As a Washingtonian, I’m so fucking sold.
I think a lot of us in Washington and Oregon would be all for this. And we can leave the eastern sides out. Northern California is obviously welcome.
Northern California is obviously welcome.
Except for Silicon Valley, right? Or does Canada have better antitrust and worker’s rights regulations and enforcement too?
The Bay Area can be excised to form the new US charter city-state of Galt’s Gulch.
Galt’s Gulch
Sounds like a sexually transmitted disease that you can also get from reading too much Ayn Rand 😂
Workers rights are of provincial jurisdiction with some industries being under federal jurisdiction (like banks), so it would mostly be up to the new provinces.
Healthcare coverage is made mandatory by the federal side but is of provincial jurisdiction (so it’s not handled the same everywhere).
Trade NorCal for New England and it’s a deal.
Sorry. NorCal is part of our shared cultural region. We could probably accept New England in, though.
Same fucking here!
I think each individual state should be able to choose whether they stay in the US or not. Every ten years, the citizens of the state voted. If you vote to leave, you can’t come back for ten years. It would take place at the same time as the census.
Yes, the one aspect of the civil war that I have never agreed with was that a stare can not choose to leave the Union. If a terratory can vote to join the Union, I see no reason why they couldn’t vote to leave it. On that note, I would also support the idea that the other states should have the right to vote out a state they no longer want in the Union.
You’re right. Self determination is a right we all have.
Which state is the Weakest Link?
Based on statistics, easily Mississippi. But most obnoxious is easily Texas. Texas would be my first vote out.
Seconded. If we oust Texas, we can regain control over the content in school textbooks.
People who want to flee can still be welcomed as refugees.
I am so fucking on board with this, lfg!
If we could trick Mexico into taking back Texas that would be ideal. But Mexico is way too smart to fall for that.
Just ignoring Florida’s existence?
Eh, I’d love to boot all the old confederate states, but picking off the worst first only helps the whole.
Just a few more years
Mississippi? Alabama? Wyoming? One of those probably.
Can we get a relocation care package for all of the reasonable people stuck in red state hell-holes!? I’d move to literally any blue state if I had the resources and reassurance it won’t be sucked into US federal far right bs. So done with this scam country.
Here’s a nice compromise position - Canada becomes a republic; in exchange, the West Coast and the East Coast down to Maryland (or Virginia) join as unincorporated territories or whatever the Canuck equivalent is.
please save us from Y’All Qaeda
I remember seeing something similar in the W days.
Canafornia, a Democracy with no need for an electorial college, and free of having the monarch on their money.
It is the fact that the US is a republic that is the problem. If any US states join Canada they do it as a province of the federation.
I refuse to have anything to do with having a m*narch on my money 😤
I’m fine with being a province, but it’s republic or bust
Isn’t a guy on your money had a child from an underage slave or am I mistaking him with some other slave holding hero of the country?
That’s ok. You stay where you are and we’ll stay a federation.
That’s it, I support the Quebecois now! They’ll understand the value of a good guillotine, at least
That’s why all the billionaires are in such a hurry to get to space. Guillotines require gravity.
I’m French and I shall work on developing railgun mounted guillotine to work in space
Sorry bud. Maybe move to a state that Mexico picks up?
If anything was really done, I assume it’d be just opening up (+incentivizing) immigration. Skilled labor/health/money probably will still be huge barriers, so I think the most effect it could have would be brain drain.
I think it’s all noise to distract from issues US should solve on its own.
Not just three, all the Blue States would like to switch to province.
It’s funny how much more favorable the comments are on this compared donnie’s original comments.
Canadians on joining the US: “oh hell no!”
Americans on joining Canada: “me too please!”
I doubt they’ll take #Arkansas, so I’m screwed either way until my familial duty is complete.
NWA here, yeah our guv’na is a fascist demon ready to put all non white christians into concentration camps
As someone who lives in California, I would love this.
As someone who lives in Texas, I would also love this - once I gtfo of Texas
We’d love to have ya!
Have a chat with Hawaii, okay? Mom wants to go before she dies but she won’t go with Trump in charge. Get them on board and even the flight’s domestic. Woot!
What a Sucker Punch ! I like that
Those aren’t the states I picture as being closely connected to Canada, but maybe that’s because I’m jealous
As a Georgian, I badly want to be included no matter how irrational it would be.
I am Soooooo down for this!!!
Minnesota is basically already there
Technically that would make king charles my head of state seeing as I live in California. Not into that. A lot of pros/advantages though, I’ll say that much.
Except seeing him on money he affects Canadians in zero ways. And y’all have Jackson on your money so I wouldn’t go throwing stones.
Is he even on our money yet? I haven’t used cash in months so I wouldn’t know
Every major currency has at least one jerk face on it.
King Charles has much less power than King Trump. Multiple orders of magnitude less.
I am aware, but it makes me finicky. Irks me irrationally.
As an American you should be used to picking between the lesser of two evils… This is an easy choice if you had to pick …
I started voting green party when I realized that that was the system - lesser of two evils. To me, it doesn’t feel like the least of all evils, it just feels a little disappointing as a third party almost inherently. But then I get a second wind sometimes and concert myself to making something of it.
Yeah but with how the system works your just voting for the worst evil to win… Or at least helping that side win… Such a great system we have
I have heard a friend say that about kamala and now he is upset that Trump is his president.
As a Washingtonian, I would LOVE for this to happen. It’s a shame she’s joking.
I mean, as a Canadian I would say come on and get this going. Hell Alaska can join as well.
Then tarriff the shit out of Trump for anything being shipped through new Canada from China lol.