By specific, I mean not general fears like fear of heights or spiders.
Very specific weird fear:
One time, when I was a kid, I was on a road trip and we stopped at a McDonalds for some food and to use the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and the floor, walls and ceiling all had the same tile covering them. I don’t know why, but when the door closed, I was so fucking terrified I made it halfway to the toilet and then turned around and ran out. It was such a strange experience and I have no idea why it got to me that bad.
Getting my eyeball cut by a snake plant or “Mother in Laws tongue”. Too many close calls as a child
My car breaking down at a railroad crossing while a train is coming towards me.
Honestly, as long as you can just coast across, you’ll be fine. The people who get into trouble are the ones who intentionally stop (like maybe a red light across the tracks) and then can’t start again. Even with the giant “do not stop on tracks” signs, people are just stupid and park across them anyways.
So just make sure you stop before the tracks, or that you have enough speed to get clear of them. There shouldn’t ever really be a scenario where you’re forced to actually stop on the tracks.
Losing all of my memories, and therefore proof that I’ve lived, to hereditary dementia.
Prion diseases. In order to work properly, proteins have to be folded in a certain way. Misfolded proteins typically don’t work as they should. Prions are misfolded proteins that cause other healthy proteins to misfold when they come into contact with each other. This causes all sorts of medical issues.
Mad Cow Disease is one of the more infamous prion diseases. In humans, it manifests as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It basically causes your brain to melt, as the proteins holding it together all get misfolded. It has a 100% fatality rate, typically within 1 year of initial diagnosis. Fatal Insomnia is another prion disease, where the area of the brain that controls sleep is affected, but the body’s need for sleep still persists. You just become totally unable to fall asleep, until you fucking die from sleep deprivation.
The big issue with prion diseases is that they’re totally 100% incurable and untreatable. Once you have come into contact with the prion, you have a death timer. Prions are also extremely resilient. They aren’t destroyed by time, decomposition, fire, or even caustic chemicals. So they’ll just sit there, waiting for someone to come into contact with them.
Waking up to find my partner dead. I used to leave for work while she was still deeply asleep so every morning before I kissed her goodbye I would have that moment of terror that when my lips touch her she would be cold.
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Absolutely not, all fears are valid.
I have a fear of being wrongly accused/arrested for something horrific, like murder, and then when I’m taken in for questioning I do what you’re supposed to and refuse to speak and ask for a layer, but that just makes everyone suspect me more and I end up in prison.
Trust me, STFU and stay strong. My wife watches stupid crime shows every night, and every night it’s a bunch of white trash happily talking their dumbasses off to the cops. Makes me want to scream.
Not much at this point. After having open heart surgery and having my heart stop a couple of times, I’m not really scared of much.
If it’s okay, would you explain why? Did you make your preparations in case of death, or are like “give your best shot, life”?
Really, the only thing I was scared of was needles. Well, I’ve been poked and stabbed more times since 2018 than I can count. Another blood draw and IV last Thursday in fact.
Your perspective on fear and pain changes once you’ve been cracked open like a lobster and laced back up with metal like a ballet slipper.
My coworker once had a paramedic push adenosine when he started having heart arrhythmia. The main side effect for adenosine is an overwhelming feeling of impending doom. Apparently it’s to help hit the reset button on your heart… But it also just happens to make you think you’re 100% going to die in the next two seconds. Apparently it was a full blown transformative experience for him.
I hear ya. Being told I was going to die within a couple years and getting my brain drilled through my skull, the normal petty fears melt away. Totally over the fear of needles now. You and are in the “I should be dead, IDGAF” club now 🤝
A year ago January I woke up in the hospital and a nurse comes in.
“Were you asleep about an hour ago?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Your heart stopped for eight seconds.”
“Um… ‘thank you’? I don’t know the correct response to that…”
That I’ll die before my kids are adults and I won’t be there to prepare them for the world.
Pool drains. Hate them. Whenever I go swimming, I always avoid them.
That is a rational concern:
(TW - pool drains)
The fear that humanity will never accomplish our full potential and will kill ourselves within the next century or 2.
That and the open endless ocean
The flesh eating disease. It’s everywhere and you can get it from a minor cut.
The what now? It’s where?
Congrats on your new fear.
Jesus. I long for simpler days, when my deepest fear was prions.
the WHAT disease??
Saws. The sound they’re making shakes me to my core and having to help someone who almost amputated their finger enforced that fear further
All saws, or just power saws? Do you have a similar reaction to all kinds of saws, or just specific ones? Table saws, band saws… How about chainsaws?
Pretty much any variation of power saw. The closer your hands are to the moving saw, the worse. Hand saws are cool tho. Love my Ryoba
I have an irrational fear of Beaker of the Muppets.