I give them a wash when I first buy them, then never again unless they actually get something on them, which is very infrequent.
This question doesn’t apply to jeans you’re wearing to work in, and expect to get dirty.
Yes and thanks, this reminds me I need to wash the jeans I bought a couple months ago. They’re finally relaxing and I need to wash them so they tighten up again. I hate wearing belts.
I wash all my clothing
Rarely because they washout the colour when you wash them
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I wah everything, even what I’m not supposed to. It’s a crime, i know, but I get itchy if i don’t. Psychological shit and all that.
Sounds gross to me. The human body is dirty. All that oil and dead skin gets caked into the jeans like any other piece of clothing. That then starts to decompose and attract bacteria and other microbes in addition to holding on to your body odor. Those microorganisms can’t survive on denim alone, but that skin oil and flakes are plenty to keep them alive for a while.
Unwashed clothes are a common cause of acne and other skin conditions because even if you wash your skin, the oil and bacteria just rub right back off of the clothing into your pores.
I’m not saying you have to wash every piece of clothing, every time you wear it. But be logical. If you wear it with clothing in between, like a jacket or hoodie over a T-shirt, it doesn’t collect as much gunk. If you wear it while exercising, it probably gets more gunk. If it’s made of a material designed to repel water and oil, it probably doesn’t need to be washed as much. But plain denim is absorbent and not directly a hostile environment to the microorganisms.
Yeah, my jeans get like 20ish hours of wear before they get washed, mostly because I usually only leave the house for an hour or two at a time.
My dad told me when he was a teenager some type of corduroy pants were really popular and the thing was never to wash them. So people would wear them until they go so stiff you could literally stand them up in the corner by themselves.
The most I wear a pair is maybe the next day if I didn’t have them on very long the day before.
I typically wear my jeans for about a week at a time (barring spills, mud, etc.) and wash them and all my other clothes on whatever the washer’s regular setting is. I do this with hoodies as well.
Raw denim I wash after a few weeks, normal ones I wash after a few days. I hate the idea of being dirty or smelly.
No, because I don’t have any jeans. let alone a nice one.
My condolences.
What the fuck?
Yes. I also wash my nice boxers, my nice t-shirts, and dry clean my suits.
Yes. I buy two pairs of black jeans every five years or so and switch between them while the other is in the wash every couple of weeks or when they get dirty. They’re the only trousers I wear for gardening, going out, being in the house, painting, etc. Only exception is concreting, for which I have my previous jeans (and that’s only because my current jeans are only a couple of years old)
When I was still living in Europe where the weather is rather mild, I would go for 5-7 days without washing them (usually not consecutive days though), now that I’m in Asia, nothing lasts me more than a day.
After having done loads of heavy squats I had to stop wearing jeans entirely. I’d get about 4 months of use from a pair before they rip on the crotch due to my thick thighs and ass.
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn’ huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.