It gets said over and over but the country is huge and your experience can vary greatly. If you are a govt employee work is likely more chaotic, some more than others. Telework people coming back to the office, looming layoffs, people resigning/staying, big organizational shifts etc.
If you know a person deported of who may be deported you are probably very concerned for them and the world feels turned upside down.
But for most people the gas prices are about the same, groceries are about the same and their life is about the same. If it wasn’t for the news/internet most people probably couldn’t tell the difference between administrations so far. It takes a big event you can’t easily ignore (Covid 19, Hurricane Helene, LA fires) for even ONE REGION of the country to focus on a problem for a while.
And even then if you are outside of that area people probably won’t change their routine beyond posting about it.
But conditions everywhere are bad. Just because we’ve grown use to it doesn’t mean the constant drain on your heart, body, and mind has gone away. I’ve never lived in a time where the world around me wasn’t eriely cold and uncaring.
I guess it’s storytime! The rural area I grew up in was full of unionized industry jobs that shut down in the 80s, and then the auto industry followed in the 2000s. Many moved and for those that stayed life had sucked for a long while.
But the local mall stayed relevant (there’s not a whole lot else to do) and is now being filled with all kinds of new restauraunts and stores where old dead ones were. This was to meet demand since electric vehicle factories were built as well as amazon warehouses and other stuff. Then the taxes led to libraries and schools being built and upgraded.
Now it’s not all sunshine and rainbows of course but for the people there the world seemed cold and uncaring for decades. Now in their eyes it’s starting to come back and the federal government had little to do with it. I guess what I’m saying is that it’s all pretty subjective
“electric vehicles factories were built” “the government had nothing to do with it.”
These people deserve trump, Amazon, and poverty if they can’t see the connection between the inflation reduction act and electric vehicle factories.
That’s the only good thing about democracy. You generally get the government you deserve.
The inflation reduction act was in 2022, everything but amazon was built and operational prior but I get what you mean. I should have phrased it better.
Yes the federal govt likely had some role in getting favorable conditons for factories to be built. For people living there the following years (and years) of company cash flow caused a lot of the actual second and third order effects, not federal programs aimed at the region specifically. That is what I mean by “the fed govt had little to do with it (from the residents’ pov)”
Thank you for the clarification.
Who says we aren’t? Do you know how big this country is, and how much money it takes to fly to DC to protest? Do you understand that nobody wants to die for taking a shot at Trump or Elon?
I don’t think many outside of here do.
Many people here stay in the place they were born. Even when they hate it. It’s hard moving and leaving everything behind. It’s tough moving to a new part of the country without any contacts.
I’ve relocated a few times, there’s always a culture shock. You’d think it would be pretty much the same everywhere due to our saturated commercial culture, but it really is different everywhere. Sometimes just a few hours of separation between places can be two completely different worlds
We’re a nation full of smaller countries, cultures and customs. It’s hard to see that on the outside looking in due to so many of us parroting things online, as well as the media that we distribute throughout the world (movies, tv, music ect)
But it’s a VAST nation of many different ways of life.
You’d think with that username…
I’m plenty mad but every solution short of REDACTED feels like a waste of time.
I’d do REDACTED if everyone else was down. I’m so bored of this mouse trap they built. I’d literally do anything else.
Even suggesting REDACTED repulses the people who it would serve the most. Completely uninformed and lack of critical thinking.
Busy with day to day affairs, gotta pay rent/mortgage/medical bills, gotta feed the family, gotta keep working, can’t take risks, …
That sounds like it should make you mad
It does, but I’m busy with day to day affairs, gotta pay rent/mortgage/medical bills, gotta feed the family, gotta keep working, can’t take risks, …
People only revolt when they can no longer do those things. Literal starvation is often the cause of revolution in history. Let’s face it America is not there. Yes life is becoming a crushing grind. Yes we have statistics from policy institutes about food insecurity blah blah. But America is not fucking starving. If a few are, they do not have the strength to overpower the many others who still have something left to lose.
Who said we aren’t mad?
I think everyone’s news feeds are full of everything Trump’s administration is doing. I personally have not seen a single mention of anything being done against that, though to be fair I am not American. If there are indeed protests of any kind maybe it would be worth mentioning them, it’d certainly help me and I assume others feel a bit more optimistic.
The reason you see little official pushback from within the US is because things are far more dire here than you might imagine, as an outsider. The US Republican Party (aka GOP - Trump’s party) is currently in control of all three branches of the US federal government. Ever since Trump took office, it’s been one step toward constitutional crisis after another, and apparently the Republicans don’t give a shit about rule of law when it comes to policing their own. The Democrats (our nominal “opposition” party) can’t really do shit right now except at the local level. We have an unelected CEO compromising every branch of our nation’s government with all the Republicans looking the other way. To be honest, I’m past the point of expecting a fair election in four years. As an American who grew up learning to value the ideals of personal freedom and liberty, to see what is happening to my country leaves me OUTRAGED.
There was a protest in every single state capitol on February 3rd and many more cities like San Francisco as well. There will be another 50+ protests on Monday.
All major US news outlets are in the pockets of the oligarchs. The revolution will not be televised.
The combination of hopelessness and misinformation is very powerful
Probably true
own the libs is more important than progress
Removed by mod
USA just needs more luigis.
What do you mean?
Americans are pissed as all hell. Michael Moore said in 2016 “the American people will throw Donald Trump into Washington like a Molotov Cocktail.”
We do not agree who is at fault. 40% the voters think it’s brown people and queer people and about 30% of them think it’s the wealthy.
Just so you know that molotov cocktail didn’t land in washington. It will land on every Americans doorstep.
They don’t realize that… Yet.
Bread and circuses
I’m infuriated! It’s like the US has lost their collective minds. But what’s the point in doing anything? This is what the voting populace of the US wants.
The voting populace can go fuck them selves. They are shit eating, brain worm addled, fucks.
I don’t think that is true. It wasn’t a majority. (Although that’s a nitpick, it was close enough to say that about half of all voters voted for Trump.)
A more important consideration is that the majority of people who did vote for him are incredibly naive when it comes to politics. They think that the president sets gas prices, or that Trump and Musk are geniuses because they say they are. Most of them feel disenfranchised by both political parties, and this is a brick through the window of the established order. I don’t think most of the electorate thought this through much beyond that.
I honestly don’t know what difference it will make in the long run, but I don’t think it is true to say that this is what most people wanted.
I’m not even American and I’m mad. Most of what I’ve heard from Americans is that they’re mad.
Same. I’m so mad and disappointed in America, but I can’t let that override my compassion for its people. This whole thing is so frustrating to watch. Look at how the French do it, Americans! It’s time to break some shit.
You have compassion for us Americans, and that’s nice, but bear in mind we voted for this. As much as the people who voted for Trump may have done so out of desperation, we still made a catastrophically stupid decision. Trump isn’t the problem, he’s a symptom. The problem lies in the American people. We have been squashed by both our government and our corporations. We need a wake-up call, and if that means we need to suffer from our own choices then so be it. Maybe we haven’t suffered enough yet. If we’re so dumb that we vote for a malignant narcissist like Donald Trump, maybe we need to be squashed a bit more. We have the power to take back our country, we just need the will to do it. Maybe that comes from more hardship and regret. Maybe that comes from more suffering.
But maybe not. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m so disappointed with my own countrymen right now, maybe I’m not seeing things clearly. I don’t know. But I know we deserve what we voted for. The world doesn’t, and that’s a tragedy, but maybe America needs to take a hit and the world needs to rely less on us for both America and the world to be better. Again, I don’t know.
we voted for this
<Tinfoil hat>
Did we? There are some suspicions of voter fraud in some swing states and it sure as hell isn’t below musk to attempt something like that.
Yet, I think that the past MAGA crazies screaming about “election fraud” and “stop the steal” has poisoned the well for legitimate future calls for investigating potential fraud in elections. On top of that it also makes people that question the results sound like the crazies of the past.
It could explain why trump is allowing so much power to musk.
</Tinfoil hat>
Source: I have no source. It’s all feels over reals and a partial lack of acceptance that so many American people are that dumb.
We can’t just claim that an undesirable outcome is the likely really of election fraud… I do wish the result was different but sewing a rumor that has no credible basis in reality serves minimal value.
I completely agree that we can’t blindly blame this on election fraud, that is a form of denial. Which I will admit is part of my Tinfoil hat rant above.
But if there are credible sources that are stating they have doubts about the legitimacy of the results there should be an investigation. Note, this isn’t really about this past election, I know of no evidence that shows fraud only slight rumblings from “unknown sources” which isn’t legitimate to me.
My concern is that the Stop the Steal movement, that was using weak or even made up evidence to support their cause has made future allegations less likely to be taken seriously.
The majority of people votes for this that is why. The no voters just wanted a clean conscious but they still voted for this.
Around 1/3 of the country voted for him.