I definitely ordered the cheeseburger but got half a glass of water instead.
I am not a number.
I definitely ordered the cheeseburger but got half a glass of water instead.
Thanks for the better context. So all the talk and buzz is online hype that I got caught up in, clearly. Editing my original comment.
Ok, so I was going with the online buzz around Luigi described in this article. According to the article, the claim is debunked but it then goes on to describe how school shooters have received terrorism charges and ended up with life in prison, but gives no examples of school shooters being given the death penalty. So I’m half wrong, as far as I’m concerned. They did almost immediately start talking about the death penalty for Luigi. And they haven’t gone that far with school shooters.
Damn. Looks like you guys are headed for a system that treats rich people and poor people differently. Where you can get away with countless felony charges just for being of a particular status in society. Where they’ll push for the death penalty for someone that shoots a CEO but sleep when schools get shot up (see below). I feel bad for you guys that all of this is only going to start happening to you on January 20, 2025.
Didn’t Trump suggest nuking Palestine? No matter what these people say, it all just sounds like they were looking for any excuse to support Baby Huey while feeling better about themselves for doing so. If it wasn’t Palestine, it would’ve been something else.
I promise that we’re not all bigots that think our shit doesn’t stink, just most of us. But I just want to add that it’s unfortunately not just white people. Look up the ‘Marikana massacre’ that likely happened under the direction of our current president, considering that he was one of the shareholders pressuring the police to take action.
This place is fucked, top to bottom. The real freedom fighters like Mandela are all dead and gone and we’re left with businessmen and openly corrupt freeloaders. People that say things like “I didn’t join the struggle to be poor” while being more than happy to sit back and watch as the country they supposedly fought for collapses under the weight of poverty.
In one of the articles doing the rounds for this ‘ceasefire’ last night, the title was all about this “ceasefire agreement being reached”, then in the post under the article the person wrote “the office of Netanyahu has not yet finalized things on their end”. So clearly people have different definitions of “an agreement being reached”, like Windows Update and the concept of “100% complete”.
And willingly. I might be unfairly judging because I’m a non-American that has been watching this unfold from the outside. But this has been no master plan. There’s been no deception or trickery. These people have repeatedly and loudly told us all what they’re about. But Donald Trump could say “Hannibal Lector is a fine man” after half an hour of shuffling around onstage to golden oldies and his supporters were like “my hero! 😍”
Long before they were trying to ‘protect the kids’ from trans people, they were trying to ‘protect the kids’ from metal and punk and rap and calling everything satanic. But all along, we all knew that they were raging hypocrites that campaign for things like child marriage while claiming to actually give a shit about children.
The way I see it, not a single person over say 25 has the excuse of not knowing or not remembering. They don’t get to use the “we were tricked” line later on. In fact, no one with the ability to read does. Southern Republican states have a global reputation for being full of kiddie fiddling preachers and politicians, for being run like 3rd world countries and for being incestuous motherfuckers. This is known. And this is why I’m going to press X to doubt wherever anyone tries to tell me that they thought the price of eggs would improve.
I embarked on a mission to play as many of the Sonic games as my aging laptop will handle last year some time. So far, the only Classic era games I either haven’t started or 100%ed are the odd ones out, like Sonic Eraser, the SegaSonic games and Tails’ Skypatrol. Not sure I’m even gonna bother with Sonic Eraser because it’s actually just a shitty little match 3 game that obviously used Sonic for marketing.
As far as the Modern era goes, I haven’t got too far in yet because I’ve been pretty hooked on Sonic Adventure. Going to be doing my 3rd run of Sonic Adventure soon, this time with the Japanese voice tracks and the retranslated subtitles mod. I got to the Biolizard in SA2, took a break and haven’t returned to it yet. Honestly a little disappointed with SA2 because I was hoping for more of what we got in SA1 but better, like a hub world to run around in that actually has more to do than just go from point A to point B, like side missions and shit. And I’ve started Sonic Heroes, which is honestly pretty fun so far.
And the game that I fired up as recently as today was Sonic Advance, where I’ve completed Sonic’s basic run but haven’t collected all the Chaos Emeralds yet. And I’ve just started an Amy Rose run.
I go through obsessions. My previous mission was to watch every DC Comics adaptation, which has now faded into the background and provides me with something to watch when I can’t find anything else. Just because there’s so damn much of it. And I can see my Sonic the Hedgehog run going the same way because I can already feel that I’m starting to burn myself out with it.
The next non-Sonic game that I’ll probably get into soon is an indie game called Unsighted that’s been on my to play list for a while now. RPGs are usually my jam but it’s been nice having a break from the lists and endless pinned wiki tabs that usually go along with them.
The thing that I don’t like about ‘3D’ movies is that they’re clearly flat 2D images like a bunch of cardboard cutouts with a bit of trickery to get certain things to stand out more than others, and I can’t see it as anything else. I can lose myself in the movie for moments at a time but am constantly pulled out of it and back into the real world every time something fucky happens with my perception or I try to look at a detail in the background that just stays blurry.
Most, if not all Ghibli women and girls are awesome IMO. And Nausicaa just might be the most badass. Maybe next to Mononoke.
Ah yes, Fox News. The company that is simultaneously ‘news’ or ‘entertainment’, depending on which description serves them better at the time. These are perfect representatives for the era where billionaires are supposedly ‘anti-establishment’ and book burners that police other people’s identities and force their religion onto others are supposedly all for free speech and freedom of expression.
I just don’t know anymore. How do you deal with people who will point at a fly and tell you that it’s a bird, while sincerely believing it?
Nah lol, not accusing you of anything. I just thought I’d go and take a look and see if I’d been duped by a photoshopped post but there it is, right at the top. Just below his description of “Professional Neckbeard” and pinned address where all the marks that support him can send him free stuff.
It’s literally the first unpinned post on his Twitter profile.
Here’s the most recent take of his that I’ve seen:
But he’s definitely a repeat offender in these circles.
As opposed to signalling that you have none.
I feel like in this case, it’s more than that. They’ve weaponized social media and successfully used that weapon within their own borders and now they’re targeting somewhere else. They want to freely push right wing ideologies and make right wing politicians look good everywhere. Says a lot that in order to achieve that, they need to do things like remove fact checking. But it’s been proven now that ‘alternate facts’ are very effective at convincing masses of people that you’re a free speech warrior while burning books in their faces, or that you care about the kids while campaigning for child marriage and child labour, just for a couple of examples.
It’s convinced working class people that union busting, eternally greedy, multi-billionaires are their ‘anti-establishment’ heroes. And it’s convinced whiny, insecure, porn addicted men that they’re all ‘alphas’, every one of them.
We’re entering an era where freedom=slavery and it didn’t even require any master plan or deception. All it relied on was the fact that people are inherently shitty and only see and hear what they want to see and hear. And it worked. The people they worship or openly slimeballs and garbage human beings for us all to see with our own eyes. But it worked.
Asmongold is one of these ‘anti-woke’ YouTubers. Spends a fair amount of time complaining about women not looking pretty enough for his standards from what I’ve seen, while he himself looks like a fucking rat, with a bedroom that looks like a rat’s nest. I hate downing people’s looks and I too, have been a depressed mess with a terrifying bedroom before. But also, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
I don’t actually follow any of these YouTubers and to be honest the only time I ever use YouTube is when I’m in the mood for some music videos but I’ve seen this asshat come up over and over in feminist spaces and places where people make fun of the anti-woke grifters and the idiot marks that adore them.
I think that substance use and abuse has been a thing since the dawn of humankind and even certain other animals partake in fermented fruits or mushrooms. I would say that while substance abuse can be a problem for society, it’s more of a natural part of us than social media, which has kinda come in like a wrecking ball. If I had kids, I would way prefer them to be potheads than TikTok addicts.