Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed he was “physically mauled” by a demon in his sleep, leaving claw marks on his body, which he says are still visible. Carlson described waking with intense pain, bleeding claw marks, and an overwhelming urge to read the Bible. He recounted the experience as confusing yet transformative, adding that while he doesn’t expect others to believe him, the incident profoundly impacted him.
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I wouldn’t be shocked if Tucker Carlson 100% believed what he’s saying.
I would be very shocked. He’s a cynical propagandist, not a true believer.
Ah shit that’s unfortunate. Better luck next time, demon.
The idea that a demon (or even better, Satan himself) would waste their time scratching random people or possessing them just to make them float over their bed or vomit pea soup has always been amusing to me. That’s a super weak “ultimate evil” your religion has, Christians.
If they really wanted to be scary they would amass 99.9% of the worlds wealth amongst 1% of the population and horde it all while killing the planet and bribing politicians in a vein attempt at being happier.
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I feel like, if demons were real, they’d be perfectly happy with Tucker.
Where was BLM and “antifa” at the time?
Oh is this it, are we inches from rock bottom? Losing it and or lying more desperately for attention?
People are saying it’s the dogs, but given that it’s Tucker Carlson I think it’s far more likely that he’s just flat out lying.
If forced to wager, split money between affair and prostitute. Longshot: beaten up by old school influencers.
I dunno. If anyone has the servants of darkness hanging out at their home, it’s this guy.
Dogs will resist if someone tries to fuck them and they’re not into it.
You’re telling me this is a real story like in a real news source?
The fun is this for me is the thought that a supernatural force attacked you in your sleep, you claim it to be a Christian/religious force, and yet at no point does he acknowledge/reflect that maybe his actions may cause scrutiny by his religious beliefs.
Thought process?: “My God created everything, including deamons sent to attack me personally, clearly I am doings gods work”
Yeah seriously! Why does it have to be a Christian supernatural force? It could just be Baba Yaga “reaching out” as it were, to a kindred spirit.
Why couldn’t it be the fae trying to pull him into their world? Or perhaps an evil yokai finally tracked him down?
Maybe his original soul escaped the mirror dimension and was trying to claw its way back into his body!
“so I was sleeping normally when all of a sudden this chicken legged toolshed attacks me”
If this is true, what did he do to deserve this. This doesn’t just happen to a good god fearing person. So I guess the real question is, what did he do to deserve this.
This doesn’t just happen to a good god fearing person. Why would this happen if he DIDN’T deserve this. Clearly he lost favor with the good lord and has opened himself up to the devil to be possessed by a demon.
As someone who was raised in a very evangelical household: the (non)-answer is that it happened to him in order to tempt him or test him or some shit. If it happens to a non-god-fearing individual, it’s deserved, otherwise it’s God’s plan all along. Because moving the goal posts is just way too easy.
The real answer is Tucker Carlson is either actually insane or hardcore grifting, but I’m probably preaching to the choir here going down that rabbit hole lol.
I figured my comment would be countered with “justification” as to why. Not you but your explanation and yea preaching my friend.
He’s grifting. He’s no snake-juggling meth-mouthed shitkicker, they’re just part of his audience.
No you see he is like Job in the Bible!!! He’s so righteous God is testing him with demons!!!
-his fans probably
True. I know there will always be a justification and it would be a hard fight to change the minds of those who are being grifted.
I guess Carlson’s soul isn’t worth enough to send a succubus. All he’s worth is a backscratcher.
Job has to be one of the more disgusting stories in the Bible… It was the one that I read/was taught about in church as a teen that first made me go “wait a second…”.
From the first time I heard that story, it never sat well with me, and not a single adult was ever able to give me a satisfactory explanation for why it was OK for god to straight up destroy this poor man’s life (a man who was already super dedicated to this god), including literally killing his innocent family, over some petty bet with the actual devil.
That really opened my eyes to what the OT god really was in that book, and I did not like what I saw.
Job is a great work of literature, except that its authors chickened out at the end and close it out by saying “But God can kick nine kinds of shit outta ya, so you’d better just say your hosannas and quit bitching.” Up to that point, there’s a lot in it.
Anyone who follows Trump has sold their soul to Satan.
Weirdo. Through and through.
tl;dr: Comrade Carlson doesn’t think he’s getting enough attention lately.
I fucking hope so
Carlson trying to scapegoat Lucifer after his underaged boyfriend got a little carried away.
A loan out of one of Lindsey Graham’s ladybugs 🐞 I bet
A new religion is born.