Asking for a friend? It’s tough out here. No face shots.
I would if there was a market for pudgy balding men in their 40’s
Selling yourself is not an easy job. If you can, then sure, go for it. But for each person making thousands there are thousands of people making pennies.
Would fans pay to watch a short, fat guy write code while wearing nothing but his underwear (and sweat pants, and a slightly over-sized t-shirt)?
Switch to under sized t, and you’re on your way
They might, actually. I know of some people that stream software development to Twitch
Sure, but I don’t have anything to offer.
I would do OnlyFans just for fun if i was female and or attractive
What’s the market for fat old dudes like?
Pretty good, actually. Assuming that you can brand it the right way.
For example, if you’re okay catering to gay men and can position yourself as a confident top with a dad-bod, there is a market for you.
I love how lemmy just knows these things.
As a cornfed brick-shithouse built Midwestern hairy dude in my late-30s, I’d do it right now if there were a market for chubby hairy dudes but I know better and I’d rather not embarrass myself.
The fact that it’s a niche interest means that people will pay more for it… And trust me… People LOVEE late 30s chubby hairy dudes
There’s a kink for everything. It may not be a large base, but I’ll bet it’s there.
Ok if for some reason, let’s say I like, went viral for wearing a speedo on a dare, and suddenly the whole internet is like “yo wheres his OF at?”
Absolutely. It’d be a quick few fucking million dollars.
But like, as a nearly 40 year old dude who has no general recognition? I would earn $0. There are tons of penises to look at just like mine out there for free.
I will do even for free, I just want someone who can setup everythign and I act as a model lol
I volunteer as tribute
Its not that much work, i managed my exs snap and tinder before onlyfans was a thing and got ridiculous amounts of money. It was quiet sad.
I’m a photographer who needs a model. If you’re nearby and serious, let’s talk.
Honestly no. It doesn’t align with my values.
No one wants to see my hemorrhoids.
This is the Internet; there are at least 7 people that want to see them.
Yeah, but
tare they desperate and loaded?Do you want to see my hemorrhoids?
Doctors do. Then they want to charge you lots of money for having seen them.
Why don’t they call them assteroids?
I am doing it but not on OnlyFans and not for money. I’d be more than happy to monetize it if it was that simple but I’m a guy making quite niche content so I’ll stick with the crowd of few thousand Twitter users following me.
Maybe foot stuff. I got weird feet
I suppose there is some level of poverty I would consider becoming a sex worker for, but it would be an absolute last resort.