some people trigger me so easily it’s scary. Most of them are loud, lazy coworkers that somehow piss me off very easily.
Is this a normal reaction to morons?
it’s not like I want to punch them, I’m simply relaxed and work better when I don’t have to see them. They slow me down.
Post marking this thread for edit with more details later, after I’ve had a nap.
Not likely to help but for me it was joining the military.
Between the training I received and the situations I faced, nothing in civilian life has really been able to effect me.
It’s been 25 years since I left the service and I can count on one hand the times I’ve actually been angry about something.
I just need to add that this is very much a “your mileage may vary” type of thing. You can also come out of the military with a lot of anxiety and rage.
Absolutely, but the question was “how did you”, not “how should I”.
i bought a laptop that’s made out of metal so that i can smash it all i want and it’s still broken
You could learn to accept it for what it is, as it’s not yours to spend energy on it.
People are flawed, you are people too. Equally flawed, just differently.
Stoicism helped me. The dichotomy of control.
“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you’ll find strength.” -Marcus Aurelius
Basically everyone is responsible over their own thoughts and actions.
That’s not true. You sound like you’re white as fuck :| you don’t think there are things that can influence someone’s brain and body? Human, human technology, or a wide variety of non human things?
Should Google (edit: Kagi*) DMT trip reports as one example.
Sounds like you’ve got some figuring out to do
Nope that’s the rest of you.
Idk man, those numbers are a pretty good indication that you’re wrong. Although doubling down might work this time.
ooga booga hivemind go downvote
It’s not a matter of being a hive mind, it’s agreed upon decency. I hope you’re only like this on the internet, for your sake.
Lost a close family member a few days ago. Haven’t experienced loss like this before so not handling it great. Appreciate you writing this out
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White people are very set in their corporate slop eating ways. They like slaving away for billionaires, some of whom buy child sex slaves with the proceeds. FYI white men are the most likely to be pedos… For some strange reason lulz
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Uh, the Nordic countries. You should go read a history book before speaking.
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Yeah that’s fair you’re right
It means he’s racist, turn it around and see how you get treated by him…i bet it will become clear what he means by it.
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Ok, so this is a bit weird, but… I am set off by businesses or management that make patently terrible decisions - especially if I work there. I can barely hold it together in a meeting without shouting like a lunatic. I bottled it up until I started to lose my hair (not recommended). I eventually left to start my own business, where other people can rail about my poor decisions. Not everyone can/should start their own business, but you can look for another job that is a better fit for you. Remember when you interview, you are looking for cultural fit as much as they are looking for an employee.
Started thinking about if something will affect me in 8 minutes, 8 hours, or 8 days. Now i only get mad at things that will affect me for 8 days. My anger is from combat so it’s unreasonable which makes it easier to ignore now that i’m aware of it.
I started therapy and my therapist helped me see that my fucked-up childhood left me with lots of triggers, which we examined. Understanding those triggers reduced their power. I also now understand I can leave stressful situations before I blow up. I don’t have to constantly mask.
So, therapy. It’s awesome. If your first therapist isn’t a good fit it’s ok to find another one.
Sometimes it helps to feel bad for someone instead of being angry at them. I think of Gandalf’s quote from LOTR:
“Frodo: ‘It’s a pity Bilbo didn’t kill Gollum when he had the chance.’
Gandalf: 'Pity? It’s pity that stayed Bilbo’s hand. Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment.”Maybe work on that inflated ego first.
Anti-anxiety meds.
Anxiety isn’t the cause of all people’s short fuse, but it was for me.
And to be clear, I wasn’t really “anger” issues as in “blowing up at other people”. You don’t work retail long before you learn how to put on a happy face. It was more “anger issues” that I would just seethe to myself at all the stupidity around me, completely unable to let even the littlest shit go.
Driving was the worst. I was an asshole as a driver. My entire time travelling to work would often be filled with a constant litany of yelling and swearing to myself, knowing full well that the other person can’t hear me.
Anger is our inability to understand or accept the true nature of things.
And a need or attempt to control things beyond our control.
Let go of trying to control everything and everyone. Let go of the arrogance that you know what’s best. Understand that if you can change things, anger will make the process more stressful and not help, and if you can’t change things then the anger won’t improve the situation.
Also, a lot of people come from families where the angriest person gets their way because it’s easier for everyone else to give them their way. If this is you, choose to break the cycle, and not hold your family & peers hostage to get what you want.
Yes, understanding oneself and what we really control is part of understanding nature. Understanding trauma and stress are part of understanding & accepting nature.
Honestly? The serenity prayer.
Give me the strength to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Yes it’s pithy, and I’m pretty sure there’s nobody, other than me, granting me strength. I use it more like an affirmation and a test. Can I control this? No? Then I let it go. If it’s something I can change, I ask myself what’s the most humane way of doing so? For example yelling at people and insulting them isn’t very humane and isn’t likely to result in change.
Another thing I actively try to remember is that people are not puppets. They have their own mind and their own agency. If they refuse to change then the problem gets let go. Life is too short to let other people’s behavior bother you unless it’s putting you at risk of being physically hurt. If none of this helps then removing yourself from the situation or breathing exercises might help.
I’m not some happy clam either, I struggle with this stuff everyday. Anyone who looks at my posting history can see me struggle with it. But this is the approach I’ve had the most success with.
On the off chance that you actually have a problem with audio processing, (loud or unexpected noises/talking triggering anger etc), you might try noise cancelling headphones.
Anger is the mind blanket I will let the anger flow over me I will seize it and shape it to my will And let it blow away like sand.
My version of dune’s thingy :-D
“I have no fear, for fear is the little death that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once.”
As an atheist, this. (Also the child of drug counselors, so this still came to mind for me.)
Can I change it? No? Not worth my effort to fester over.
I can focus on those things I can change, and try to expand that area, but being upset that other people are wrong is endless.
Notice when your teeth are clenching and muscles tensing, then consciously relax all your muscles.
It doesn’t help with the cause of the anger, but it really reduces the need to retaliate.
Also helps when you’re taking a shite
I’ve had similar strong reactions to other things. In my case, I had some unresolved trauma that I wasn’t even consciously aware of until I worked through it with a therapist. Not necessarily the case with you, but it might be worth talking to a professional if you have the means.
That being said, every office seems to have obnoxious coworkers (that’s pretty much the premise of The Office, and why it did so well). And that can be annoying for sure. For me, I try to not take my work overly seriously, and I try to remember that others might find me obnoxious at times too.
I had a similar experience, my trauma was from an extremely toxic relationship I was in. I was so sensitive that anything could make me snap.
A therapist helped me develop coping mechanisms which helped, but I was really only able to start recovering once I left the relationship. I felt like a totally new person after I got away from them.
every office seems to have obnoxious coworkers
imho, this is because everyone is obnoxious about something, in some set of circumstances, because we’re human animals.
I’m hella sus of anyone who’s always good.
Because you gotta know that ain’t natural.