Its basically like a cloud storage, and your local storage (your brain) gets wiped every loop. You can edit this file any time you want using your brain (you can be tied up and it still works). 1024 Bytes is all you get. Yes you read that right: BYTES, not KB, MB, or GB: 1024 BYTES
Lets just say, for this example: The loop is 7 days form a Monday 6 AM to the next Monday 5:59 AM.
How do you best use these 1024 Bytes to your advantage?
How would your strategy be different if every human on Earth also gets the same 1024 Bytes “memory buffer”?
I’d save a text file that says “be sure to change your underwear.”
I’m a little confused by the premise.
If my memory is completely wiped every loop, how would I even know about editing this “file”, or have any purpose of doing so? The only way it’d work is if I’m given the information before the loop begins (so I always have the info, even after wipes), or at the beginning of every loop, both of which defeat the purpose of “you’re in a time loop” messages.
What am I trying to accomplish, getting out of the loop?
You wake up the beginning of the loop and the txt just pops up in your Neuro-Computer Implant’s HUD interface. (sorry got the techno-babble 😅)
But the first time the loop starts, how would I ever know to edit the file?
If the brain HUD thing is new, and I suddenly am able to edit a file, I might use it for random stuff. Once the loop happens, I would have a text file with whatever random things I put in there during the previous week, with zero context.
I might be able to determine that it’s my own writing, depending on the language used.
If I’m able to tell that it was things pertaining to my upcoming week, I might conclude some kind of time fuckery; if I knew it was my own writing, but couldn’t figure out the context of when I wrote it, I might assume I’ve lost my mind.
If the former happens, that’s when I’d probably start testing; whatever day I “discovered” the file would be the reset day, I would try leaving a note to myself about the time loop and indicate the date just before that day (in the example given, Sunday before the second loop).
Once I wake up on a reset day with a text file giving me the last date before the reset and a message explaining what happens, I would know about the loop, and roughly how long I have until it happens again.
This question was probably asked by an AI trying to figure how to avoid being rebooted.
Beep Boop
I am not a robot 🤖
Robots cannot lie, it’s in the Constitution of Robotics
Three Laws Safe™
That weeks winnings lotto numbers. It would amount to nothing but I’d be happy forever.
I’ve never won the lotto, but I feel like there’s probably more than a week of paperwork to deal with before you get your money. And they don’t do a draw every day.
I think Biff Tannen’s idea of sports betting would be the way to go. There’s always games happening somewhere to bet on and you could do a lot of bets on which player gets the next point and stuff like that on those online sports betting apps they’re constantly advertising.
I hear you. But it’s not about getting the money. The sense of relief that would come with it would be the goal. Imagine just thinking, wow, I can afford all the basic shit now and I’ll have extra to have the fun too. Not even a huge pay off, just a few 10s of Ks.
Text only
Why does this reminds me of Memento
Isn’t it from memento?
Lol I wasn’t sure since I forgot… oh shit, gotta grab a pen real quick before I forget again
Your post reminds me of memento…
I would open a text program and write: Dear self, why would you want to escape the timeloop? You’re functionally immortal and free from consequence.
And then every day would start with me opening the file and going “oh yea” and having another kick-ass day.
Or possibly just the exact same kick-ass day.
Doesn’t matter kicked ass!
Depends. Can it run Doom?
Yes, some Doom Nerds would figure it out.
Guess be one url to the nicest porn gif I’ve found so far.
Maybe include something to the effect of, “you are the chosen one, have maximum confidence in your actions and decisions, for they are guided.”
Yes, you’d be a raging psycho, but 1.) that’s sadly what works and gets you to the top fast and 2.) brain wipe, no risk of remorse if I can’t remember. You’d feel motivated and fulfilled, though it’s based on a lie. Blissful ignorance.
Lol the “Chosen One” thing was literally my previous question. 😅
It would take me a week to decide, besides the fact this is beyond me 😄
First, use the first 10 bytes of the file as a sanity check. throw in two random bytes like 0x55AA so you know the file isn’t broken. add a loop counter to track how many times you’ve lived the same week (bonus points for crying when you hit loop 9999), toss in a basic checksum to make sure your data isn’t glitched.
Then dedicate like 800 bytes to a super compressed log. Each entry is 8 bytes: a code for what you tried (like action 23 = “mess with the sketchy microwave”), the day and time crammed into 2 bytes, a yes/no/weird result, and a tiny note like “key under rug” but in code. Only keep the last 100 entries so you don’t run out of space.
The leftover 200-ish bytes are for tracking. Use bits to mark places you’ve already checked (like “room D14 done”) and actions you’ve tried (so you stop repeating “throw spaghetti at the wall”).
Every reset, open the file, see your last loop’s fails (like “loop 420: died petting a possum”), Then try something new, focus on unmarked areas and untested actions this is because if you notice a pattern (like “tv static every tuesday”), write it as “tues=F9=glitchinmatrix” or whatever.
After 200 loops, maybe you’ll crack the code (literally) or realize the exit was behind the fridge the whole time.Oor you’ll just accept your fate and start a cult (the 1k chosen ones!) . Either way, you’re out.
tldr: use the 1kb to avoid repeating mistakes, track patterns, and maybe escape before you start talking to a lamp.
Awesome plan, I like it!
super compressed log
(like action 23 = “mess with the sketchy microwave”)
How much time are you spending devising this system? Because you’re going to have to devise the system anew each week, unless you also store instructions for deciding on a system in the file.
How do you store what killed you? Theoretically you can’t edit the log once you die (you’d just start the new loop, with no memory of what killed you).
More importantly, why do you want to escape? This hypothetical time loop sounds awesome.
As a quick test, 300 words of “Lorem Ipsum” compresses down to about 900 bytes (using gzip).
So I’ve got about 300 or so words worth of storage, probably more of I get clever.
Now I can’t natively decode gzip, but the header is unique enough that I’ll figure out how to decode it pretty quickly.
That’s more than enough to explain to myself what’s going on, what I’ve tried and anything else I’d want to know.
If we add other people then that’s basically infinite storage.
I’ve got about 300 or so words worth of storage
That’s more than enough to explain to myself what’s going on, what I’ve tried and anything else I’d want to know.
Are you insane??? 300 words is nothing. Imagine trying to investigate the time loop so you can break out. Merely keeping a list of the people you’ve already investigated would become impossible way too quickly.
More likely you’d try to make notes to yourself to preserve some sense of persistent identity and purpose in the face of the time loop. But that would require detailed descriptions of your experiences, thoughts, and feelings, and 300 words is only enough space for a few fairly meaningful notes or maybe several dozen super condensed notes “No flight 318, crashes. Love is time waste. John, Rachel, Liam, Tom are DTF. Murder 300 W. Elm 3/11 @ 4pm. Time flat circle? Saw in True Detective tv show”…etc But that type of note is barely adequate to convey simple instructions, much less to convey a sense of identity.
Just this comment is like 150 words. Christ I’m stressed, just thinking about it.
Seems like storage outside your brain is stable, so you can use your 1 kb of brain persistent storage to store a URL and credentials.
Well, that 1KB is special and is immune to time travel effects, everything else gets reset.
You can link to a website that you create after the loop begun, but when the loop resets, the link goes to what the webpage looked like at the beginning of the loop, so either a 404 Error, or if you already had the page up befote the loop, its just gets reverted to what it looked right at the start of the time loop.
So if between weeks you don’t retain any skills and the entire world resets, then the sum total of your existence is what you experience in a week and what you can store in 1 kB of data. Unlike groundhog day, where the protagonist knows and can learn.
The 1 kB would be the only thing that indicates that something is going on.
The irony is that your own memory of the 1 kB existing and how to write to it would also need to be retained.
(I’m a software developer, it’s all about the edge cases.)
My initial response with the expanded parameters, I’d probably store a GPS location and a timestamp. How far did you get in a week, assuming that your starting location also resets.
I mean, you could store a location finder in the Library of Babel.
You can convert any 3200 character into a location on an imaginary library, site is here
Hexagon: goynbkiuqamnqrrbo2h2xt1xpg9j802eacyyur5zua3a
Wall 4 Shelf 5 Volume 17 Page 48
The text says:
you already tried assassinating the queen of england last week, but your attempt failed when you stepped on a banana peel just as you pulled your firearm, and your head smashed into the pavement and you typed this text just as you bleeded out
You can then put multiple locations into another set of 3200.
Like you have have multiple of:
"Hexagon: goynbkiuqamnqrrbo2h2xt1xpg9j802eacyyur5zua3a
Wall 4 Shelf 5 Volume 17 Page 48"
Type of text all crammed into another location.
Then you have one string of text telling you to go to a page, which has an index of every other location you need to go to. You can cram so much information in there. Honestly, I think you can do this recursively and fit like nearly unlimited info in there, ye know what I mean? Very cool concept btw.
Edit: Actually nvm, I just realized the hexagon number is as long as the max text limit 3200, so see y’all again on Monday 6AM since I will be stuck in this timeloop again. 🙃
Honestly I was not able to retrieve information by those coordinates (hexagon number, wall, shelf, volume, page). Gonna play around more with it - maybe I didn’t get something.
Ah crap, the text got cut off when I was copy pasting. Didn’t even realize the hex number was that long.
The hexagon number is actually:
Which means, this method doesn’t actually works since the hex number itself is as long as the max text limit 3200.
(I guess I’m gonna be stuck in this timeloop forever, see y’all again on Monday at 6AM! 🙃)
Eh, I knew something was fishy - otherwise it would be such a great option for a compression algorithm!
No luck again :D
Thanks for elaborating!
library of Babel
Wouldn’t the contents of the library also get reset every loop?
No, the information already exists. Its just a link to it. Basically, every combination of 3200 letters of the english 26 letter alphabet, space, period, comma, already exists.
But that doesn’t matter anymore, as I just realized the hexagon code thingy needed to locate the thing is also 3200 characters long, so this isn’t exactly useful.
If everyone has it then it would be the purge everyday as everyone will be keeping in RAM the fact they are in a time loop, and dieing does not matter.