I would also like a sign, we can just like tape it on
Messy sex and being bathed afterwards? Yes please
Note to self; sex swing in oversized bathroom shower for easy bathing? Jelly-legs and lube in a shower can be dangerous after all
Just make the whole bathroom waterproof at that point. Like a Japanese one, or the ones in the super-premium
hospitalshotels with free drugs and slippers.
To be fair, In a lot of places I’ve worked, an appeal from the microwave would be FAR better received than from coworkers.
Your mom
Licking is not enough
DO NOT fuck the microwave
Just gonna get a little cancer, Stan, tell Mom it’s fine. Can you hand me a beer?
isn’t microwave radiation non ionising?
it is if you get it excited enough
Instructions unclear
This got a genuine, full-bellied lol from me. Thank you
Why is this not a default part of aftercare?