Is that actually a thing? I haven’t used Windows in a year.
remember this is 4chan? no it’s not real
Fake: confirmed
Gay: anon watches dudes’ dicks
It’s def a thing that is congregates your media and shares it to you, idk about others
I’m guessing it’s hyperbole based on microsofts newest push for its OS to save all your data to their servers instead of your own hdd and maybe a hint of the gross Windows Recall "feature"in win11.
Yes surely fake.
But anyone using MS OneDrive for personal stuff might want to check with some privacy advice - and I doubt MS are going to recommend doing that.
If MS is giving large increases in cloud storage and bandwidth for free/very cheap one wonders whether there’s anything in it for MS. Again MS might not feel the need to say.
No, absolutely not lol. DO NOT get feedback from how Windows behaves on Lemmy.
Seriously since when Windowd does this ? Asking for a friend so they don’t accidentally send me their porn.
Obviously it doesn’t
Removed by mod
Those saying it’s not a real thing, it kind of is but not as how green text suggests. My dad, for reasons, had certain images of a flirtatious neighbor (uuuuugghhh!!) and also had a OneDrive app on his phone for work which has a habit of deciding quite randomly what to share.
According to him, which do take this with a grain of salt, OneDrive shared these photos not just with IT at his job, but frequently threatened to share the images with contacts. Also, his Alexa app got in on the fun and displayed the images to his echo show… I needed eye bleach.
Can this be done on PC? Y’know, plausible. I’ve had windows randomly make porn my wallpaper before, and that was in my spare drive and in a folder labeled 2005 tax info. And that wasn’t even recent, who knows now.
A grain of salt? I’ll take this with a bag of salt if you don’t mind
Technologically impaired pervy old people and Windows are always a bad mix.
I was once the trigger to fire an old accounting guy from a company because I was helping him do something with a cloud feature of office and a porn notification showed up. He had inadvertently installed some notifications from a porn website.
After the awkwardest silence in history I had to inform him that I needed to report that to management. He just said, ok.
IT later discovered that he was not only watching porn on company time. He was also taking creep pictures of female coworkers and saving them to the company gdrive. Upon further inspection, he was not only a pervert, he was also embezzling money. We had to file several criminal charges against him.
I guess the old adage of ‘break only one law at a time’ holds true. If he weren’t a pervert we never would’ve noticed the stealing.
I worked Apple support for a while and I’d have people call in convinced of the craziest things about their devices.
Yup! Actually, it’s not just old age, alcohol played a part too. Old + alcohol + Microsoft’s intrusive policies do lead to problems. Didn’t lose a job though, since it was clearly a mistake and he didn’t technically violate any rule. At the same workplace though, yhere was a guy who worked with the police department who did diddle kids, and they found out in a similar way (though that guy did kill himself though before going to court).
That’s an entire bag of manure
Agreed, i literally can’t imagine being so computer illiterate as to make the described events happen.
with how thoroughly I’ve seen my friends and family fuck up their pcs, the above story does not surprise me at all. I myself have had obscure issues with windows that other people find unbelievable.
Lol okay sure. That never happened, oh hey want to buy this portable black hole I’ve got in my garage?
The heck kind of windows did that? Never heard of the photos app doing either of those things, especially sending emails without your permission.
Yea… /r/thathappened
It’s a joke I laughed (Linux user)
Back when I was a kid we downloaded Napster and shared everything. Now the tech giants are Reverse-Napster and sharing everyone
They got big mad and decided to reverse Uno us.
I like the part where windows selects a random media you have in your web browser tabs to show on the lock screen. No way that could go badly for someone.
I had this once, and I don’t know why and how it happened. I live in a shared flat, otherwise I wouldn’t care. Ever since I use a veracrypt to store such stuff, so that it doesn’t happen ever again.
My work machine occasionally displays the contents of the active cell in Excel over the lockscreen. I can’t imagine this going wrong. It’s somewhat rare but I’m ready to take photos the next time it happens, could yield some bug bounty.
Source? Never heard of this before.
Maybe they’re the one person who uses Edge. I could see Edge pulling that kind of shit.
Nope, Firefox.
That doesn’t exist. I’m looking at the page right now and this does not exist.
Ohhhhhh, you meant to say media player controls not media. This actually makes sense, and is valid if you’re the type of person who never looks at settings and expects
Microsoftany corporate software engineer ever to take your privacy to heart.It’s also how your phone (regardless of make) and the other major OS vendor both work. It’s also how the bluetooth in your car works. You dont have to like it but if you refuse to look at device settings you’re gonna get boned at some point.
Blame Firefox for, 15 years after release, finally integrating with the system-wide media API.
No, I’m going to blame Windows. My phone is in my pocket or face down on my desk when it’s locked so whatever i’m listening to isn’t visible I can’t very well do this with a monitor. There’s exactly zero reason for this functionality to exist on a desktop especially if they’re not even going to give you an option to turn it off. There’s no setting in windows for this. I’ve looked. There no setting to turn this off without doing it through the media control setting in firefox which takes your keyboard media controls down with it. That’s not a fix.
What the actual fuck. You know, I lock the screen because I don’t want people to see what I am doing.
I’m certain they do this maliciously.
Cinnamon DE does that on my Linux system.
doesn’t bother me because anyone snooping deserves to be traumatized. However, it’s linux, I’m sure there’s a setting for that.
There’s no less than two GUI for that setting, because the two devs got mad at each other and forked it. Only one GUI actually work, but it’s not the one that your distro ships with. Once you manage to compile the right GUI, you’ll find that in your version, because you didn’t get the optional libs from an obscure Russian website that’s been static since 2007, it only works if you run it right after killing the screensaver timing process. Otherwise you have to edit an undocumented .config file, and do it everytime you reboot your system… Unless you remember that there’s a special variant of vi to edit the screensaver config file.
I love Linux, but sometimes I don’t feel the love go both ways.
This is 100% bullshit. Zero of this is accurate. Cinnamon IS a fork of gnome 3 but that’s it
Don’t lie on the Internet for attention. It’s embarrassing
This is 100% bullshit. Zero of this is accurate. Cinnamon IS a fork of gnome 3 but that’s it
Don’t lie on the Internet for attention. It’s embarrassing
Uh dude, did you notice the “/s”? It’s not lying, it’s sarcasm
Yeah, found it under screensaver settings, 2nd tab.
Wait, seriously?!
but why tho
I once lived somewhere I was sharing wifi with the neighbors, any time I’d right click on some porn Windows would give the option to stream it to their smart tv, I could not figure out how to disable it so this no longer happens.
Did it only offer this for porn?
Any media file also
that is a much less interesting tech anomaly
I love that anons can’t realize that this is obviously fake and intentional to make you paranoid enough to make the unix/linux swap. Windows recall is here. This post is fake for now…but it’s a matter of time folks
This makes me distrust Linux more coincidentally. If someone keeps telling me over and over to use something I am less likely to have positive opinion of it. That and I tried Linux for a home theater streaming client device and it was a train wreck. No proper HDR support, no Dolby Atmos, issues with VRR, display not remembering settings/DPI. I gave up and went to windows and was done with it in an hour.
Like none of these things are new but they still are unsupported unfortunately. Ive tried to use Linux a bunch of times but literally never could get a fully working system due to too new hardware, missing features, incompatibilities…
What if I told you your inability to do something was not an argument against it?
Ubuntu LTS has worked out of the box on 90% of PC hardware for over a decade
Yea it’s just the obsession that is so of putting to me. Like why does it have to be rubbed in my face constantly here. Sigh. I left Reddit since I did not agree with their policies and how they handled the API privatization/AI crap. All I’m saying is for a good chunk of people out there, and I venture it’s closer to 90% of the people, not 10%. It’s unworkable for one reason or another be it inability to understand the system or incompatibilities.
Y’all are a great group of people but just need to dial it back couple of notches for us normies.