My favourite sandwich has gotta be mayo chicken in a bagel with crunchy lettuce, satisfying in both taste and the crunchy texture of chopped iceberg lettuce from the shops.

Another one would be sausage and egg with some cheeky brown sauce (British lemmy users know what I mean)

What is YOUR favourite sandwich? Fillings or sauces to go with it, maybe your favourite type of bread?

    24 days ago

    Right now its the second sandwich in This video. I’ve made it at least a dozen times in the past month or two. Avocado and blk olives + humus + roasted red pepper/onion/zucchini + balsamic vinegar glaze(I do extra of this)

  • CodandChips
    25 days ago

    A cheese sandwich. Buttered white bread, a thick slice of salty cheddar, and a layer of English mustard. No nonsense.

    24 days ago

    A Dutch delicacy is Ossenworst, a raw lean beef sausage. It’s delicious with diced onions, pickles and a drop of balsamic vinegar and a light coating of remoulade.

    I like to put it on a German bread roll.

    25 days ago

    2 weeks ago I said this when someone else asked;

    Baguette from our local bakery in Schinnen, they do the original French method. Tick sliced tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, home made mayo (whisked, no stickblender stuff), salt and pepper. Delicious.

    25 days ago

    Tomato sandwich, it sounds simple but it kicks fucking ass. This sandwich lives or dies on having good flavorful tomatoes so its only for in-season times of year.

    You want to make it with plain white sandwich bread - toast it lightly. Apply a light layer of real (not miracle whip) mayonnaise - preferably full fat. Then slice a beefsteak tomato into slices that let you retain all the guts of the tomato but are otherwise relatively thin. Make sure to cut out the stem joint (I usually do this after slicing because it’s easier). Assemble your sandwich with a reasonable amount of tomato but as you put slices on salt your tomato. A modest size tomato is usually large enough to make 2-3 sandwiches.

    Enjoy a fucking treat!

    24 days ago

    Reuben. It is, for my preferences, the perfect sandwich. Even a cheap, poorly made Reuben is as good as most other sandwiches.

    The best one I’ve ever had is my own, but it was modeled after the way a local deli does it, then tweaked via choice of brands and proportions to get it down to my idea of perfect. I can say that I’m also proud of how many people that enjoy Reubens have said that mine kid the best they’ve had too. It isn’t everyone, nor a majority, but I’ve never had anyone dislike it at all.

    Back in the day, my school had a trip to DC, and Joe Namath had a restaurant there. Their Reuben was phenomenal, and the third best I’ve ever had. The problem is that I’ve never had one from a new York deli, which is supposedly the absolute best place to get them. So they may blow mine out of the water.

    Good sourdough rye bread (I make my own), good corned beef (my cousin makes the stuff I like best, but any decent deli brand will do), good swiss (boars head is my go-to), home made thousand island, and as much butter as necessary. The kraut I’ll get to in a second.

    Optional is some gulden’s mustard lightly applied to the meat side. This is not standard Reuben protocol, but it’s damn nice

    Kraut though, that’s what makes a Reuben more than just a corned beef (or pastrami) sandwich.

    My top pick is obviously home made, but I don’t have the ability to do that any more. I favor either Bavarian seeded kraut, usually Silver Floss brand; or something like Bubbies or Kühne. But the kraut is where you’ll have the biggest difference in final results. As long as you’re using decent corned beef, any brand works fine, there just isn’t much difference once you get past buddig types of cold cuts.

    So, finding your ideal kraut is the real key to tweaking the perfect personalized Reuben. The rest is easier to sub in a different brand.

    24 days ago

    Turkey, sharp cheddar, pepper jack and pepperoni on toasted whole grain bread with spicy brown mustard and just enough hot sauce to add some bite.