but I’d much prefer to see feminine armor be designed to look equally as epic as the masculine armor designs
Some archetypes of boobs armor can work e.g the half naked barbarian, which is fairly gender neutral too thanks to Conan and shit, but sometimes it’s ridiculous.
I’ve talked before about how hilarious Verac’s Brassard, a pretty dang good piece of Armor from RuneScape is. Visually it’s a giant shoulder plate with a couple of leather straps to hold it in place, but it’s somehow a very competent armor stat-wise especially when considering the cost to purchase it or work to acquire it as a drop. (The wiki page indicates it’s basically useless, but back in the day it was a common budget selection for armor because anything better costs at least quadruple, if not orders of magnitude more than what the brassard would cost)
It hilariously has more coverage on the feminine model than on the masculine model
I made my character in XCX a woman for the same reason. I’m a boring ass white straight cis dude. Games are a fantasy and escape from real life, maybe I wanna play as a chick or black guy or trans person or alien or something, fucking who gives a shit. I played Persona 5, and I wasn’t mad that I’m not actually a 16-year-old Japanese boy.
That’s how I see it too. It’s fun experiencing different things.
I’m not a samurai or a ninja and it would be fairly weird to see a white man in Japan at that time especially in those roles. I don’t need to see myself.
Also have these people never read a book where they aren’t represented by the main character? ( pre-edit: true, they probably don’t/can’t read)
this is beside your point but nioh 1 had a white samurai based on a historical figure. i bet the chuds werent upset about that when it came out.
I’ve been listening to the audiobooks of the Witcher series and honestly it’s a series far more about Ciri than it is about Geralt. Garalt is only important because of his connection via destiny to Ciri (and of course he was the main character of the short stories that preceded the longform books) but as Ciri grew up and became capable of protecting herself he became less important until even destiny stopped caring about Geralt.
Also Ciri never received the full Witcher mutations because the process for performing the mutations was lost not long after Geralt became a Witcher. She received a partial mutation via a witcher’s diet at Ker Moren (i imagine that’s like HRT for trans people in that the hormones are what does most of the heavy lifting, and the surgeries just round out the transition) but that’s it. The rest is all her being a bad-ass on her own. I’m excited to play as her and see the kinds of bad-assery and moral quagmires she finds herself the center of
Thankfully this isn’t ubiquitous, at least in my experience. The Hades franchise has its second game in beta (is it still in beta? I haven’t checked in in a few months) with a female lead and I haven’t noticed a peep about that. Hopefully that’s not just the communities I’m part of and it’s actually been received as well as I’ve perceived
Basically “not all gamers” but not in an asshole way haha
There’s no such thing as always or never when it comes to people, except death.
White, cis, and male has been the default for hundreds of years. When a piece of media presents an alternative, some white cis males consider it an attack on their very being. They see faces that are not their own and think that this ‘correction’ of centuries of oppression means that the media is saying that being white or male is inherently wrong.
It’s narrow-minded and selfish, but in a way that’s akin to a toddler who has never had to share their toys before. Hopefully they will eventually grow up and understand that the world does not revolve around them. They’ve just never had to experience that fact before.
I do recall some people being upset that they basically “yassified” Geralt from the witcher 2 and onwards. According to the books he’s supposed to look “weird” or something like that. Like, not repulsive but definitely not sexy, with slightly “unnatural” proportions and beast-like traits, etc. Which I think they nailed in the first game, through the low definition textures and models probably help a lot with the uncanniness.
I find that people crying about non-white male and/or non-bimbo female MCs are outrage tourists pushing their stupid gamergate agenda 99% of the time. At this point I don’t know why we are even acknowledging them anymore.
I wish more streamers had the guts to do this. Too many ride the line and just ignore this stuff. It gives the idiots permission to keep yapping about it. God at least have your mods ban people in chat for it v
A lot of the hate was also from trailers showing off completely fucked bugs. Floating and/or frozen characters, unloaded assets, etc technical disasters
Why hate a ubisoft game for having a historically accurate black dude when ubisoft games do plenty of other legitimate things to earn hate?
Sure, but that’s not the hate being addressed here. Those were comments specifically about there being a black guy as a main character.
The fact that it’s a buggy barely playable mess is par for the course for Ubisoft.
Yeah its an ubisoft copy-paste game. It is a bad game cause they don’t make any good games.
But american conservatives are mad that some shitty ass sci fi slop game from a terrible developer is not 100% historically accurate since they want an samurai to be white texan instead of black.
Also I’m pretty sure that the black samurai in the game is an actual real, historical figure. Or at least based on one.
Which makes it all so much stupider. It’s not even about race swapping, it’s literally people upset that the main character of a video game is black.
He’s fucking right. Normal people don’t get their blood pressure up about “black people and women?! IN MY GAMES??”
So Ubisoft good now? After years of Ubisoft sucks. New game comes out, their good again. I don’t get you people.
Will have fun level grinding. No, I’m sorry. You can go to the in-game store and pay $5 to skip the grind. Man, I love Ubislop. /s
Not liking racist ≠ " I love [insert corporation here]". More than one bad thing can exist in the world simultaneously.
It sucks that Yasuke is still experiencing racism 400 years after his death. I’m sure he wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest.
What a grim yet totally accurate way to think about it.
I can only imagine what it was like being a black man in 16th century Japan. I wish we knew more about him.
There is an old man in my building, who got into video games about 10 years ago, when his wife died. When I first moved in I played games with him fairly often. After I knew him about a year, he exposed himself as racist. So I just faded away from interacting with him, too old to bother lecturing, so I just stopped socializing with him. I do see him around, and we make small talk, in the halls, elevator, etc.
Anyway, now that you have context, I ran into him in the elevator when Shadows first came out. He said he had been playing it, and asked if I had. I said I didn’t then told him I was a little surprised he bothered with it. He said “Cause you play a colored samurai?” I said that I figured it wouldn’t be his thing, a lot of people didn’t like the idea. He replied “He was a real person, though” I told him a lot of people were mad about it, he said “it’s just a game”. So, if a racist, 83 year old, man didn’t see the issue here, these people have to be seeking things to be mad about. He doesn’t do much online though. Only social media he does is look at FB when his kids tell him they posted new pics of the grand kids, or whatever. This is purely a symptom of being terminally online.
Everything that isnt about a straight white male plowing his sister is woke
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This is the only way to combat that sort of thing. To keep it from happening in your communities, to call out the people who do it and shame them, and to make it clear that this is stupid online bullshit that no one should care about. Good on him.
Never heard of FightinCowboy before, but this is a streamer worth following it seems. Hes gained at least one new fan and i dont even really need to see his content. Stick to righteous principles and good will come to you.
I’ve watched for a while now, he’s a cool streamer.
Tbf they say their main thing is Youtube with dual-streaming to twitch. I was looking them up and wondering why all their twitch vods were 5 years old lol
Shoutout to his MH Wilds build and weapon guides
If the bigots are hating Assassin’s Creed and it makes news, then that means it’s officially good. If it was bad, thr bigots don’t make news since they get drowned out by everyone else saying it’s bad. It’s my new metric for whether or not something is worth watching/playing.
There has been a bunch of media that warranted legitimate disdain, however the anti-woke angle was the biggest focus
I, unironically, use this as a way of finding movies, TV shows and games that I might like.
If you go on RottenTomatoes and look at the critic score vs. the user score, you can really tell a lot.
For example, if a movie has a very low critic score, and a suspiciously high user score, it’s most certainly religious drivel created to push a narrative. If you click on the reviews, it will confirm it. Every time.
Conversely, if a movie or show has a very high critic score, and a suspiciously low user score, it’s going to be because of conservative snowflakes getting triggered. Again, reading the user reviews confirms it every time.
In the case of the latter, it almost always means I will enjoy the content. So I will seek out movies and shows that have that discrepancy.
If there’s anything I’ve learned in social media over the past few years is that every wrongdoing can be blamed by the opposing political party. It’s just so simple.
IIRC, academy bait also tends to have the high critic score low(er) user score complex.
so… thoughts on the last jedi?
Not the person you replied to, but…
When the sequel trilogy first came out, I was upset because it could have been a lot better. Looking back on it, though, I think that was a combination of nostalgia and high expectations. That’s the problem all sequels struggle with, really, and the sequel trilogy didn’t hit the mark.
Of the three, The Last Jedi was actually my favorite. I didn’t particularly like what Abrams had done with the first one, and while I didn’t think switching directors in the middle of a trilogy was a terribly good idea, I felt like I could kind of see where Johnson was going with it.
With Abrams, I felt like he was trying to recreate the original trilogy. Use a tried and true formula that worked and not scare the audience too much. It was bland. Uninspired. Corporate. Johnson seemed like he actually had a story to tell. It might not have sit well with the fans - he might take a big swing and miss - but at least I felt like he was trying to create art instead of merely making money.
Honestly I kind of would like to see Johnson’s take on a full sequel trilogy.
Obviously if I could have picked anyone to take on the chief creative direction on the sequel trilogy I’d pick Dave Filoni, but that’s neither here nor there.
i also loved last jedi, and i was excited to see how rise of skywalker was going to continue last jedi, regardless if the fans hated it again or not. then rise of skywalker came out and just ruined everything
It might not have sit well with the fans - he might take a big swing and miss - but at least I felt like he was trying to create art instead of merely making money.
Same, I actually loved how his story had Rey as a “nobody” whose choices and actions were what made her important, SW has way too many special bloodlines, prophecies, and chosen ones.
Then Abrams does a 180 in the sequel 😑
I still hate that god damned dagger.
You’re asking the wrong person as I stopped caring about Star Wars a couple of decades ago.
i see, i only ask as its a movie that famously had a high critic score and low audience score
Not the person you responded to, TLJ is easily my favorite of the three sequel movies. The Force Awakens and Rise of the Skywalker (I think?) both felt like focus group fanfiction slop; TLJ was the only one with anything meaningful to say at the end of the day.
thats pretty much what i think too but at least the force awakens is watchable. rise of skywalker is total junk with about 2 good scenes
Even taking hyperbole into account, this is not a great metric and has not been bourne out in my experience.
What’s a suspiciously high and low score?
Maybe they’ve gotten better at filtering that shit out in the past couple of years, but can tell you with certainty that I’ve watched at least a half dozen shows and movies based entirely on this and have enjoyed them. My memory is shit so I can’t seem to think of any off the top of my head right now. If any come to me I will update this comment.
It’s usually media that portray the black experience in America, or that shows US history (particularly slavery and/or Jim Crow) in a negative light. Sometimes it’s just because it’s about strong women. Or, in their minds, it makes men look bad (because portraying the objectively shitty things men do is apparently biased)
For examples of the religious BS, look up anything Jim Caveizal has been in throughout the last decade or so.
Well, it depends on how recently the content has been released. If it’s recent, you can’t use user ratings because it could be review bombed. But if some time has already passed, user reviews with time even out and settle on their true score. For me, user scores are always the most accurate.
Wow fighting cowboy is like the only streamer i watch. Imma have to go look this up
cant wait for elder scrolls 6 to come out and have people mad because its based in hammerfell 😂
Can you imagine the outrage if they simply remade Morrowind?
“Bethesda has gone woke! Not only did they make the elves dark, but they made those same dark elves the slave owners! Literally unplayable!” Even Vivec having two different skin colors would melt their minds.
You think they’d be paying attention to the multi-toned skin, and not the fact that Vivec is a non-binary hermaphroditic god?
Don’t worry, they are plenty capable of being mad at both
I’ve been watching him for a while now for his Souls-like playlists. He doesn’t really like playing Assassin’s Creed type games but he’ll do it out of popularity. Funny that this is the game he’s going viral for.
soon as you said soulslike I knew it would be cowboy before I clicked the article lol.
Cowboy is the GOAT. He is pretty much the only streamer I watch occasionally. He even had an overall positive opinion on Veilguard and it matches my experience fairly well.
Yeah he’s one of the few that’s around my age and doesn’t cater to a younger audience.
FC has some valid points. If I was a streamer of his level, it would get old as well. Imagine streaming a game. Having a good time, doing your thing. And then a bunch of people come into the stream. Voluntarily come into the stream. No one made them join his stream. And then stay there to complain about the game. Or the stream. Or one persons opinions. Like this random person, decided that they are going to go out of their way to complain about something they don’t like. And just bitch and complain about something they voluntarily decided to partake in. People need to find new hobbies and better ways to spend their time.
i dont get why you go out of your way not to mention the complaints were racist in nature. its not about some people complaining they dont like ac because its a mediocre franchise when it comes to gameplay or smth like that.
Thought it was implied in the article. But my bad. The comments he lost his shit over where people being being super racist cunts.
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Maybe let’s not tolerate bigots.
So the people being racist, it’s not them, it’s the guy playing a game that has races people don’t like.
The streamer wasn’t “using a megaphone” - these losers weren’t yelling back at a guy on the street , they were *going out of their way" looking for people playing the game so they could join and bitch about the existence of black people.
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More like the show he was playing had free entry and these guys came to the bar specifically to complain that they don’t like his music.
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If you’re doing a little solo guitar performance in some back alley, does that mean the racist masses are entitled to come thundering down that back alley and harass you?
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They can be, but they’re not.
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The act of streaming means you’re using a megaphone. You’re deliberately and intentionally inviting the public.
“Using a megaphone” implies he was trying to push an agenda. Being a public figure/entertainer is not well described by the phrase “using a megaphone.”
He’s deliberately and intentionally inviting the public, yes… to be fucking entertained while he streams a video game. He’s not trying to teach them anything, or convince them of anything, or push an agenda.
He had people come into his stream and start talking racist shit and he shut it down. In no way does he have to put up with it just because he is a public figure.
I mean at the end of the day if you don’t want people to come at you with their shit takes you shouldn’t put your stuff out for the public to see. That is also a choice.
Do you even fucking hear yourself? Saying that being a public figure means you’re deliberately asking for harassment and abuse is fucking insane! What the fuck is wrong with you or anyone else who thinks it’s okay to hurl abuse at someone just because they’re a fucking public figure. And don’t fucking tell me you’re not saying it’s okay, but public figures should “expect it”. No. Full stop. Fuck that. By saying they should expect it you’re fucking normalizing it and saying it’s okay. That’s a choice you’re making, and it’s frankly disgusting.
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I want you to explain how you came the conclusion that I said this harassment was ok when I unequivocally and clearly said it wasn’t.
I already told you. You said the act of being a public figure means you are inviting harassment. If you don’t understand how this normalizes harassment, I don’t think there’s much else to say.
Do you read comments before you respond?
Allow me to quote myself where I a) showed that I read your comment, and b) anticipated your response:
And don’t fucking tell me you’re not saying it’s okay, but public figures should “expect it”. No. Full stop. Fuck that. By saying they should expect it you’re fucking normalizing it and saying it’s okay.
You can’t say public figures should expect harassment and are inviting it and then say people who harass them are not absolved. You are absolving them by saying it’s expected and invited.
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