Consider it an indulgence by a tech company to buy its way out of purgatory.
Not that this makes it any better, but a lot of other tech companies are also doing this, and it shouldn’t go unnoticed
not samsung :)
What’s with the 1m value and why are all tech companies doing it?
Likely tacit acknowledgment that the US is becoming more authoritarian/run by a mob boss. For example, if you don’t pay the local mafia, you can expect them to show up and do bad things to you. However if you pay a bribe and kiss the ring, you may receive protection instead
Protection racket, just a nice round number to show fealty.
But why not 2 mil for twice the love from trump?
Maybe they’re colluding so that none of the donors pushes the donation amount higher.
There is no protection from fascism. It’s bribery, and the dumbest part is MAGAzis will still throw them all under the bus depending which way the wind blows on any given day.
Yeah, it’s “protection” like the mafia. “It’d be a real shame if something jammed up your company, we should all just cooperate. You can start with $1M big ones into the account. We’ll be best friends.”
if something jammed up your company
Notice how this only started being a possibility (woth everyone complying in advance) once they took over all 3 branches of power. Nobody was complying in advance^iirc during the 1st Trump presidency
Got to pay your protection fees to the Don.
Et tu, Brute
This type of behavior will have a dire effect on my purchasing habits. I just don’t know if companies like Apple realize the effect these types of decisions have, or if I’m just not representative of their market. Either way, Cupertino can go and get fucked.
I reckon I could ask the next 100 people I meet if they knew Tim had donated to DT at least 98 of them wouldn’t know. And of those that are Apple users, they’d still buy more from him.
Lol Tim Apple. You terrible human. May you never have a peaceful day in your life
This asshole will just claim it’s a personal donation and not a corporate one. It’s not wrong, just an asshole move with bad optics.
What a fucking coward. Say what you will about Steve Jobs, but he would likely never had done this. So much for think different.
Lost all respect for Tim.
The Tim Apple doesn’t fall far from the golden goose.
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His name is actuality Tim Apple, l common mistake.
iCommonMistake is actually an Erik Tesla product, simple error
In bed with the fascist in chief
Donating to a 34-times convicted felon, a rapist, a failed businessman, and an insurrection leader who’s been impeached twice. Incredible
Electing him as president was more incredible, now nobody can ignore him. Like it or not.
Yes it is poor people fault again
If you say so.
It would be super interesting to know more background on these donations. One has to wonder if there was some sort of solicitation going on. Did somebody leave a note on his windshield? I’m willing to bet there was.
I love that this community calls out Apple’s BS.
I mean, all the Apple communities are shitting on this. Go look at the comment threads on the article and other Mac enthusiast blogs.
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Well, not the ultimate Apple circlejerk, r/apple.
That’s more a reflection of the mods. The mods are locking and or deleting Apple - Trump posts. Try posting and see for yourself.
Oh yes I’ve seen it millions of times over the last 15 years.
Yeah, the mods of that sub are pretty bad. They remove everything, even mundane stuff that all other Apple communities report on. They often remove posts that are not in violation of the established community rules.
They often remove posts that are not in violation of the established community rules.
This is normal on reddit. Want to get banned? Ask a mod what rule you broke. They won’t even reply.
It rubs off on the users too. Anything not absolutely fellating Tim Apple is downvoted to oblivion.
I generally find that community basically downvotes almost everything. They’d downvote a picture of their own mom because they already know what she looks like. Getting any story out of /new is hard in that place. There are a lot of angry people there.
I honestly think that the mods of that subreddit are employees. r/lego is another one where I think that the mod team is all owned by the company
It’s a personal donation from Tim Cook
Tim Cook is Apple’s CEO and is very transparently doing this with the goal of getting favorable treatment toward Apple by the Trump administration. You’d have to be deluded to think this “personal donation” isn’t a bribe on behalf of Apple.
One thing that I do like about Lemmy is even the Apple community is somewhat critical. While this particular case seems to be more of an exception, you’ll get massively downvotes if you critique the standard PR narrative that “Apple cares about digital privacy” or point out how Apple removed content critical of China and AI tech from their streaming service.
The reddit apple sub claims it isn’t affiliated with apple corp. cough
Most apple forems are full of “line must go up” APPL share holders, and will down vote/dislike anything negative aimed at apple.