Joke? What joke? President Musk is proof that the American Dream is well and alive if a South African who isn’t even legally a US American Citizen can buy himself a country as long as he works hard spending the money earned from his father’s child-slave powered emerald mine… Well there’s hope for the rest of us*
- = Provided we become sociopaths with large resources
I agree with your sentiment but to my knowledge Musk is a naturalized US citizen
He got his visa under false pretenses and stayed after it was no longer valid, people have been deported for less
as long as he works hard spending the money earned from his father’s child-slave powered emerald mine…
I hate this misconception. Barely any of it is emerald money. His wealth is all based off defrauding his customers, investors and the US government, lying about everything, and doing tons of illegal stuff like pump n dumps.
You need money to grift money
No you don’t, you can always borrow money, or dupe investors. The WeWork dude had his girlfriend (now wife) pay for their dates because he was so broke. Fast, confident talking is more important than money. If you’ve already got money, you don’t need to work to get more money.
Money opens doors. You can be the best speaker in the world but without money you’re a nobody that they won’t make time for.
Yes, but without the Emerald Mines he wouldn’t have enough money to be in a position where he could tell lies on that scale. Stealing is a lot easier when you already have a ton of cash.
No one’s going to listen to a crazed drunken hobo when he tries to sell you a timeshare, but if a guy tripping balls on cocaine wearing a nice suit with a proper haircut promises you the literal god damn moon… Well that’s a different story now isn’t it?
It’s not the lie itself, it’s the image you have while telling the lie.
If you see a man’s face and name on a billboard, then see that same man telling you he can spin hay into gold, you believe him. Because how could he have that fancy billboard if he couldn’t?
Also Pump and dumps aren’t illegal anymore
You don’t need to be a millionaire to have a nice suit, proper haircut, and cocaine. And yes, those things combined with a load of confidence and the ability to spin bullshit, will sell almost anything to a lot of people.
but in Musks specific case, it was family money that allowed him to tool around America with no job and getting into boardrooms with C level big bank owners as a teenager. If I had put on a suit and done the same thing I’d be politely asked if I had an appointment and then asked to leave.
Without money he would have been deported as an illegal immigrant.
What are you going to do about it, Mr. Vice President? You going to let that foreigner steal your spotlight? Pansy.
He is stealing my show.
Exactly my thought
This means we all need to make the ‘President Musk’ joke A LOT MORE.
But its not a joke.
Musk is president.
Trumps just the bitchy wife.
King Musk and Donald, the Jester.
I just imagine Trump is sitting on the couch, legs crossed, stuffing bonbons in his mouth like somekind of horrific peggy bundy from hell while watching social media on a big screen and furiously replying to every imagined slight.
I’d be totally happy if that was all he did for the next four years.
And Vance got cucked all the way to the polls
Tough shit Putin’s Sock Puppet. you picked the racist bastard. and he bought your dumbass.
first lady trump is big mad!
deleted by creator
I prefer ‘second servant trump’
Look at this way, you’re taking back the insults that they use and throwing back against them in a way that’s effective because they are who they are. My interpretation are these insults are not actually meant to be an insult to women, just Trump.
We could call him “First puppet.”
It’s not meant to insult women. It’s meant to insult Trump.
We know he’s a misogynist and we’re not going to change his mind. Look at it as a personally crafted insult I guess.
But first puppet is pretty good too.
I think we need to allow the wealthy to have pistol duels like in the past. Also they must be to the death. At least we will be rid of one problem regardless each time…
Now that’s an alternative motive for one to get rich. “Why do you think you would be a good fit for this company.”
“I really want to grow my investment portfolio so I can fall into the wealthy category to achieve my dreams”
They will just use seconds.
Nope, a second was someone who looked over the other guy. THEY have to do it.
I think it would be really amusing to watch them shit themselves in fear live as they miss by a mile and have to reload in order to get the other. Comedy gold.
In the past, the aggrieved party got to choose pistols or swords. And I’m thinking swords would be much more fun to watch. I’d pay good money to watch those two bozos flailing at each other with cutlasses.
Musk can even bring his own sword.
I give that the following odds:
33%: Musks sword explodes, Trump wins
33%: Musks sword works, Musk wins
33%: Musks sword works amazingly but explodes right (or during) killing Trump, everybody wins.
They’d be winded in 30 seconds
As funny as that is, I still would like to see their hands quiver as they take aim at one another…
I would pay thousands to watch someone swordfight taint maid Trump to the death
Ya know… You now have immunity to get rid of him…
Should their couple name be Trusk or Mump?
Mump, because it’s similar to a disease.
+1 Reminds me of Andrew Wakefield.
Elonald mump
Thanks, I hate it!
Mump sat alone in a boggy marsh… Totally motionless except for his heart…
OK, then it is “King Musk” and “Jester Donald”.
This is perfect.
Man up and complain openly, chickenshit. Go on bite the hand that feeds
It’s only a matter of time.
…don’t really give a shit if he’s annoyed with Musk. Please put him in prison.
It is unclear, who do you want locked in prison?
Porque no los dos?
Good. Glad it is working.