“Criminals they forced into the United States” = “Invasion”
“Repatriation” != “Deportation”
Repatriation is what happens when you return a POW to their country of origin. Deportation is when you return a criminal to their country of origin.
POWs are not entitled to access to the criminal justice system. They can be held indefinitely without charges, or returned to their country of origin, without judicial oversight. Since deportation is a judicial process, POWs are not subject to deportation.
POWs are not “subject to the jurisdiction” of US law; Trump is arguing that the children of “invader-immigrants” can’t be citizens.
POWs are not entitled to access to the criminal justice system.
That’s… Not true.
POWs do not need to be charged with a crime. Indeed, under international treaties and laws governing armed conflict, POWs generally can’t be criminally charged for simply participating in hostilities.
They can be held without charge until the conclusion of hostilities. They are not entitled to the protections afforded to the accused, because they are not accused. They are not entitled to access to the criminal justice system.
By describing them as “invaders”, he is suggesting that immigrants be treated as enemy combatants.
The term repatriation is not in any way exclusive to POWs. It was, for example, used extensively during COVID when talking about voluntary repatriation of expats to their home countries.
True. I should have been more clear: Deportation requires the involvement of the judicial branch. Repatriation has no such requirement. “Repatriation” is a more generic term for returning to one’s country of origin.
I did not mean to suggest that “repatriation” was exclusive to POWs, and I apologize if I gave that impression. I meant to distinguish between judicial and non-judicial.
Columbia no like they president?
Trump said it so…
They probably love him.
Maybe the US should take back the US members of ISIS that have been left (along with the people from the other nations that joined ISIS) for the Kurds to keep.
Well you see, we have long and storied history of fucking over the Kurds. You wouldn’t want to tarnish that record would you?
illegal Criminals
As opposed to the legal kind.
E.g. donald trump, or are you disagree that he is a legal criminal, according to his sentence. Like, a criminal yes, but we don’t judge you, because clearly not everyone is the same in front of the law, apparently.
He’s the president of the United States
Who? An illegal criminal?
HereBeter is saying that trump is a legal criminal… you know, since he has been found guilty of many crimes, yet hasn’t had to have any consequences.
That would be Wall Street
Then Columbia put 50% tariffs on the US.
Love it.
Lol. They caved.
Bent the knee.
The US caved actually, Petro point was that the deportees werent treated like garbage.
Cool, more tariffs to punish…us?
His base see it as him punishing Columbia and they’ll later be surprised at how much some things cost and blame liberals for it.
You’re behind the news. Colombia caved within minutes. No tariffs. The idea was to push them to take their citizens back, and it worked.
Once again the orange toddler throws a tantrum and gets his way.
His cult is right about one thing - he gets shit done. It’s horrible shit, but he gets it done.
If you count spreading shit all over the walls getting stuff done then sure. Personally, I think he is just making a smelly mess.
Right now it seems he’s getting anything he wants. (gestures at OP) I hope there’s an end to that, but until then, yeah, I must angrily conclude, dude gets shit done. (Using the most reprehensible methods, and with shitty outcomes, but that’s what his base voted for, so I’m quite sure they have few complaints right now.)
And I will keep pointing out that getting shit done is not fucking shit up and making things worse. That is just making a shitty mess.
I don’t care for the opinions of his supporters mainly because they have no real opinions. One Trumper I ran into today said good thing Drump is a making Federal workers go back to work because they are waiting on their SSD determination.
You can’t make this level of brain dead up.
It was never about not accepting them. It was about them being treated with human dignity on the way there.
To be clear, Colombia already backed down and accepted all the demands. Which is unfortunate but not surprising. Starting to get “Just give Hitler what he wants and he’ll stop” vibes. Surprised folks didn’t learn their lesson…
I was waiting for the backfire of “look what happened to coffee prices!”
Sanctions not going through Congress, it’s insane that’s considered constitutional
He governs by decrees basically, and so did biden. Its mental gymnastics at olympic level to call the US a democratic country.
Look, I know that immigration is a contentious issue, but sanctioning a country for not repatriating its citizens is a disproportionate response. Trump and Co. are really obsessed with immigration to even do this. It says a lot what values they have.
It’s a response to make them do it. And it worked. They caved.
Yeah, I just saw the news that Colombia gave in.
Trump is going all in. He’s reverting to the 19th century way of strong arming other countries over petty things. He’s reviving the old-school capitalist imperialism.
Nothing wrong with throwing your weight around in this situation.
He’s reviving the old-school capitalist imperialism.
It never went away…
Are those people really Columbian citizens? I would not put it past Trump to just command ICE to land the next plane full of “somehow latin looking people” somewhere south of the border.
You expect “reasonable” from the orange idiot?
He does that to strongarm companies into complying, because it works. It’s also setting an example for other countries to cooperate.
I suppose, but we’re talking about international diplomacy. And a modern one at that.
Trump’s strong arming sounds so 19th century though. His open threat of taking Panama canal, Canada, Greenland, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico is so manifest destiny.
Trump’s strong arming sounds so 19th century though
20th century too! If a government didn’t do what we wanted them to do, we just couped their government, and installed a dictator.
I mean, how do you think Sadaam Hussein got into power?
Yes, it does have a lot of similarities.
If they won’t take them, maybe we could put all these Columbians in some sort of District. A District of Columbia filled with criminals. Wait, we already have that.
Columbia != Colombia. The real joke though is for those who don’t know the difference.
I’d be really surprised if anyone in the administration knows there’s a difference.
Had me in the first half not gonna lie
I like how his statement paints not accepting refugees as a negative action
Trump wouldn’t recognize hypocrisy if it walked up and kicked him in the balls.
Norman Finkelstein said something the other day, quoting someone else…it was…“hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue”. Meaning, evil people understand what they’re doing is wrong, that’s why they pretend to be good. Hypocrisy is beyond the point to them. They’ve sacrificed morality. Although I think Finkelstein was saying it in the context of talking about how Republican pols do so much less of even pretending to be good (though certainly not zero).
I don’t think Finkelstein’s quote takes into account a severe narcissist.
In the narcissistic mind, the only right is something that benefits them, and the only wrong is something that harms them.
Well, the proof’s in the pudding - examine the evidence on this point, does he pretend to be something he’s not, better than what he is?
What refugees?
What would you call forcibly expatriated people
How or by what were they forced to leave their country?
By whoever put them on the plane they were on on Trump’s order that is mentioned in the post we’re talking about.
He is deporting Americans? That’s your argument? What does it take to become American?
I dunno, you tell me. I wasn’t making an argument just answering your dumb ass question.
Lol you answered nothing at all. Did you even read my original question?
Ironically, so does your comment. You mean actively and forcibly ejecting refugees.
The economic vs. refugee character of the people he ejected is unclear AFAIK, though.
My comment alludes to Trump’s negative opinion of refugees
Oh, negative morally.
How does it do that? These were Colombian citizens being moved unwillingly, not refugees.
Saying the president is already unpopular and now he won’t take these people makes it sound like taking refugees would boost his popularity
Trump however by doing this shows he thinks taking refugees is a bad thing
Forcibly relocating refugees doesn’t make them no longer refugees, it just makes you (the one relocating them) a bad person/in violation of international law
Ah. Then I’ll go back to my first comment.
Suit yourself, it was just pointing out hypocrisy
So his default for Canada is this energy measure?
Go fuck your self trump.
Clown gonna clown
Even after all these years, I physically cringe every time I read “ReTruths”
He didn’t quite stick the landing on his “destroy the US empire” speedrun last term, but he wasn’t idle over the last 4 years and has come out the gate with a strong strategy this time around!
How does this destroy the US empire? It worked, Colombia caved within minutes.
Not by itself, but it’s representative of his overreaction to every little perceived slight against him. Correct me if I’m wrong; it’s standard to send and receive civilian planes for returning migrants. Colombia does not want its citizens being treated like criminals, detained aboard military aircraft. US media is declaring victory for Trump on a technicality. If this is all it takes for him to completely fill his diaper, he’s going to drone strike the first country to follow through with retaliatory tariffs.
They are criminals, because they were here illegally. It would be different if they were legal migrants, but they’re not.
And it wasn’t an overreaction, it was a warning, meant to bend Colombia’s will. And it worked, immediately.
hopefully we can convince him to send you to the bottom of the ocean or something