They think, “Jesus was cool. I like him, and I’m gonna try to be like him.” Kind of like their guiding light is what would Jesus do? But there isn’t a focus on identification, recruiting others, judging others based on their religion, fear of God, fear of punishment for sinning, respect for clergy as an authority, rituals, worship, etc. Basically, just the example of Jesus’ life.
inb4: Christian lol!! got em!
There is a lot of good messaging in the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, etc. You don’t need to be religious to appreciate that. Just like how somebody who appreciates in the mission and words of The Amazing Randi does not need a special label.
The labels start to come into play when discussing your belief or disbelief in a god or gods.
Randi, no?
Yes. Thanks for catching that.
I’m assuming we’re talking about the late, great, Randy Savage. So, their spelling is correct. Oooh yeah!
Hell yeah brother! The cream of the crop rises to the top one again!
Yep! I was trying to find a short way of describing my situation in this area when asked about it.
While not a term maybe a short blurb like “While I am not religious, I admire many of the lessons of Jesus as portrayed in the Bible, and I try to model parts of my life after his example.”
If applicable you can also add “Along with others I consider to be positive examples for leading a good and virtuous life.”
An enthusiast?
Do you need to be an -ian? Like, if you like the teachings of Ghandi, or Socrates, or Marcus Aurelius, you don’t have to call yourself a Ghandian, or a Socratian, or an Aurelian. You just agree with their teachings.
I feel like you’re just making a dig on Christians, and it’s not like a lot of them don’t deserve it, but what you’re talking about isn’t a religion. You don’t need an -ian to like a philosophy.
Nah, I don’t need to identify. That’s too restrictive. I’m looking for a shorter way to describe it when asked.
If there exits one, most probably next question to you would be “What is that ?” And then you give the long explanation.
lol 😆
So you have your faith but don’t subscribe to crazy rules writen by men that have nothing to do with the faith?!
I would call you “Intelligent”
Agnostic or spiritual.
This describes me. I think about this often. The best I’ve come up with is Buddhist. Ultimately isn’t that what Christ taught?
I thought that is kind of what Quakers are?
You might be right. My grandmother was raised Quaker and this was very much how she brought me up in regards to religion.
Neither are perfect because Christian Athiests includes people who are “culturally Christian” as that can include clergy as an authority and rituals, and Jesuism would include splinter religious groups and is very easily confused with the Catholic Jesuit order. hopefully it’s a starting point though!
This is it!! Thank you very much 😁
I met a group that called themselves ‘Jesus Freaks’, but they were just annoying trying to indocrinate people on music festivals.
Ha, they weren’t a band though, just people that walked the crowd trying to convince people of jesus.
I was a ruthless teenager questioning their beliefs until they got pulled away from me by a higher up.
They somehow couldn’t answer why I would need jesus, when I’m already doing all the things they claim they only do because they found jesus.
Today I’m different and don’t question people’s believes as long as they don’t start harming others in the name of their god.
In terms of religion, atheist. Adherence to a moral standard is secular and does not require a supreme being.
Church of England? They are pretty vanilla and low key in my experience.
A Jesuit! Oh wait…
You answered your own question because the literal term for a follower of Jesus Christ is in fact the word Christian lol got em.
I’m a freaking Nostradamus 🧙♂️🔮✨
The Jesus fandom.
Maybe like nonreligious christian? I feel like the word christian doesn’t inherently imply actual religion even though it’s usually used that way, the same way identifying as a satanist can mean many different things. I’m neither a theologist nor a linguist though so maybe everything I said is nonsense