Did the DNC’s strategy work? No? Then the Democrats were wrong.
It’s their job to convince voters to vote for them. And if they won’t take responsibility for failing at their job, then they’re on course to do the exact same thing in 2028 and get the exact same results.
It’s their job to convince voters to vote for them
Everytime this topic comes up it reminds me of incels whining no women wants them…
They don’t want to change anything, they don’t want to compromise, they want a participation trophy for just existing. What’s insane is that’s been the strategy for the last three presidential elections.
And if they won’t take responsibility for failing at their job, then they’re on course to do the exact same thing in 2028 and get the exact same results.
The new DNC chair has been very vocal about what the problem is, how to fix, and is already running the same playbook that solidified his home state blue.
The DNC is basically the chair, and we just got a much better chair than we’ve had in decades.
That’s encouraging to hear.
Can you share any links about the strategy changes you think will help?
“We’re calling it the ‘Organize Everywhere’ tour,” Martin told ABC13. “It’s a simple premise that if we’re going to win throughout this country and get back into power, we have to organize everywhere. We’re visiting red states, purple states, and blue states on this tour. And Texas really is the future of the Democratic Party. This is such a critical battleground state as we move forward in the 2026 elections – of course, the 28 election cycle and beyond.”
But you don’t have to go on hypotheticals, he has a long history in Minnesota, and supporting candidates voters want translated to wins.
It’s not even that overtly progressive, he just knows it’s easiest to win if voters already like the candidate and policy. And voters like charismatic candidates with progressive policy stances.
And Texas really is the future of the Democratic Party.
This boondoggle again. They need to stop calling Texas a battleground state. It is too gerrymandered to be considered a proper battleground.
Texas only could become one after the GOP decides to abandon oil and gas. They’re not about to.
The only other feasible way to break the gerrymandered districts and get Texas blue would be by sweeping New Deal Coalition type social democracy policies specifically improving working class conditions at the expense of billionaires and corporate boards. And this is about as unlikely as the GOP ditching oil and gas.
It’s their job to convince voters to vote for them.
And it’s the voters DUTY to inform themselves responsibly and make the best choice for the welfare of their nation. American voters failed to do so.
In other words, it’s the voter’s duty to perform a communist revolution. How well are you personally performing your duty, comrade?
We can’t do anything about that, wagging your finger at voters will not accomplish anything. But we CAN do something about the party itself, the candidate, and the campaign strategy.
Fixating on things we can’t change is a way to deflect from having actual productive conversations about things that we can change. It’s a way for the DNC to avoid taking responsibility.
We can’t do anything about that, wagging your finger at voters will not accomplish anything.
If we can’t do anything about American voters being complacent and lazy and not doing their civic duty responsibly, then we have, and will continue to have, way bigger problems than a party not being good at promoting themselves. And, oh look, we are.
We can’t just keep ignoring the source of our problem. People HAVE to get responsibly engaged in politics if we want out of this situation. Otherwise, even if Dems get better at messaging, we’ll just slingshot back to where we are now if they stop being good at it again.
Apparently it’s going to take a lot of pain and suffering for Americans to become more responsible voters. If it’s even possible at this point.
It is a candidate’s job to convince voters to vote for them. That is what campaigning is. Sitting here and wagging your finger, on the other hand, is not campaigning.
We cannot tie the entire US electorate down and force them to “be more responsible”. That is not a useful or productive way to look at the problem. If that is all you fixate on, you have no actionable solution out of it.
But what we can do is run better candidates with a better campaign, that will inspire voters to want to vote for them. That is how it works, that has always been how it works, and if we ignore that, we will lose in 2028.
The point I am making here is that we need to talk about things we can actually do something about, instead of shutting down the conversation by deflecting to things we cannot do anything about.
Your “we” here is weird to me.
Most of us aren’t party executives but most of us are voters, with friends and family who are voters.
What I say on lemmy is never read by the DNC, but is read by voters.
Claiming that I can’t do anything about what voters do whilst I can do something about the Democratic leadership is so very very inaccurate.
the way to compell voters is through education, livable wages, and a prosperous life. it is an inherent catch 22.
you cannot blame a victim of propaganda that they were propagandised. especially if they are a dumb fuck
The Democrats are made of people. If you believe people can’t change, we’re fucked anyway. Thankfully, I believe you’re wrong.
the DNC is made of lobby money full stop.
Did the DNC’s strategy work? No? Then the Democrats were wrong.
So you’re saying that no matter what happens, it’s never my fault. Yay!
The voters faced a trolly problem. While Trump was busy tying more and more people to the track, the Democrats left a few on the track, and the voters decided that they couldn’t stomach the choice, so they sat it out. And now we get this.
The Democrats have blood on their hands, sure, but so does every person who didn’t vote yet bemoans the Trump presidency.
If you think the trolley problem has an obvious solution, you do not understand the trolley problem.
Did the DNC’s strategy work? No? Then the Democrats were wrong.
The biggest flaw in the DNC strategy, it appears, is not appearing as a ‘maybe rich’ felony rapist traitor facing multiple election tampering and secrets cases, telling some bullshit story about magical prosperity for all.
That’s their flaw.
The biggest flaw is not being inspiring. Like yes, Trump told a bullshit story, but at least he told a story, and that’s what the DNC didn’t do.
Look at Obama in 2008 and 2012. He had an uplifting slogan of hope and change, and he focused his platform around a popular and easily-understood issue, healthcare reform. That’s how to run a good campaign, we’ve done it before, we can do it again. We don’t have to be blue fascists, we just need to be appealing.
Exactly. You know what I would like to see? I would like to see the Democratic Party act like parties due in many countries. The norm internationally is that if you are running a party, and that party loses catastrophically, that it is your moral responsibility to give up the reigns of that party. You had your chance. It didn’t work. There are plenty of people out there with good ideas. Your opinions will still be welcome. Or, for a corporate example, if you’re a CEO, and you crash the company’s stock, you’re usually going to lose your job.
Anyone in a top-20 leadership position of Democrats in 2024 should simply be done with running things. They can’t run as candidates. They can’t serve party leadership roles. They can’t serve on party committees. They can only participate as a regular party member.
That’s how the party should be run. One strike and you’re out. Let the strong survive. We want the party to be a god-damned thunderdome.
I’m still waiting for whatever the hell is supposed to happen after electoral politics has failed us, because it has.
I was told by people pushing for people to not bother voting in 2024 that voting was meaningless and that Trump would be no different than Harris. People told me that the solidarity of grassroots organization was the only way to see any real change, and that we had to reject the DNC at all costs. Well, we rejected it. What now?
PS: I don’t even mean this sarcastically or to win internet points – that are even more meaningless than on reddit – on this site. I’m actually asking, what are we doing now that this happened?
I’ve been voting blue no matter who for 25 years and it didn’t stop this shit
40 years and it’s worse.
And I’ll keep voting blue no matter who.
And I’ll hate it every time and expect nothing in return.
Serious question, then why do you keep doing it? You have to understand that constantly voting for the same shit, without doing anything to change who you’re voting for or demanding anything of your leaders, was going to lead to the party becoming out of touch with your needs and wants right?
I tried voting for Kucinich, then for Dean, and then for Bernie. Twice. So I’ve tried to vote for different shit but they don’t win.
Or when they do they get a traumatic brain injury and turn MAGA.
Fuck Fetterman.
So, the electoral process has failed you every time that you’ve interacted with it, and you’ve watched as everything got worse these past few decades, but still hold faith in the process? Again, I have to wonder why? It seems like you’d be very justified in looking at the DNC as traitors, especially considering they personally gatekept some of your choices from the general election.
I don’t have any faith in the process. I just do it so I can tell liberals it doesn’t work.
Plus my mom would disown me if I didn’t vote.
The democrats objectively were wrong.
They lost the election.
That’s the only measure of right or wrong that actually matters.
They literally had only one job and they fucked it up again.
They literally had only one job and they fucked it up again.
American voters had one job. To responsibly inform themselves and make the best choice for the welfare of their nation. They failed to do so, again.
We can’t control the American voters so complaining about them doesn’t actually accomplish anything.
We can, however, change the Democratic party to better align with the voters.
That should be everyone’s focus.
Why can we convince the Dem Party but not the electorate?
The dem party is supposed to be the tool to convince the electorate
We can’t control the American voters so complaining about them doesn’t actually accomplish anything.
That’s a fair statement. It’s not so much complaining though, as just an observation of reality.
And I do agree that Democrats need to get better at promoting themselves.
But American voters cannot be absolved of responsibility. Especially not in an election like what we just experienced. This election wasn’t confusing. It wasn’t two candidates neck and neck in terms of being solid or bad. One candidate was WAY, WAY, SUPER, INCREDIBLY worse than the other and we already had a test run with him to prove it. We had a debate where he made a fool of himself talking about immigrants eating people’s pets and admitting he only had concepts of plans.
For the American public to go with that guy anyway…well, that’s a damning condemnation of American voters.
The focus should be forcing Democrats to get better at messaging. But the American voter’s failure CANNOT be ignored. If we keep placing all the blame on Democrats, without acknowledging the general public’s failure, then we’re simply ignoring the TRUE issue. The true issue being that we’re a complacent, lazy society that does not vote responsibly, regardless of what the parties themselves are doing or not doing.
We can’t control the American voters
If only there was some entity we could donate to that could educate and persuade voters to vote for a progressive candidate via some kind of nationwide campaign…or something.
Alright I’m being facetious here if it’s not obvious but I agree with you. Whether the blame is placed at the feet of voters or the party (it doesn’t fucking matter as one is supposed to be educating and representing the other), the party is going to need to be the solution.
Your comment is both reasonable and reflective.
The DNC bots have came to lemmy. Like on reddit how they post some BS blaming others for not supporting a candidate that didn’t represent them in the primary and likely wouldn’t have in their office. Then they downvote reasonable criticism to guide the conversation to make it seem like their opinion is the only correct one.
blaming others for not supporting a candidate that didn’t represent them in the primary and likely wouldn’t have in their office.
This is irrelevant. On election day you get two options and you have to pick whichever one comes CLOSEST to representing you. A ton of whiny little bitches stayed home or voted 3rd party (pointless) because Democrats didn’t align PERFECTLY with them. That shit ain’t happening in reality. You grow up and pick whoever is CLOSEST.
because Democrats didn’t align
PERFECTLYvery well at all with themThat shit ain’t happening in reality. You grow up and pick whoever is CLOSEST.
Interesting, because it looks like people chose a different option here in reality. Maybe you’re wrong and just wanting your ideal to be the case?
“We can, however, change the Democratic party to better align with the voters.”
Can you though? It’s not for lack of trying but y’all don’t seem to be having much success with this.
Or maybe your methods just need work. Instead of just bitching and moaning about the DNC on the internet you can actually get off your gaming chair and run for office at the local level and convince real people to vote for you.
Can you though? It’s not for lack of trying but y’all don’t seem to be having much success with this
Ken Martin is a huge win as chair…
Like, we already changed the party. It happened.
That’s why I went from constantly shit talking the DNC to promoting it.
Neoliberals bet everything on Biden/Harris, and now they don’t have control of the DNC anymore.
The only people who shouldn’t be happy about that is conservatives
That’s because Democrats are expected to be perfect. Republicans are not.
Different standards.
It’s literally WAY easier for Republicans to get votes than Democrats. For a myriad of reasons.
Would be a lot easier if the DNC didn’t align with the Republicans to sabotage third party candidates at any level of office.
Or maybe we won’t vote for a democrat or a republican either one so a non vote isn’t a vote your way
What done is done. Democratic voters PUT TRUMP BACK IN OFFICE to send a message. If the party leaders don’t get the message, then 4 years of Trump were all for not.
Oh this again? Democratic Party: has our Neo liberalism, refusal to enact progressive policy, and backing of a genocide alienated progressive voters? Disenfranchised voter: damn it we told you a thousand times yes! Democratic Party: No it’s the voters who are wrong.
As an outsider, I think you’re not on the side of the meme that you think you’re on.
If not voting for Trump wasn’t enough for Harris to win, she sure didn’t act like it. “Nothing to change” from the policies of the guy who was forced to step down wasn’t what the people wanted to hear.
“Nothing to change” from the policies of the guy who was forced to step down wasn’t what the people wanted to hear.
This has been explained. Answering anything else was a PR trap.
A basic move would’ve been: “I will move to have better policies than before. Rally with our party and we will commit to changing course for working class families.”
It could’ve been as empty a promise as her opposition made, but that would’ve been basic competant campaigning. Easiest trap to avoid ever.
I mean he was asked to step down because of the worry that his mental faculties, not due to his policies. Remember, it was right after his first debate with Trump. The following debate, Kamala roasted Trump.
Hold on, last election he refused to say so explicitly, but he repeatedly implied he wouldn’t run for a second term and described himself as a bridge candidate. Then he demanded a second term at the last minute.
How did he “demand a second term in the last minute”? The assumption is a president will run for re election.
Unless they run in the first election as a bridge candidate and then, after being elected, refuse to confirm that he won’t run again for multiple years.
Edit: y’all can rewrite history all you want and insist that the party cannot fail because it can only be failed, but he said what he said: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/10/joe-biden-michigan-rally-kamala-harris-cory-booker
Yeah, except for the whole genocide thing. But mostly college kids protested that. You can just beat up those.
Argument falls apart when she was still the lesser of the two in the regard
Regardless of the actual outcome, I assume that most people who didn’t vote for her didn’t intend on helping Trump. Otherwise, they would have voted for him.
You want people to vote for you, it’s not enough to simply not vote for the other guy.
I don’t get how this relates to my post… Could you reword your comment
There were many of people who demanded Biden to step down, as he supported Israels genocide against Palestinians. The reasons you describe cover the party elites and many people in general, but Bidens support for genocide and Harris continuation of that support were part of the reasons why the Democrats lost to Trump again.
Well, they sure have change now! Enjoy.
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I voted for those assholes up and down. They still suck.
This is definitely a liberal take. I don’t agree with those who didn’t vote for Kamala, but removing responsibility from people running her campaign when there are obvious glaring issues such as retracting all populist messaging and appealing to non-existent right wingers voting against Trump was a real stinker to say the least. It’s okay to blame politicians who didn’t win for not winning.
God, this is the take I want to see. I’ll take criticism of my voting habits, but it should be proportional to my power. Democrats have more culpability.
proportional to my power
This is the thing that always kills me. My vote was 100% worthless. Completely performative, just throwing paper to the wind. My state was one of the few that actually went for Harris, my state governor is one of the few actually fighting against Trump, my city has so far done an excellent job fighting back against him, and none of the races were even really close. I’m sure there are many other people, in the other firm blue states just like mine, who couldn’t stomach voting for genocide when they know their vote is just a gesture.
Yep, I live in California. Local ballots are more important for my state than anything federal level, and I still voted for Harris.
I live in the worst part of California where its rural so Republicans win 60% of the vote, and state-wide Democrats win 60% of the vote. Props and city level are the only places I have a meaningful change, especially since my “city” has 5000 people.
So if I vote aginast the Republicans running for the House, my one vote didn’t change much there as the redneck hillbillies who think California is communist are a voting bloc that can’t be swayed, and they never need ot worry about re-election. I still vote for the Democrat, but last elections had two Republicans for the seat, one was backed by Trump, one was backed by Trump’s aids and cabinet officials.
You got a fascist elected. Hope your moral purity was worth it
I voted for Harris.
God Americans are insufferable. You pillage and murder the world and blame anyone but yourselves. Why don’t you actually do something useful?
I voted for Kamala. My parents and grandparents did as well. I do not feel that the democrats were/are doing jack shit to court new voters. The party itself expects to just be the status quo and have people vote for it. Whether people want to admit it or not, the point of being a progressive party is to be… how do I put this… PROGRESSIVE.
the point of being a progressive party is to be… how do I put this… PROGRESSIVE.
Their policies are progressive. They have a voting history proving they vote progressively. Joe Biden was an EXTREMELY progressive president.
Yeah, the Dems should advertise better. But Americans should also not be braindead stupid assholes and do some goddamn homework.
We had two options. A fascist regime or something 1 trillion times better. We shit the bed and went with fascism. That’s not the Democrat’s fault. That’s dipshit American’s fault.
Yeah their policies are so progressive that the dick Chaney family endorsed them. Biden was so progressive that as soon as the supreme court repealed Roe v. Wade, he made an EO to protect the rights of women. Oh and of course how can we forget that he made college and vocational schooling free for everyone, and secured the rights of trans Americans to literally just fucking exist.
oh wait. no wait he didn’t do any of that. in fact I think he might’ve just held up the status quo of the time.
I heard that’s the reason people picked Guaranteed Fascism from the BINARY CHOICE already from the graphic.
They ought to be progressive!
They’re totally progressive! It’s wonderful! ❤️🇺🇲
Um no they’re not and here’s why.
Well ya only have one choice so shut up!
— why we lost
Yeah their policies are so progressive that the dick Chaney family endorsed them.
Yeah, I’m sure it had nothing to do with Liz Cheney being outed by the Republican party for showing opposition to their cult leader. I’m also sure it had nothing to do with the Cheney family recognizing their party had been taken over by said cult leader and his cult and being pretty upset about the threat that poses the country. I’m sure the Cheney family only endorsed Democrats because they genuinely believe in progressive policies. Lol.
Biden was so progressive that as soon as the supreme court repealed Roe v. Wade, he made an EO to protect the rights of women.
HE LITERALLY DID. Trump undid them as soon as he became president because LEGISLATING VIA EO’S IS FUCKING STUPID. The only way to make something stick is via legislating through Congress, and that requires A LOT more sway than Biden and Democrats had in this divisive ass country.
Oh and of course how can we forget that he made college and vocational schooling free for everyone
Nope, but he forgave student loans for a shit ton of people despite Republican AND Supreme Court obstruction at every turn.
You need to understand that YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. You clearly have ZERO clue what you’re talking about, and yet here you are, spreading misinformation on the internet. And, judging by your upvotes, people are taking your misinformation at face value, thus perpetuating the spread of misinformation, leading us to where we are now.
Do your homework before you post, or don’t post.
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Oh yeah, make no mistake, the Dems are fucked.
It’s just that in '24 we had an option between “continue having a flawed democracy” and “put a literal fascist in power”, and a lot of us are still sore over folks who insisted that choosing the latter was some form of leftism. They weren’t a major force in the general electorate, but here on Lemmy, they were certainly loud, so a lot of bad feeling remains.
You clearly don’t understand leftist thought. Voting for a cop, a warmonger and a complicit child-kidnapper is incompatible with many leftists’ beliefs and values. Continued aversion to actually listening to criticisms of the Dems and DNC from the left is why your beloved party is crashing and burning.
You clearly don’t understand leftist thought. Voting for a cop, a warmonger and a complicit child-kidnapper is incompatible with many leftists’ beliefs and values.
“But she said she wasn’t Trump so she’s clearly the only person to ever consider voting for!”
You clearly don’t understand leftist thought.
No, I absolutely do. They preferred the fascist to working with the dreaded ‘shitlibs’, just like Thalmann.
Nazi punks fuck off.
Call me a Nazi all you like, it doesn’t make me a Nazi. In fact, you moralists should take that log out of your eye and actually look at the world your status-quoism has generated
Hey, cool, you have ADHD too? We can go to RFK’s concentration camps together. I’m sure our Healing Through Labor™ will be successful.
Ooooh! Count me in as a qualifying candidate. I’ll drop my Vyvanse off in the bins outside the gates and partake in the Healing Through Labor™ right beside you, my Brother In- wait… what was I just saying?
Can’t believe our only hope for mitigation of the damage is that the administration is so incompetent that they trick over their own dicks in the process of trying all of their horrors.
It’s not going to be pretty either way.
Call me a Nazi all you like, it doesn’t make me a Nazi.
No? You just welcomed in fascism because it pleased your prejudices and preconceptions. Sounds pretty indistinguishable from most Nazis to me.
In fact, you moralists should take that log out of your eye and actually look at the world your status-quoism has generated
“Wow, the world is bad. We should make it worse.”
Brilliant plan. Millions of LGBT Americans and tens of millions of Ukrainians thank you for your ardent support of fascists taking power. I’m sure those dying for lack of supplies from USAID are thrilled as well, as well as poor Americans who can’t afford the massive increases in costs of living and are already living paycheck-to-paycheck, and the crackdown on unions.
What a brave leftist world you’ve helped create. Maybe if you lick fascist boots a little more, it’ll become even better.
I also find it amusing that I’m getting called a ‘moralist’ because I advocated the utilitarian option. What fucking insanity.
Millions of LGBT Americans
You’re talking to one, and no, the Democrats have backstabbed us at every opportunity. Especially at trans issues, which they love to capitulate on as a bargaining chip for getting their capitalist donors more money.
Maybe if you lick fascist boots a little more, it’ll become even better.
If you walk outside and throw a brick in the face of a cop, you can talk to me about what it means to be a bootlicker.
I also find it amusing that I’m getting called a ‘moralist’ because I advocated the utilitarian option.
You advocate for action based upon a spook? Sorry, that makes you a moralist. You decided that “maximizing utility” was the moral choice, and that again makes you a moralist. Perhaps you should write a sternly worded lever-pulling manifesto to send to your congressman?
You’re talking to one, and no, the Democrats have backstabbed us at every opportunity. Especially at trans issues, which they love to capitulate on as a bargaining chip for getting their capitalist donors more money.
Would you like to remind me about the state of LGBT rights in this country in 2024 compared to 1990?
Soaking in fascist circles seems to sap your connection to reality.
If you walk outside and throw a brick in the face of a cop, you can talk to me about what it means to be a bootlicker.
lmao, you ushered in fascism, bro, and you’re sitting here justifying it besides. Saying “You aren’t attacking enough cops!” to others isn’t going to cure you of your bootlicking position.
You advocate for action based upon a spook?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Sorry, that makes you a moralist. You decided that “maximizing utility” was the moral choice, and that again makes you a moralist.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
The only argument for voting trump while thinking “left” that I can think of, is that all that anger and chaos leads to a big reform of the political landscape where there is a way for a more social system in the end
But I’d consider that an extremely risky move…
That’s literally the accelerationist/anti-electoralist religious doctrine. And I say “religious doctrine” because they keep insisting that people will rise up if they assist in the sacrifice of enough LGBTQ+, POC, and other vulnerable people, despite there being absolutely no evidence in history of that ever occurring, even under brutal totalitarian dynasties that lasted hundreds of years.
They don’t care about the sacrifices. They may say they do but you really can’t if you advocate for accelerationism.
But I’d consider that an extremely risky move…
So we all get to discover in real time!
True that 😂
Dems didn’t need new voters. They just needed the same folks that voted for Biden in 2020 to show up in 2024.
Too bad they were too racist and sexist to vote for a black woman.
Lot of those people who voted in 2020 weren’t Democratic voters. They voted for the Democrats that one time and then the Democrats failed to retain them. That’s on the Democrats. I don’t know how many times people can say it. It’s a candidate and the party’s job to earn people’s votes. Earn them. There is literally no other way to do it. Democrats refuse to do that that’s why they lose.
Here I thought that 4 years of competent leadership, a booming economy, and some significant legislative victories would earn votes.
Silly me. Clearly the voting populous wanted extreme leftist policies. Explains why Trump won.
What world are you living in where you think the economy of the last 4 years has been booming? Every indicator that isn’t the Dow Jones indicates that the economy has been absolutely fucked for the last 4 years.
The real one?
Where 6 million more people in the US were employed than before the pandemic.
Where inflation in the US was lower than that of peer western countries.
Where the number of people using food stamps decreased.
Where wages went up almost 20% over 4 years.
Where GDP grew by some 14% over 4 years.
Where the S&P 500 increase by 43% over 4 years.
By what reasonable metric would you consider the economy fucked?
Have you tried to actually find a job in the last 2 years? It’s almost impossible despite loads of “we’re hiring!” sighns that are offering less than they were 2 years ago
Most Americans do not care what inflation in the UK or Germany is. They care what it looks like here, and when most Americans were living paycheck to paycheck before Biden took over, inflation hits them even harder.
Maybe average income has gone up that much the last 4 years, but most people’s income has been essentially flat for the last 4. The majority of Americans make less than $30 an hour, which is inadequate to live on nearly anywhere in the country.
GDP is great if you have stocks and bonds. It’s meaningless to your average person who is barely able to put anything into a 401(k).
So your evidence that the economy was broken under Biden is your feelings.
So you got 6 different metrics about a good economy and your answer is… that it feels hard to find a job?
Like anyone in IT, I get bombarded by offers on LinkedIn and salaries kept growing just fine.
The numbers clearly say that more people are employed and less are on food stamps, so it could be that you need to do something about yourself?
“I do not feel that the democrats were/are doing jack shit to court new voters.”
This sentence structure obfuscates your meaning.
they were not doing Anything and are still not doing Anything.
hope that clears it up
they were not doing Anything
Their voting history and Biden’s accomplishments disagree with that statement.
are still not doing Anything.
They do not control either house of Congress, the presidency, or the Supreme Court. Voters made sure of that.
Neither did the GOP during Obama’s presidency. They still managed to obstruct and block anything of value. Curious isn’t it.
What’s curious is your lack of understanding of how our government works.
You’re completely ignoring the fact that Republicans were able to obstruct because they gained House, and then Senate, majority during Obama’s terms. Democrats do not have majority in either chamber of Congress right now. So your comment is senseless.
Actually, I guess you’re not ignoring. You’re simply unaware, because you don’t know how things work. And yet you’re being upvoted by others who also don’t know how things work.
EDIT: 6 downvotes as of right now and not a single one of them had the balls or brains to counter what I said. In other words, 6 individuals ignorant of how our government works and completely fine with that. Holy fuck, we really need mandatory civics classes in our schools. So many people with no clue how things work. I guess that’s why a felon rapist traitor is our president.
They were able to water down the ACA into near uselessness without any majority. At the start it was a Republican vision of healthcare, and they still watered it down because brown man bad. I do understand that they gained power in the midterms which allowed them to do even more obstruction but to claim that Democrats could have just done ANYTHING they wanted because they had the 3 branches is patently false. And yet… Here we are. Dems are largely rolling over and letting the GOP run roughshod over the gov. Not utilizing the abomination of the filibuster for any good, still confirming cabinet members, still treating with traitor and conmen.
For those keeping score, this isn’t my sockpuppet account. But I feel we could be drinking buddies until we argued about my programming style or something; then it’s war.
When your opponent is everything Mr Trump is, one would think
- economy slowly improving from covid
- protect human rights
- hold the line for the Supreme Court
- keep democracy safe
- … so we can at least talk about other stuff
would be enough. That was enough. It’s a no-brainer IN A BINARY CHOICE.
We live in a post-truth society. Let that really sink in for a moment. Take it literally and think what that means. With modern social media, we have unleashed technology we were not remotely prepared for.
The democrats are a liberal party which is why they got almost 49% of the vote instead of under 1%.
The party itself expects to just be the status quo and have people vote for it.
When the alternative was Trump and Project 2025, that’s exactly what most should have voted for.
But stopping DEI was more important than Social Security for the majority of voters
I could be wrong about this: But I increasingly feel that the major issue for most of these people was economic instability - not making enough to make ends meet. But, out of a feeling of humiliation around saying “im poor” the message instead targets points of blame; either to potentially spare more dollars for themselves, or just genuinely to lash out at a world that’s succeeding without them.
Doesn’t make the approach of their message in any way valid or okay. I’m just explaining that they needed an answer to their struggles. Trump gave them an elaborate lie about it, which to them was better than nothing.
Peope can’t afford their bills and the Democrats were out there saying the economy is stronger than ever. They had no intention of helping people and you are shocked that people didn’t go out to vote. If it’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t, most people will chose the latter
It was stronger than under Trump. Everyone forgot they had to fight for toilet paper under Trump.
Only an absolute moron would believe that the economy was better in 2024 than in 2019 for your average person. You can’t blame the poor economy on Biden, but you can absolutely blame the DNC for not spputing off reforms to help people.
You are one of those who forgot how bad it was. So many millions were in danger of eviction that moratoriums had to be passed.
Exactly. Moratoriums were passed. Absolutely nothing was done the past 2 years as prices for everything skyrocketed. People remember that sort of thing. Literally the forst thing Biden did was break his promise and give out stimulus checks that were nowhere near what he campaigned on.
The economy recovered such that people were able to pay their rent despite the increases. Moratoriums ended yet mass evictions didn’t happen. People were doing far better than under Trump.
He was able to bring inflation down, but the impacts were felt far and wide. As for stimulus checks those were written and voted on by Congress. Congress was Republican during Bidens presidency. He did sign executive orders to speed up the dispersal and to expand SNAP to try to help families. But if the people who fund the stimulus check (Congress) don’t fund it, there is nothing to give out.
They should at least have voted third party… I think many people should have voted third party… Why do so few people vote third party?
because voting third party is useless and only helps trump to win since you’re wasting your vote
Still better than not voting at all. Would not give the same signal if republicans win with 40% of votes VS winning with more than 50% of votes.
Additionally, if the regular voting base for third parties grows, it exponentially makes more sense voting third party.
It is like driving backwards away from a really near wall where you parked sideways against it: you have to get just a bit closer to the wall with your nose, but as soon as the tail starts to get away from the wall, the distance grows exponentially faster over time.I think best for US would be alternative conservative parties besides republicans.
In a first past the post voting system like america has, third parties will never get a significant amount of votes. Even if they would get like 5%, which would be a lot for a third party (10 times the amount of the green party in 2024), it would make no difference whatsoever on the election outcome. Sure the winning party might have a smaller margin on the popular vote, but that’s totally irrelevant since you can win the election without a majority on the popular vote anyway.
Then 5% of the population has wasted their vote, and if they’re smart they won’t repeat that mistake by the next election and make their vote actually matter. I don’t think the exponential thing works because people who voted third party will probably regret their decision as it leads to a win for the greater evil party.
I agree that if you do not live in a swing state, your vote doesn’t really matter anyways and voting third party might make sense. However in general, voting a third party only makes sense when at least 1/3 of the population does the same, which is never gonna happen.
The only way for America to get out of this two party competition, is to change the voting system and make it actually proportional like a real democracy. Obviously neither of the parties will ever change the system because it benefits them, so that change might require some significant events to happen…
Well, you are right 😌 I’m just too optimistic, but that is a personal trait that I know I have 😸
If they are too apathetic to vote for dems, they certainly won’t go out of their way to make a statement and vote third party.
Which kinda defeats the purpose of a vote in my opinion 😅
Very, very well put. I voted for Kamala as well, and this is what I’m trying to scream from the rooftops. The democrats seem to see the current populist moment as an excuse to phone it in. It keeps blowing up in the face, and they keep saying “oh well, I guess we need to move right / let the voters learn their lesson”
That’s literally the program which benefits their donors.
Even the existence of the phrase “vote blue no matter who” is a dead giveaway as to why the Democrats failed… Again.
You cannot run entirely on simply not being the other party. That is not enough to entice voters on the fence. You might think it is and those people on the fence are too stupid so they should just “vote blue no matter who”, but clearly that hasn’t been fucking work for the Democrats.
Trump begging to be king should have been enough. The fact that it wasn’t shows it’s not just ‘what the democrats do’ it’s that people are fucking stupid and hateful. Hell the VP doesn’t even know where this country came from. These people are not American. They’re traitors to the red coats and don’t even know what that means.
The fact that it wasn’t shows it’s not just ‘what the democrats do’ it’s that people are fucking stupid and hateful.
Well here’s the thing: The average person does not, in fact, care about nebulous ideas like democracy. And why would they? Why did the democracy people do for them? Hint: The answer is nothing. That’s why they vote Republican, because Republicans promise change rather than more of the same.
The average person does not, in fact, care about nebulous ideas like democracy.
Then they are profoundly stupid and have no right to live in, and benefit from, a democracy. They shame the people who died to give it to them.
And why would they?
Because people died to give it to them and they benefit GREATLY from it.
Why did the democracy people do for them? Hint: The answer is nothing.
Ignorant comment. Look up the democrat’s voting history. It is full of votes in favor of the middle/lower classes. They gave me affordable healthcare when I was young and poor. The last democrat president forgave part or all of a lot of people’s student loans. It also isn’t just about what they do, it’s about what they don’t do. Like shit on the Constitution. Strip women of rights. Deconstruct our federal government. Fire a bunch of veterans. Destroy our allegiances.
because Republicans promise change rather than more of the same.
Sure, but the change is always negative. Economically and socially.
It is full of votes in favor of the middle/lower classes.
I wouldn’t call it full of them, but this statement is in essence true. However, they don’t go nearly far enough. The Democrats promise bandaids as the country is dragged towards late stage capitalism hell by the ultra rich, and then they apply some of those bandaids as the country is—predictably—dragged toeards late stage capitalism hell by the ultra rich. The Republicans promise to end that and finally Make America Great Again. This strikes close to home because things have been getting worse for the majority of people for the last four decades, so when someone tells them that’s the cultural Marxists’ fault and if we end DEI things will get better like they were in the pre-DEI past they listen. That’s what I meant by democracy not doing anything for them; the bandaids don’t feel like they matter when they do nothing about the guy squeezing the wound for blood.
Sure, but the change is always negative. Economically and socially.
That’s what they actually do. What they promise to do is Make America Great (and white) Again. It’s the fascist playbook to the letter; they redirect the working class’s resentment rooted in their worsening circumstances from the ruling class to an imaginary enemy (Jews, immigrants, etc) that they then persecute while promising their followers that one more pogrom and things will get better. There’s only one counterplay to this and it’s to actually go after the ultra rich and build a more equitable society.
You ignore one simple fact.
The GOP always votes Red, no matter who.
It takes two sides to have a reasonable discussion, but only one side to start a war.
It’s a war and you’ve been invaded.
The GOP always votes Red, no matter who.
How’d that work out?
Seriously, if your plan is to follow the same path as Republicans, does that mean you think it’s worked out well for them the last 20 years?
Are republican voters being taken care of by their elected officials or did having no standards and excusing everything their party did just make it so the most corrupt candidate advances to the general?
What is different about Dems that would make the result be literally the opposite, and how much more time do you think we should waste seeing if it works?
Instead of running a charismatic candidate with a progressive which statistically results in the presidency, House, and Senate?
Why not take the easy path that gets us what we want instead of the hardest path where we get the least reward?
The GOP always votes Red, no matter who.
How’d that work out?
They won, and kicked 79 Million people out of health insured status.
GOP also always picks a Republican head of the FBI when they’re in charge. So does the Democratic president. Why is that?
You may want to inform party leadership there’s a war on, they been out here trying to pull a muscle reaching across the aisle.
Except the GOP doesn’t always vote red, not matter who. I am friends with several people who are still registered Republicans that did not vote for Trump either time.
Fucking echo chambers are dangerous man.
Trump had a difference of less than a million votes between this election and his first. You friends are anecdotes that don’t move the needle. They are the exception not the rule.
Herman Cain was Trump’s pal, I guess that means Trump’s not a racist, right?
The GOP always votes Red, no matter who.
They literally don’t though. They voted for Trump because they liked him, not because he ran as a Republican. There’s that phenomenon where Trump voters also vote for candidates like AOC or Bernie Sanders, so… Yeah.
A lot of people that voted for Bernie back in the day voted for Trump and then AOC down ballot in 24.
The far left cannot fathom people making those choices or existing at all it seems. But they really do.
deleted by creator
A lot of people that voted for Bernie back in the day voted for Trump and then AOC down ballot in 24.
Suuuuuuure they did buddy…
Now get to sleep so the Easter Bunny has time to hide the eggs.
AOC was surprised and when she tried to talk to people to understand why they would vote for her and Trump the left threw a fit and yelled at her.
Y’all are in deep denial about this shit apparently.
Oh ok…
That’s saying more people voted her and trump in 2024 than voted her and trump in 2020.
Not what you claimed it said.
That number includes people who voted Republican up and down ballot in 2020 just as much as it includes people who voted D for both in 2020.
far leftcannot fathom people making those choices or existing at all it seems. But they really do.Milquetoast liberals are about as much in denial about this as the hard left socialists, maybe even more so.
I definitely feel the denial rates on this particular topic lessen the more towards center you get, but I get your point.
The fascist party always votes for fascists without thought? Who woulda guessed.
Guess we gotta be fascists and vote without thought to beat them! Why has no one just tried to out fascist fascists before, it’s so simple and you’re so smart for coming up with that strategy.
So what’s your plan?
How do we get Trump out? Create a 3rd Party in under 24 months?
Any usable ideas?
Acknowledge the problems Americans are actually facing, pick the leaders of the thousands of protests currently happening as grass roots campaigners, identify of those leaders who has the admin experience to do the boring jobs of an elected official, while folding in the hundreds of third party reps already in office by simply taking their talking points into the platform. Ideally make a show of rejecting corporate funding and roll some union leaders into the party to provide easy consistent funding sources.
People are happy to vote for things, if they believe you’re not a cop or corporate puppet, like Harris or Clinton respectively.
Oh, and public executions for people that think you can’t have a third party in fptp even when one party falls entirely out of favor.
So, the same people who didn’t show up for Bernie in 2016, 2020, and 2024 are suddenly going to come to the polls now?
People keep posting like there’s this giant army of leftists out there. I haven’t seen them yet, and don’t plan on counting on them.
Also, your plan is remarkably light on details. Are these people going to be voting in Dem primaries, or creating a 3rd party.
And there’s not one candidate named. Just some vague Not Hillary Clinton.
Yes, the people that thought sanders had no chance due to dnc corruption that they were objectively correct about will mobilize for someone without that restriction. If sanders were to start a third party he alone would ensure the dnc never gets another candidate in office. And he’s a moderate.
Because of the rules on civility, I’m going to say this as absolutely nicely as I can. Who the fuck are you to demand more from a random on the internet than the entire democratic party has ever given anyone?
It’s a more concrete plan than continuing to go far right as the Dems did in the last two elections where they lost.
M4a has around a 70% approval rating in polls, as does measures like focusing on green energy, taxing the rich, providing free college, retraining police, and reducing the power of the executive. Hell even ubi has over 50% in most polls. “Leftist” policies are popular. Hell socialism is extremely popular. You just can’t use the word socialist or communist thanks to 80 years of you people existing.
I asked for a plan. You don’t have one. You can’t even name a candidate. And somehow this is all my fault.
That is not enough to entice voters on the fence.
It’s your hellscape, fence-sitters. Idiots. If only you could have done something, any one goddamn thing to have avoided this gutting of democracy, this looting of generations of social capital, demonizing of progressive causes and the establishment of a russian vassal state.
But I understand the candidate was not exciting enough to get off the fence.
You coulda been somebody, Charlie, you coulda been a contender.
Oh my God it’s like talking to a brick wall with you people.
The Democrats have been running on a platform of “we aren’t Trump” for 3 elections in a row. They lost two of them.
This loss falls on Democrat leadership far more than it falls on the people on the fence.
The fact is the Democrats failed to convince enough people they were the better option. Mostly because they tried the same strategy against the same opponent 3 fucking times.
It’s the type of mentality of the people who burned medicine women as witches because they got sicker after refusing treatment.
If you tell them a bad result will happen if they stay the course, they’ll be yelling at you when the bad result happens
Their brains just link the person who warned them with the bad result, and they can’t accept that they were wrong.
The good news is people like that no longer run the DNC.
This loss falls on Democrat leadership far more than it falls on the people on the fence.
Sounds like you like making excuses for shitstain losers who sit around waiting for a political party to court them instead of doing their fucking homework and making responsible decisions.
And you’re still not getting it.
This is actually hilarious to watch. You’ve got multiple people in here explaining it multiple ways and y’all still can’t wrap your heads around it.
And you’re still not getting it.
Nah bud, you’re not getting it.
Politicians come and go. Political parties go through phases where they’re better and worse at advertising themselves. The American voters who failed to do their civic duty by responsibly informing themselves, choosing instead to sit around and wait for a party to court them until they felt appeased, will still be there next go around, waiting to not do their civic duty again, entirely dependent on whether they feel a party appeased them enough or not.
Because they’re too fucking lazy to do simple things like looking up the voting history of said party. I did. Now I don’t need Democrats to court me like I’m some dipshit prom queen because I KNOW they are the better option, whether they court me or not.
And you’re still digging. This is fucking comical.
Keeping calling those people who didn’t do exactly what you wanted a bunch of fucking idiots. I’m sure that will win them over for next time!
Democrats “Vote for us no matter what or you’re an uneducated fuckwit”
Also Democrats “I can’t believe acting like elitist snobs and calling people who might have voted our way idiots didn’t work!”
Just keeeeeep doubling down.
2028 is gonna be really rough for y’all if you keep this mentality the whole time.
Sounds like you making excuses for a shitstain party who sits around waiting for wins to come to them instead of learning from mistakes and fixing those mistakes next time.
So, setting aside the validity of this perspective, you do run into one problem: You can’t import new voters. These are the hand you’re dealt and complaining about them accomplishes nothing.
Non-contributing rage bait. The Democrats were wrong. The Democrats still are wrong. And the Democratic presidential candidate was infinitely better than her opposition.
Nuance motherfucker do you speak it.
Nuance motherfucker do you speak it.
We now have definitive proof that most people do not.
Nuance motherfucker do you speak it.
“If they dislike my party, they must support the other party, nothing else exists, right?”
In a two party system, especially when there’s no clear “I don’t like either” option then yes, nothing else exists. When you don’t vote you’re not saying “I don’t like either party” you’re saying “I don’t care which party wins”. If you don’t care which party wins then you’re in support of both parties.
Yes but in discussing politics we are not relegated to the same limitations we have in voting. Thus there is no contradiction between voting down-ballot Democrat, then going home and tweeting “I hate Dick Cheney and the Democrats.”
OP makes a clownish commentary on this. If someone did not vote blue who probably should have, shame on them, but the Democrats are still wrong.
Yes, political discussions are not as limited in options as voting and there absolutely should be a political discussion about the Democratic party. They suck, have sucked and will continue to suck, unless they change.
And I agree that there’s no contradiction. I’d even go as far as to say there was no contradiction in voting for Harris and then tweeting “the democratic candidate sucks”, because you have to vote for someone and Trump (clearly) was the worse option.
My point was rather that if you dislike a party and you don’t vote for them then you are in support of the other party, even if you don’t vote at all. The nuances get kicked out when it comes to voting.
My point was rather that if you dislike a party and you don’t vote for them then you are in support of the other party, even if you don’t vote at all
And that is a dog shit point. An easy example: California. Nobody who didn’t vote in CA supported Trump by not voting, unless you don’t know how elections work
Stop trying to blame those not at fault you weird authoritarian
Just because the electoral college is a stupid thing doesn’t mean I’m not right. Had it been a popular vote those non-votes would’ve mattered.
Had it been a popular vote those non-votes would’ve mattered.
Why yes, if it was a completely different situation then it’d be a completely different situation
10/10 you dolt
ok fair but not relevant to my own point post it somewhere relevant next time if you want me to support lol
Ever heard of third parties? I’ve voted Green Party since I could vote. There is the Libertarian, Reform, Constitutional, and several other parties.
Yeah, they’re the non-vote parties. FPTP voting always devolves down to 2 parties, see Duverger’s Law. Even if by some miracle a 3rd party wins (and continues winning) they will eventually kick one of the previous 2 parties out and take their place as the new party in the 2 party system. In practice if my memory doesn’t fail me voting 3rd party hasn’t mattered for over a century because the 2 main parties are so entrenched, so voting for 3rd party is more or less throwing away your vote.
Well I would rather throw my vote away then vote for murdering sociopaths
And it’s telling that so many people didn’t care whether the dictator or Democrats won, isn’t it? If you’re making the case between yourself and a megalomaniac, and the majority of Americans shrug and go about their day, what the hell are you doing wrong?
“If you dislike pancakes that must mean you LOOOOVE waffles right?”
No bitch thats a brand new sentence wtf is you talking about.