What else would a coward do?
He couldn’t even follow through on his fight with clothing store mannequin Mark Fuckerberg.
Even though he’s just 5’7" and 155 lbs, I don’t think I’d want to take Zuckerberg on.
I’ve got half a foot and a hundred pounds on him, I would jump at the opportunity.
I don’t even know you but I’d jump at the opportunity to watch that
Eh, I don’t think he’s been upgraded to the liquid metal version yet so you’d probably be OK.
He a bitch like asmongold
Asmongold looks like he smells of cum and teenage girl perfume
That seems to be his appeal, if you can believe that. He serves as validation for a specific type of degenerate lifestyle I think moreso than his views.
I stopped paying attention to asmon after he started openly supporting genocide of muslims and brown folk. Has he doubled down on that stance in the last few months?
Edit: downvotes from asmon stans on lemmy? Quick poll to the downvoters: what’s your instance? I have a guess, but I want to see if I’m right.
Never been a fan. He shows up in my feed sometimes.
Recently someone called him Jew, prejoratively, and he not only was offended but like, really angrily corrected the record that he’s German, ok? (I guess to him this is the opposite of Jewish?) and idk just the whole interaction and his demeanor in that moment was a bright red flag.
This was all in the wake of the Elon fake gamer shit. Maybe I read into that small interaction too much but my Nazi senses went 5 alarm.
I did a quick search after I made the comment, and noticed that he cut ties with otk after his genocide comments and has begun his transformation into full right wing nutjob. I’m not surprised he doubled down on being a shithead.
He’s a mediocre gamer at best
And nobody is surprised even slightly.
Is anyone surprised? Elon is dumb, but he’s knows better than to go up against Jon.
They should have Mike Myers go on as Elon and do a mock interview.
Typical far-right behavior. They stay in their safe spaces and pay to artificialy amplify their unpopular messages.
What was it, like a quarter of all the accounts on Facebook and Twitter are just AI chat bots trying to get people to engage?
Lol a quarter? I doubt even the real ones comprise a quarter.
I’m shocked. Right up there with his cage fight with Zuck. He can’t handle pressure. He got booed at Chappelle’s standup show, and reportedly locked himself in his office to the point where people had to check on him and were worried he was self harming. He’s fucking 10 ply.
He’s fucking 10 ply.
Okay, I almost did a literal spit-take when reading that. I had just taken a sip of coffee.
Well done. 🤣
That’s a Texas-sized 10-4 good buddy
You knows, I’d normally not be okays withs callin a guys soft. As my women studies teacher says it’s only the performance of the’s masculinities and the threats of takins its away that keeps the cycles of the patriarchies going. That’s beings saids, Elon’s nots exactly what’s the kids today’s are calling woke.
He got booed at Chappelle’s standup show
Even as much of a hot mess as Chapelle has become, I assume that Musk had to pay him to come onstage with him. I wonder how much it was.
He’s spare parts.
Not at the rate of his drug usage… His parts wont even be usable.
His fucking parts have been trash since the original unboxing.
Geez, Elon self-harming? What’s not to like?
He’s too weak to make a proper job of it.
That’s extremely thick toilet paper
10 ply = soft
I think it means 10 pieces glued together
It’s not meant to be taken literally, but as a blatant hyperbole. The joke is referencing the fact that 2 ply toilet paper is notably softer than 1 ply toilet paper, and extrapolating that to the fictitious extreme of 10 ply toilet paper which, if possible, would be unbelievably soft. It’s from the show Letterkenny, as are a bunch of the other things people are commenting in response.
Oh, I thought it was a plywood reference which didn’t really make sense in context. 10-ply plywood is pretty badass.
That’s a pussy in your country?
Surprising nobody.
Well at least we know why trump grabbed on to him.
What a fucking coward. I was actually excited for this. I should have known better.
To be honest, I’m less disappointed by this than I am with his avoiding a good ass kicking by Zuck.
I mean I hate both of those people so the idea of one winning a fight didnt excite me.
Ask yourself this, why would he do anything that makes you excited? He wouldn’t. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and it doesn’t help him.
I also still want him to fight Mark Zuckerbutg.
He has nothing to gain from talking to intelligent people. They will easily show how dumb he is.
What a shock. Jon wouldn’t hold back punches, and Musk knows that. Musk only goes on Podcasts where the host’s opinions change depending on the guest.
For me the weirdest moment was when Joe Rogan - before the election - said that Musk “saved us”. Not “is going to save us”, already saved us.
Drumpf also alluded to “he’s got the best coders, it’s just one line of code,” fElon will hand us the win! Before the election.
fElon also said before the election, “If he [Drumpf] doesn’t win, I’m probably going to prison,” [sic] alongside President Elect Drumpf
During the 2000 election, the Diebold electronic voting machines used in many states stored results in an Access database. Kids today wouldn’t understand how disastrously insecure that was (Access DBs had an audit table that was manually editable). I have zero doubt that newer machines have similar “flaws” baked in (even if they didn’t use Starlink as was reported briefly), making the results absurdly easy to rig.
There’s also a huge huge risk of speaking with a master debater (yw). Smart people are everywhere. People who are genuinely good at debating are terrifying to argue with. It’s a rabid animal except they have facts and logic and easy to understand, well structured arguments. It’s infuriating.
Wish my school has offered debate.
Of course he did, he was never serious about doing an interview as Jon would absolutely bury him alive
I’m sure he’ll be on Joe rogan again getting verbally fellated and reassured that he dodged a bullet not going on the violent left wing propaganda deep state media show
From what I’ve seen, if you watch any of Rogan you’d find that he’s not actually shouting MAGA to the heavens. He’s literally the “I’m just asking questions” guy, a useful idiot who normalizes right-wing thought for them, not the place they go for reassurance. Bannon and the like are the ones saying crap like deep state conspiracy.
Mischaracterizations are what fuel the right’s rhetoric when they try to say we don’t know what we’re actually talking about.
I think this used to be true, but not so much anymore.
Oh no he pretends to be balanced to some degree but he’s completely bought into the maga propaganda. He may be a useful idiot, but he’s a useful idiot who is all in 100%. They’re not mischaracterizing him at all.
Bannon is smart enough to know it’s all a means to an end but nobody’s going to him for reassurance. Especially not Musk. Bannon loves shit talking Musk.
Rogan literally said Musk “saved us” - before the election no less.
Him “smoking” the spliff on that show was the epitome of a “pick-me”.
Did his mom tell him no? Like with the Zuckerberg fight?
I knew he was going to pussy out. Conservatives who are routinely in the public eye can’t survive outside of their safe spaces. That’s why Republican politicians are cancelling their town halls. They can’t handle anything other than a gentle interview on FOX or OAN with the questions sent to them ahead of time so they can get their answers from the heritage foundation.
the right suddenly stopped talking about masculinity is jaw-dropping
It’s insulting to president musk and his fat, gross lap dog.