This is a genuine question.
I have a hard time with this. My righteous side wants him to face an appropriate sentence, but my pessimistic side thinks this might have set a great example for CEOs to always maintain a level of humanity or face unforseen consequences.
P.S. this topic is highly controversial and I want actual opinions so let’s be civil.
And if you’re a mod, delete this if the post is inappropriate or if it gets too heated.
If Trump can get alway with almost all of his bullshit, if the Supreme Court can just hurr durr away a hundred + years of legal precedent, then this whole system is bullshit.
Anybody that is charge of or oversees the systemic application of violence toward great numbers of people, who is legally allowed to do so, in a system where the common person has 0 chance of ever altering this system to police itself and actually enact justice by preventing said person from doing that and prosecuting them for their crimes against the people…
Anyone in such a position should be afraid, should keep suffering consequences until theyfinally figure out that they need to acquiesce to a reformation of the system, need to stop fucking over millions for the grotesque enrichment of thousands.
When the game is rigged against you, play by your own rules, otherwise you guarantee your own defeat.
Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted?
Nope. Killing a billionaire parasite doesn’t make one a murderer - it merely makes one a credit to the human race.
P.S. this topic is highly controversial
Not really.
Yes, in a world where judges can’t be bought and criminals don’t get Epstein’d.
I want fair justice as much fair justice can be attained by humanity. But in that kind of world, this type of murderer wouldn’t exist in the first place.
No, I hope they never find him.
If caught, he should be punished according to the law.
I also hope he’s never caught.
This is a good question from the wrong angle. This event is cathartic for many people because the ultra rich who ruin countless lives never get punished. When they see “consequences” it’s a golden parachute. This event is frustrating because the media, legal, and security apparatuses expect us to treat this assassination as a grave act, but actively normalize the acts of harm Thompson and other leaders like him commit every day.
This event is revealing in stark terms the divide between the elite and the average person. Should murderers be prosecuted? Sure - in a world where justice and the rule of law matter for everyone equally. Doesn’t feel like we live in that world.
If murderers got prosecuted equally this CEO should have had a day in court years ago.
He’s been climbing the ladder at United for 20 years. Many years ago indeed.
Yes, of course he must be prosecuted if he can be found. As a member of the general population I feel as though it’s possible that a jury wouldn’t convict him and could even find him not guilty. Then he is a free man.
Until his identity is known I shall call him Attaboy Goodman, and if a jury were to convene with me on it, I would be unlikely to take seriously any claim by the state that this vigilantism is somehow more destructive of public order than police murdering and robbing people while ignoring wage theft and corporate crimes.
Yes - I think it is fair that all murders be prosecuted. As for the gray area of morality, sentencing is variable and somewhat lax for this exact reason. I don’t believe that a judge will be lax with sentencing, but this would be a case in which I would like the shooter to receive a slap on the wrist punishment.
Yes. He murdered someone. Will I curl up in a ball and cry for hours if he’s never caught? Not so much.
Nope, but the shit CEO is the root cause.
If they ever set up a GoFundMe to set up a memorial statue of the killer, just give a shout.
Yes. Jury nullification is my right.
Sometimes people provide a public service to humanity is very dark ways. Do not turn this guy in.
Nah, seems like a good person tbh. Dude should be elected mayor and then eventually rebuild all of reality or whatever Arrow did.
From a rule of law perspective the shooter needs to be punished.
But considering the amount of suffering that CEO and other senior leaders at that company have inflicted on innocent sick people, there’s a big fat dose of karma that goes with this incident, . And I wouldn’t throw the book at the shooter (although you know they will).
Rule of law in America is over.