U.S. officials familiar with the planning said options for “reclaiming” the vital waterway include close cooperation with Panama’s military and, absent that, possible war.
…Are we the baddies?
Have been for a very long time. (love wkuk)
This is probably to intern us. FYI
The Orange Turd is planning on taking a shit on Panama.
Can we please just invade the White House and depose Donald? Seems better for America.
Exactly. He is the root cause of all of our issues. But going this route will cause a civil war - he still has many die hard supporters who are now unemployed and have too much time on their hands, not to mention the propaganda on social media… who will defend trump until everyone is dead. I can see some of his supporters stepping away if there is a draft. The upside, if there is a civil war Russia won’t be able to help Trump since they’ve been losing at their war for a few years.
Imagine sacrificing your youth and life to serve your country… And you are given commands by this orange turd…
There is no way my son will be serving in a Trump army, fighting in a Trump war. You know that it will be incompetently managed, with more of an emphasis on making sure lots of government war contracts go to those who have properly kissed his ass and paid bribes/kickbacks, rather than the safe and effective deployment of our troops.
So many things these days scream, “I want action, screw results!” It’s almost like as society we don’t understand mid/long term thinking anymore and are just constantly chasing instant gratification while digging deeper and deeper into the hole we’re trying to get out of.
The market demands results, all hail capitalism. It’s only burned the house down twice.
Case White. Next we will plan an attack on France through the low countries…
Clipperton and St Pierre and Miquelon are just there, up for grabs.
Illegal wars are a wonderfull distraction from kleptocracy.
Sheesh, if I had $1.1 trillion every time a Republican administration tried that trick…
technically it’s not a war it’s a ‘спецопера́ция’
Ah yes, the fabled ‘special operations’ thing.
Why aren’t the democrats doing anything?
If thousands of Panamanians need to die to make people finally give in and support Pete Buttigieg that’s a price they’re willing to pay
It would be rude.
then-President Jimmy Carter transferred sovereignty to Panama in the late 1970s.
We’re literally just invading another country to take their property. Which to be fair IS a long rich American tradition, but gawdamnit it has to stop.
No no no, they’re invading another country to checks notes stop the flow of fentanyl where 901955% of it flows through.
What did we hear from Trumpers last year, that he was the candidate for peace or some such shit?
He was angling for the Nobel peace prize in Ukraine but I guess he figured out it was too hard
His buddy Vlad won’t allow that!
They meant a candidate for ‘piece.’ A piece of this country, a piece of that country.
Ah, my mistake lol.
There goes the element of surprise.
Scream loudly if you carry a little orange dick.
- Roosevelt
May he choke on his own flayed cock force fed to him… but he’s really quite the idiot. If he hadn’t fired the competent leaders of the military, he could have just asked them to pull the pre-made plans out of the file drawer. I don’t remember if it was at the end of bush’s term, or when Assange released documents, but there was a period where the fact was being talked about on everything from radio stations to the local pubs that the US had ‘just in case’ plans for many of their allies. I would also put money on most countries having vague guidelines and goals drawn up for emergencies where a dickhead in an allied country takes power.
If they didn’t have defence plans before, they sure do now!
Called it. Can’t be arsed to look up the exact comment but I literally said he’d park a carrier on each end of the canal and would do this.
Yeah, I believe you. This was relatively predictable from him.
Sigh… Worst timeline.
If this happens the government MUST be overthrown. If your tax dollars are being used to fund the unjustifiable murder of innocent people, you’re just as guilty as the ones doing the shooting. It would be better that we lose millions in a nuclear civil war than become the new Nazis.
If your tax dollars are being used to fund the unjustifiable murder of innocent people
People of the US military: look up “illegal orders” and “Nürnberg” as long as you can find those terms.
'Illegal orders”? Why do you think was the reason for Hegseth to fired JAGs?
“illegal orders” and “Nürnberg”
American and British courts, as a general rule, refused to accept as a defense the plea of obedience to a superior’s illegal orders under any circumstances.