Top 3, no order (can’t pick):
Anytime a SoulsBorne game clicks, especially Sekiro
Winning a really tight match of Rocket League against people at a similar or higher skill level
Playing split screen Freedom Fighters with my buddy back in the day. It got so competitive we started taping cardboard on the screen to prevent screen-peeking
Beating Link’s Awakening as a kid. No internet no hints or help just hours of exploring when I was stuck on a puzzle. It’s so hard for me to get lost in a video game like that now and not just reach for an answer or check the internet to see what I’m doing wrong. It’s a shame now, I know links awakening now like the back of my hand and I’ll never get to explore a first play through of that game ever again.
Same, me and a friend struggled with that game for a while, but still remains an extremely satisfying game to have beaten when you couldn’t just look things up.
I think nfsu2, we got it for christmas and played it for 2 full days in a row.
But tbh i still remember my playlist (flyleaf - i’m so sick/ fully alive, hinder - wings of an angel, Marilyn Manson - the beautiful people, a perfect circle, Korn and a couple others) i used while playing wow for the first time when you could get to lvl30 within a certain trial period. Definitely been hooked for some time but never made it to lvl cap nor did i get sny good gear.
Skyrim gobbled up the most hours of any game.
But i think wow really offered the best escape of real life back then for me, which is my main drive for playing games.
Being able to do the right thing and actually getting rewarded for it is a thing that keeps me coming back to videk games.
Real life isn’t really like that most of the time. It will drain you completely, eat all your good intentions and shit you out the other end completely drained and empty handed.
Playing Halo co-op with my wife.
I also choose playing with this guy’s wife.
River of Sorrow in Metal Gear Solid 3. First regular then as “no kills” run. It’s something that made me genuinely question everything while playing a video game. Everything.
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Staying up all night playing GoldenEye.
I mean…you just described large portions of 1997 and 1998. On the weekend.
Some houses had a rule. No oddjob. I had a different rule. You’re oddjob. It was no fun if it was an even fight. I needed a handicap to make it harder.
1v1 where you’re expecting Oddjob is a lot different than 4P deathmatch where one guy is Oddjob. That’s where it’s a real dick move cause he’ll catch you by surprise.
Still, though. Respect.
thats one of the most badass statements ive ever read
Finishing Mass Effect 3. Multiple times :)
Smashing and being smashed with my mates at worms with couch-coop
Multiplayer halo 2 across the LAN in my house
LAN party instagib ctf 1 hour 0-0 and winning it in overtime
Rocking a battlefield 2/3/4 server online with a squad of mates all using voice comms, and nobody playing a sniper
I love gaming
Red dead redemption 2 really made me feel thankful for experiencing the story. It was a different kind of joy but it was very sad too.
Subspace (now known as Continuum) circa 1998 via 56k modem - mine repping a 2k+ bounty 5-person turret in Chaos Zone West
Such adrenaline and joy 😂
Killing Malenia. Finally.
Passing the controller around the room playing God of War 3 on Wednesday nights.
Finishing the Easter egg at the end of origins in black ops 2 zombies after trying all night and seeing the special cut scene with my friends on Xbox 360 has to be up there as core gaming achievement.
Same, but the Easter egg from the moon map on Black Ops 1. Me and my friend played everyday after school for months. It was one of the first that didn’t require a full squad and it was heavily chance based because of the stupid excavators. Finally got all the dominoes to fall in the right order and we got it done, which resulted in us blowing up the Earth. Mission accomplished I guess.
WoW probably holds the most cases of this for me.
World PvP was one front. Early on, just winning fights felt good. Then, as I got better, it felt more normal when it was an advantageous matchup for me. But the peak for me was during TBC, I was leveling my rogue and a hunter jumped me as I was mining. This was pretty much a worse case scenario, especially because the hunter was lvl 70 (max at the time) and I was still something like lvl 65. But even at the same level, a) a hunter is a natural counter for a rogue, and b) I was mining so I didn’t even get the stealth advantage.
So there was a lot of dopamine when I ended up getting to finish mining that node and the hunter had to walk back to his corpse after I beat him anyways.
Also a lot of dopamine from finally beating raid bosses that my guild had been stuck on for a long time. Vael in BWL was the peak for that one IIRC.
The Second Dream quest from Warframe
Staying up till 3am playing Terraria w/ friends
Played 200 hours just to get to the character creation screen
“Congratulations, you’ve made it past the tutorial!”