Jus soli (birthright citizenship based on where you are born) is not that common to be fair. I don’t think it’s the standard in Europe for example. You have to reside (legally) in a country for a certain number of years AND pay taxes for them to be eligible to get citinzenship
That sounds like just another method of exploitation. No dig at any specific countries. I just know in the US this will be used to exploit, isolate, and entrap people.
it’s very common in colonial societies like most of the Americas. without this type of law there wouldn’t be any American citizens. even before the 14th amendment we had birth right citizenship by common law precedence
pretty much. we all grew up in the US being taught it’s a country of immigrants and the “bring me your weary your hungry your whatever masses to be free”
it’s actually kind of fascinating to see that ideology shift so fast it’s giving whiplash. turns out we actually kinda need these people for our economy otherwise we’ll end up like European countries with stagnating economies until we eventually get overrun by China
This is a pathway to Starship Trooper’s soldiers being guaranteed citizenship. Imagine having a child here and they aren’t a citizen but you are.
Jus soli (birthright citizenship based on where you are born) is not that common to be fair. I don’t think it’s the standard in Europe for example. You have to reside (legally) in a country for a certain number of years AND pay taxes for them to be eligible to get citinzenship
Here’s a map of birthright vs inherited citizenship. As you can see, most of the Americas have birthright citizenship.
That sounds like just another method of exploitation. No dig at any specific countries. I just know in the US this will be used to exploit, isolate, and entrap people.
I don’t really care how common it is?
Right especially because its cut and dry in the constitution. Don’t like it get a 2/3 majority to agree!
it’s very common in colonial societies like most of the Americas. without this type of law there wouldn’t be any American citizens. even before the 14th amendment we had birth right citizenship by common law precedence
In other words, birthright citizenship exists to increase the population size.
pretty much. we all grew up in the US being taught it’s a country of immigrants and the “bring me your weary your hungry your whatever masses to be free”
it’s actually kind of fascinating to see that ideology shift so fast it’s giving whiplash. turns out we actually kinda need these people for our economy otherwise we’ll end up like European countries with stagnating economies until we eventually get overrun by China
It’s never been our ideology in practice.
In reality it’s been, “Send us your weary your hungry masses to be worked to death and treated like lesser beings.”
The whole MAGA movement can be described as people who did not get the point in Starship Troopers.
Maybe they read the book instead of watching the movie?
They can read?
Imagine?? Lol
If that were the case we wouldn’t be in this mess!
It’s not guaranteed, but service does help get citizenship: https://www.uscis.gov/military/naturalization-through-military-service
Imagine if only old people ran the government… What a nightmare that would be… Ah fuck.