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They aren’t stupid. They are hypocritical liars who say whatever they need at the moment to justify their actions.
In 4 years, if we are allowed to have an election where a Democrat can win, they will immediately flip again.
if we are allowed to have an election where a Democrat can win
Allowed by the DNC?
They are definitely stupid, how could you think they aren’t?
Elon Musk and his cronies aren’t geniuses but they aren’t stupid.
Musk is definitely an idiot when it comes to a lot of technical knowledge about the fields he pretends to be knowledgable in (see that twitter interview where he suggested to “rewrite the code”). But he is not stupid when it comes to throwing around money to manipulate people, just plain evil.
I mean, that’s what I call stupid.
Is it hypocritical though?
Dishonest, absolutely. But in a certain sense what they’re doing is more true to their values. They believe they are in a war over the future course of their nation. They’re not interested in being nice, and they’re not willing to sacrifice the things they care about for some pretence of honesty and decency.
There’s a consistency to their ideals there that liberals often lack. McConnell blocked Obama’s supreme court picks because he could, and because it would help advance his agenda. Obama meanwhile had many options for simply steamrollering over the senate, but refused to explore any of them because it was more important to respect the process than it was to achieve results. Biden got huge swathes of his agenda blocked by Trump’s supreme court picks, but never contemplated packing the court to solve this problem, because it was more important to respect the process. You can argue that they were protecting these institutions, but when the institutions have already been so utterly perverted what value is there in protecting them? The senate and the supreme court are now less trusted than ever, all thanks to Obama and Biden “protecting” them while Republicans corrupted them.
This is devious, underhanded, scummy, and selfish. But it’s true to their ideals. They believe in the world they want, and they’ll do whatever it takes to get it. The left could learn from that.
Never forget that McConnell told the Democrats that if they broke tradition and blocked Bork’s nomination, it would set a dangerous precedent. And then he cheerfully did it to Merrick Garland years later.
Hey, be fair now!
They are both hypocritical liars, and stupid.
stupid which just kicked all the rest of us smart ass democrats out of any position to effect checks and balances in any major branch of the united states government for the foreseeable future, now with the power to change whatever they want, whenever they want to, including the laws governing elections. real dumb.
Yeah, populism is very effective. Especially if the schools are lacking, but also to everyone else.
Also to suggest that this is all from the genius of Musk, Trump and co. alone is a stretch. Years of Republican propaganda, lies, gerrymandering, erosion of ethics and laws, democrats sitting idly by, as well as building up an army of news organizations and influencers did contribute a lot to their rise to power. There are definitely some cunning people on the Republican side, and populists like Trump now profit from the environment they created.
77,237,942 people are hypocritical liars who say whatever they need at the moment to justify their actions?
77,237,942 know they are indirectly hurting other people, but lie to justify their actions?
77,237,942 dont feel empathy from the suffering of others that they know arent inherently evil?
77,237,942 are willing to lie to children into believing something that hurts them?
As someone born and raised in the U.S., that number honestly seems too low. Yes, there are easily that many irredeemable fascists in America.
You don’t know millions of people so the absolute numbers look high. But if you write the percentage instead, you might remember people you’ve met and agree.
Almost like there was never an issue with elections.
Right? Ballot boxes set on fire, a former president outright saying he’d punish people who voted against him, his supporters repeatedly declaring Harris voters would pay, decades of gerrymandering to give rich folk more political weight, police stationed around polling locations (proven to deter voters), increasingly mundane daily threats of stochastic terrorism, rightwing-owned mass media pushing Both Sides discourse, increasing documentation requirements, disenfranchising felons, jailing voters for following bad advice from poll workers, magats and other white supremacists threatening people lining up to vote, an intensive blanket campaign to convince people that voting for a black woman means you’re not bothered if more Palestinians die, and bomb threats against polling stations on election day.
None of those things were issues they cared about.
They lie by redefining “fair” as “I win”, so the pollster, while being completely normal and reasonable, missed the point entirely.
Oh the discussion is far from gone. The incoming DOJ plans on “proving” 2020 was stolen from them. They’re going to fabricate “evidence” and arrest whoever is on their
hitwish list. We’re in for some absolute bonkers b.s in the coming years :/Removed by mod
What numbers do you mean?
The numbers dude!!! Don’t you know?!
Their definition of fair “getting my own way”. What do you expect?
They know what they are doing.
A local ‘the end is high’ sign man had changed his tune as soon the election result hit. He had handwritten signs spelling out the doom America is headed towards and how the healthcare system (Obama care) has fucked him over covering every panel of his '90s chevy. After Nov. it’s all good, no doom here we are headed in to a new golden era or whatever. About a week later someone took all of his new signs. Haven’t seen him since but his tape stained truck is still sitting there. I hope he took the opportunity to move on but after talking to him briefly in the summer that probably will never be the case.
If they had integrity, they wouldn’t be Republicans.
Time for the other side to start playing dirty. It’s the only way to win when your opponent is dirty.
Americans are stupid. Democrats should start running a fear campaign now. It’s worked for Republicans for decades. Doesn’t matter if the fear is real or fabricated. Americans will believe it and vote.
They don’t need to fabricate one. Republicans voted to kill the majority of humanity. And while we watch for a couple of generations to await that death, they voted to raise prices on the lower and middle class, deny healthcare, reduce regulations protecting wildlife/water sources, personal freedoms/civil liberties, and further destabilize relations with our trading partners who we rely on for things like food.
If you like food, breathing, fresh water, or the future of humanity - you shouldn’t like the Republican platform.
That doesn’t say the Democrats platform doesn’t have overlap.
Half of all people are below average.
That’s not necessarily true. If 100 people take a test and 99 of them score 100 but one person gets a 0, the average score is 99. But 99 people scored 100, so 99 people are above average, and only 1 is below average.
99 of them would then be average and the one person would be below average
The average is 99.
99 people scored 100. They’re above average.
When we’re talking “half the people” that means median not mean.
Well of course it’s not gonna be true when you make up an incredibly unlikely contrived scenario that doesn’t follow anything close to a normal distribution
Technically correct is best correct.
that generally doesn’t happen in the real world though, most of the time the mean and median are close-ish at least
Closer to 2.5% are below average, 2.5% brilliant, and 95% of us are average, or imperceptibly close to average.
Half of all people are below the median.
Fash always lie, including both “parties” in USA.
So basically they’re saying that Biden fixed all the horrible terrible fraud that happened on Trump’s watch
Pretty presumptuous to think a Republican capable of any sort of abstract thought or extrapolation
Oh I don’t think that about many of them
And the changes to extend voting hours in multiple states and accept more mail in ballots aren’t a problem either.
To be fair on them (not that there’s much reason to give them that courtesy), most of the Trump supporters I encounter at my work and such seem to truly believe that a sizable majority of people in the country agrees with them and that everyone else is either some kind of hostile elite or a crazy fringe. If they really do believe something like that, then this is kinda self-consistent of them, since they would therefore believe that they cant lose a fair election, and therefore that them losing is evidence of cheating even if they don’t have clear evidence of how, but them winning would be evidence that, if there is any, it at least isn’t enough to change the outcome.
Yup. This is the boring reality the headline makes all rage-bait. Boring dystopia indeed